ForumsGames[necro] Paladog

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14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Post and discuss your favourite strategies/equipment/summons!

Personally, I'm a soloist, going through most levels with just Paladog himself, maxing out on the mana and mace skills. Seems to work. At least for now.

  • 104 Replies
413 posts

lvl 18:
A major problem of Darkdog is his high dependance on items, especially the basic sword's quality. It inspires the player to invest $$$ for enchanting it.
Though seldom it drops. Try bosses for guaranteed drop or something.
Still I lack anything but the very basic of it.
Managed to do this with lvl 11 shout, lvl 5 boar, and lvl 6 whale, and a lvl 5 giant sword.
Giant Sword I think knocks out the opponent, giving you time to regenrate and/or cause free damage.

The problem here is what I told above, nop need to brag more about it.

My strategy was to lay down Whales, because it DOES HEAL DARKDOG too. Despite what the description says.
When a giant crowed appeared with big witches, or simply a miner zombie appeared, I used the giant sword.
To avoid the flame of the chariot I had to constantly replace the Water Totem, but barely missed too much by it. Also I ran BEHIND the trojan horse (the chariot) instead of further to my side, as that distance was much shorter.
Also was wise to spare food for shout in case a hugh crowed WITH miner zombie appeared (the first miner zombie comes that way).
Still, in the end my damage wouldn't've been enough, so I called in boars (= pigs) to help me out. Fortunately no major crowed spawned on them.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Hmm, I should really restart this. Pity my game got wiped.

413 posts

I read in the comments old version liked to forget the saves, but never happened to me.
Heck, I was messing around, and the save must be somewhere on the computer, not online, because an other site showed the same savefile from AG.

lvl19-20: much easier than the blue level was. My setup for these levels are working setup: start with a whale or two, than summon 2 boar for emergency-cover and some damage between Darkdog's hits, than just replenish the Water Totems.

lvl 21: chickens attack only this distance: C X X E, so at best you can put two chicken behind a boar. But this is the same distance a whale works, and you need to heal your boar, so make it W C B E. Before the Boar, under the feet of the enemy, put flaming spot. This'll last for a long time if you replenish the boar (seems the chicken never expires, and the whale will last until your line crumbles). Than make a new setup one floor above.
Likely I did not mention, but this being hell diff and all, my jewelry is one food replenish and one mana replenish.

Some swords I tried:
Soul Scythe: the equivalent of food mace, but this is a terrible version.
Dimensional hammer: told to randomly teleport monsters. If that "randomly" would be behind you, that'd be good. But it is not. And it is way more expensive than trying your luck.
Wind rapier: finally a projectile-sword. The shot goes through all enemies present on the whole field as all projectiles in the game (think on Fist Mace).
Ice Sword is way too expensive compared to what it does (this is practically the freeze mace, but a much worse version, while even the original was not so good).

lvl 18: this was the point I no longer felt able to go with my default level weapon. I either needed a couple of levels with skills like "'add this to the currently equipped weapon" and "aura damages enemies", or a better quality default weapon. So I farmed the first boss for it, and finaly got lucky at lvl 18,and a lvl 5 one I got, the best quality item it seems falling there.

Not much problem after that. The Witch can't turn the protagonist into frog. The problem is the number of units, and that too for only the healing of the whale(s), so start summoning some boars AFTER you eliminated the Cave-wave (else they might be slaughtered).
Occasionally some miner zombie comes, and hugh groups when you battle the Witch herself so you should preserve mana for using the knockback-sword (or whatever you have/brought/prefer). But otherwise very doable. If you have the weapon.

PS: Darkdog's survival-mode is unlocked now. Paladog's survival mode was open as default.

Unfortunately it seems here the highest item is again lvl 5, so farming for jewelry if have to will again be at the first boss (lvl 3 manareg + lvl 1 foodreg is my best).

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Nah, I think I swapped browers.

