ForumsForum GamesDivide by Zero

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Boredom has caused me to need entertainment, so I decided to make a simple game. In this game, the forum will wright an insane and nonsensical story, one user at a time. The only real rule is you must add to the story, you can right a sentence, a word, draw a picture or whatever. It doesn't even have to make since, you just have to add to the story. Sound like fun? Now go forth and entertain me!

-------Story Start----------

Little Jimmy was sitting in his fifth grade class, which was strange since he was sixteen. And seven feet tall. No one really knows why they call him little Jimmy. Anyway, the teacher was talking about the letter 0. The teacher said the fatal words "Now class, you can add anything to zero and get the same number. You can subtract zero from anything and get the number you started with. You can multiply zero by anything and get zero back. But you can never divide by zero, it is simply impossible".
Little Jimmy, who was for some reason paying attention, looked up at the exact moment and said "Impossible you say? Wouldn't that just make zero to?"
The teacher looked down at Jimmy with sad eyes, shaking his head slowly as he contemplated sending Jimmy to Warm Springs, while replying "No, it is impossible. You see, dividing is just how many times the number can go into the other number. Since zero can not go into another number, ever, you can't divide by zero!"

But Jimmy was not deterred. Walking up to the board, he grabbed the chalk and began to wright on the whiteboard. "That may be true for most numbers..." Jimmy said, "what happens when you divide zero by zero?". As he wrote the forbidden letters, there was a blinding sound of thunder and a defining light....

  • 2 Replies
787 posts

In dividing zero by zero, Little Jimmy had created a Black Hole. The Black whole appeared in the middle of his classroom and sucked everyone in, including Little Jimmy. But when Jimmy went through, he did not find death, he found another dimension. He awoke on another planet. It was inhabited. There were houses, there were buildings, much like on Earth. He heard voices coming from the center of town. The creatures he saw looked like...

421 posts

purple monkeys with wings dressed all in camo holding sqirtguns

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