413 posts


Hm, hm. I again meshed the numbers. Last post's "lvl 18" was 1-24.

2-1, 2-2: nothing new, and 3 is a green level.

Some new stuff:
Summon Blade summons a row of blade towards the enemy's side each damaging the enemy. Very costy though, and is a oneshot. Heck, it is exactly like the Earth Wave skill for Cloudstone (at 0:15 here).
Also new: equipment: Flame Blade: is deals massive damage, and leaves an afterburner effect on whoever survives the hit. The question is, how massive that hit is, given no specific damage is written anywhere of the weapons, especially as it costs a ton.
Note: I compared the damage of same level basic sword and the knockback sword, and the knockback's damage is substantially higher, so magic weapons are not just for the effect.

413 posts

lvl 4: nothing new

lvl 5: this level will teach ya to not stay inside the cave or else. A big group, or a simple big enemy can kill you, not to mention the cave-wave.
Boar seems to be outdated at this point (I bet even with heavy investment it'd only be valid for just a fistful of levels).
The blades can shorten the problem of the cave-wave, but a lot more food/food reg would be welcomed.
But as I am not in the hurry, I go every time I can with more xp and more gold, just on why not basis.

I wonder if Flame Blade would have any effect on the trojan horse. It certainly burns bosses...

413 posts

lvl 6: needed lvl 7 whale and lvl 4 swords. Only start to put down whale when being damaged, and always avoid the fire of the horse. Cast swords when food-meter is full (currently my max is 80).
Watch out for the Cyclops appearing around half of the trojan horse's hp, it is really though, so cast swords against it and do everything to get rid of it from safe distance.

Also did a little survivor with Darkdog, and in wave 4 he don't encounter himself
Either way I managed to get further than with Paladog, and got some nifty enchanter stones. No idea what the rule is to find them, but hopefully they can come at waves already played.

lvl 7: taught me another weakness of Darkdog: he gets close and personal, making him vulnerable. To deal with the coming stuff I had to consider the Cave-wave, my damage (including passive damage from aura), ranged enemies, the fact here are no ghosts (so I can put whales farther), and watch out for what currently comes out (it had a set big group coming just before 50% of cave-hp). Oh, this sentence lacks and ending. I tried to write I used basic sword, knockback sword, plus fire sword here (the Cave-wave really has a number of monsters, including big tvs and a miner zombie, and those hurt).
Juggling with my mana, food, and need to spend them, this was kinda something to brag about, where no summon could help - well, except if I'd grind for gold and unlock Earth Totem for total protection. although considering how much more awesome Fire Totem is, probably should avoid investing in it too much. Though considering I have 80 max food, and Fire Totem demands 150 per casting (and that is not even the most), or my food-ratio... It will be a long walk.

413 posts

lvl 8: lots of ghosts, no ranged unit - easy.

lvl 9: I have to face the fact, these (purple) levels allow you to use any of your remaining units, but none of your instant ones, so no shout, no summon swords - and no fire eagle. That one too must be an instant, but for 100 food one instant seems a little like cannon shoots a sparrow.
Also: no totem disappears just because it expires.
Problem here are mummies, which hit things from 2 grid distance. Very problematic. So I have to turn to the only source of damage I have from my units: Wind Totem, aka. Chicken.
After maxing it (hey, I never intended to use it forever) I started to invest into Boar. Because either that, or unlocking Earth Totem, and hey, what's experiments are for, especially as Boar is also not an endgame unit, not to mention I wish to check how the achievement-system works. Because for "unlock all units" unlocking only Paladog's units was enough. Ye, I ran through with Paladog on easy, because that's probably easier to gather 100million gold for one of the achievements.

Back to Darkdog: I simply ran green levels. To make something productive out of the endless grinding, I compared with and without more-gold amulets the results. Seems the jewelry has absolutely no effect on this level

In the end I won with lvl 20 chicken and lvl 10 boar, although the end of the level against the remaining (3) mummies was a little creepy me throwing around bananas and mines for instant damage, piling the mummies to one spot and all.

413 posts

lvl 10: nothing special

lvl 11: some giant heads come. They are less of a nuisance they could be as though they have a gazillion HP, they just stand there. And you weapon hits everything in its way, so when you whack them, you also whack the cave and anything else in between.

lvl 12: I either made very bad skill-choices which I doubt (seems it is a good way to cover your basic mana-need to use the basic sword, than add some overwhelming-preventing skills, and this point - I'm lvl 27 - start to invest everything to food), or you really have to grind. As I feel easier, and gold really comes better from green levels here, I'll just grind for pure gold (2320 gold if all coins are grabbed under 52 seconds of a run).
But I see the pattern I should follow: whales to cover hp-need and accumlating both mana and food until Cave-wave, when releasing a summon sword. Than pump back the mana and food, and start to summon boars. Destroy the Cave before the last whale expires - the kicker comes. Poison it (I don't think flaming worth it, but this is just a hunch) and let the boars attack it while Darkdog regains hp. Also cast swords to eliminate the coming ranged units.
Oh, and this level's high-punch enemy is cyclops, I hope with the planned level of swords I'll 1HKO it, or near.
If this won't work, I'll grind my backside off for a hugh Earth Totem to block the extra units behind the Kicker, but that would be extra ridiculous, so that's only last-resort.

413 posts

Another solution came to mind: if I'd not go near the cave, just cast poison and the wind sword, both weapon dealing projectile...

413 posts

lvl 12 solved: took a while, but passed. With lvl 15 boar, lvl 10 whale and lvl 7 swords. And poison dagger. It is important to keep it poisoned for the damage.
In the meanwhile I got bored from the green level, so tried something else. Went to the first boss (infinite horde of summons), and just stood there with exp amulets. I literally had to do nothing, the aura killed everything. Ok, everything except the very occasional pirate skeleton. It gave ca. half the raw gold as the green level, but also gave items and exp.
Bad news was that kicker also only gave lvl 5 items, so 100% I won't farm it.

lvl 13: nothing else but mummies. Keep in mind their incrised attack range, especially when the big ones come. Bring a thor's hammer to deal with the cave-wave.

lvl 14: mummies and pirate skeletons. Surprisingly the cave-wave did not contain high number of enemies, so poison dagger was better than thor's hammer. Keep your ditsance and you'll be fine.

lvl 15: green level. But this one messes with you. If you follow the coins, they'll lead you to collision. Considering the speed and sight-range this is a nasty trick.

413 posts

lvl 16-17: not much new, just have to be cautious for big thingies.

lvl 18: mummies and a living armour. You should constantly back from damage, even going back from the Horse's fire if you can. Put down a whale if you get damaged, but otherwise use your food to summon swords for extreme damage.
Also, ca. 50% hp of the Horse a big group spawns led by an axe-wielding armour. It is VERY dangerous. To deal with this group use flaming sword and summons swords in combo.
And that's it. Aside the sudden death threat the level is doable.

413 posts

lvl 19 teached me just because I can kill them, doesn't mean I can kill them. I have to turn more offensive, cast more damage-thingy over healing-thingy.

lvl 20: same.

At this point I made a little farming.
One result is, that now I see maxing boar did not unlock the maxing bear achievement. Not surprising, but good to know. Will not unlock the bear-achievement or any of its counterpart for a while still, as first I'll go for the "collect 100million gold" achievement. Now I only have 10million, and eg.dragons cost a lot. On easy diffictulty, at 5-21, my paladog can farm 500K-1M gold per go, and it also gains level, currently is lvl 170.
Talking about levels: my Darkdog at this point could be whatever level I want, because it can just stand at the very first boss and not dying, because its aura kills everything accumlating wealth and exp. So if get stuck, I have a solution

On green levels: they are not just scripted, but also the very same level, which always gets longer. Oh well.

lvl 21: you must have Earth Totem unlocked. There will also be ghosts, so plan accordingly.
My suggestion is to put an Earth Totem on the 2nd floor with a whale next to it, and a chicken in the back. At the start singled out monsters will come, so chicken can do relative damage while being cheap.
Next thing is to start building an Earth totem with 2 whales on the floor with Darkdog (let's call it first floor from now on), and hopefully another Earth Totem with at least 1 whale support behind it when you have the food.
During all this you must have sufficient mana to constantly lay down fire spots, and when the ghosts pass two ca. at the same time, because that will be your only source of damage.

Also if I may: as the next boss is like the first boss, I suggest investing into more damage by aura, and possibly slowing down enemies, which is only effective against melee units, but you want to be able to farm, as there it'll likely be much faster to gain level than at the first boss. At least that's what I'll do.

413 posts

lvl 22-23: not much, but better place an Earth Totem at the start of the Cave-wave.

lvl 24: seems you won't farm this just by standing around, the enemy being too hugh. Well, will come back and check after max aura, max aura damage, max slowdown by aura.
For now it is enough that I rose Summon Sword to 10 for immense damage and Earth Totem to lvl 4.
I'd need a bigger sword.

Suggested equipment for here: basic sword, knockback sword, thor's hammer.
You have to balance between laying down whales, casting swords, and find the right moment to lay down Earth Totem.
Also circumstancial which you want to use: knockback or lightnings.

Note on equipment: wind repier is just as bad as fist mace: only passes through oh-so-many opponents. Not good.
Also, bosses can not be teleported at all

Also bad news: this boss still only drops lvl 6 stuff. Not much of an advance.

Note on the android-version: the animations after defeating the bosses are missing on this platform. Don't ask why. But that's a reason to play it here (or watch them on youtube).

Good news: seems you get an enchanter-stone from every boss defeated in survival mode (maybe more on higher waves).

Note on survival mode:
- the gold you gain in campaign mode are not brought here
- the equipment you gain in campaign mode are not brought here (big shame! would give a reason to farm the dragon for those lvl 12 stuff!)
- the enchanter stones you gain in survival are available in campaign mode, and for both protagonists
- in survival mode you can buy&quothoenix feather" which you can use to resurrect if you die. As it costs diamond, and I did not found any yet for free, likely never will try out.
- in survival mode the shop never sells higher than lvl 1 equipment
- it is rumored on the net that in survival mode the max lvl of item you might find is lvl 5.
- in survival mode you may buy a special weapon "mace of gold" and "sword of gold" respectively. Each swing of them uses 1,000 gold. No idea what it does (yet), as it costs diamond (fortunately only 1 each). I'll definitely try them out later.

413 posts

lvl 200 sucks. The best farming place is 5-19, but it is best if your units are not too strong (low level, low "units attack with more strength inside aura" skill).
With that setup two dragons ahead, me being the third ghost paladogs will hit just make up an army of ranged units which precisely can hold the line, only slowly advancing, is safe and cool the same time.

Now with a lvl 200 protagonist dragons are too strong, rhinos are too fast, monkeys blow up spawners, but even lvl 20 turtles inside aura are too weak to serve as meatshield. Oh, and rabbits like to pierce into spawners too, so in the end they kill your source of gold, and that is not good.

So I really had to change my thinking, and came up with mostly summoning penguins, supported by rabbits to hold the lines, and when the enemy comes closer, I intervent with lightning and quickly thicken my line.
This way the mummy-bosses keep accumlating until too many ghost-paladogs come against which I can not heal my troops (the healing starts to eat my mana).
At that point I usually just destroy the mummy bosses with lightning, and if that line crumbles my troops will clean up the floor with the rest evidently.
In case disaster happens a single dragon can clean the whole floor.

Of course at this level the inventory gets filled, so don't forget every time to sell all the extra stuff, they can mean a couple hundred-thousand coins.

Currently I accumlated 22M. Working on the 100M.

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