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(I apoligize for this duplicate, but the former was posted while my account was not able to post threads, and thus ended up far back without anyone seeing it. Infact, it has 1 view. I believe that 1 view is mine. Plus it was late at night when i made it, so it was very sloppy.)

This will be a free-roaming game of sort, takeing place in the marvel universe. The universe created by Stan Lee, which the comics/movies/games/all of that of super hero's like Hulk, Spiderman, Thor, Captian America, Iron man, and many others. This is NOT the universe with batman, superman, green lantern ECT. This is not ment to be similar to other super hero forum games going on, as it is takeing place more or less, in a already established universe. I hope it ISNT similar, but it might be. However, you are not limited to being a super hero-vilian, as there are many other choices.

Here is the character sheet for you to fill out to get started. Also, to those more familiar with the marvel universe, this universe will be ment to be similar to earth-616.

Name: (If you need help for non-human names, just ask!)
Alias: (Your title/super hero identity. Not required)
Age: (More or less how to judge how people react. Somewhere between 13-80 please.)
Inventory: (Will be filled in, if needed, unless you want to put in your own reasonable tech and such)
Powers: (Anything out of the ordinary that you can do special. Please dont have to many, please dont have ones that are to strong. If you need suggestions, just ask!)
Race: (Please look below)
Description: (What you look like, if you need help on something like a skrull or a kree, just ask)
Costume/Clothes: (What your wearing, if you have a special costume of sorts for being a hero/villian, put it here. Otherwise, just your clothes/uniform)
Origin: (Not required. How you got to where you are now. Whats happened in your life. How you obtained your powers. Will help in starting your scenario)


Human: Regular, ordinary, human. Useful if your powerless, like the punisher, but still pack a punch.

Mutant: A human who, sometime after birth, developed powers. Most humans are racist against mutants, wanting them all dead. Some mutants are noticeable, haveing blue skin or a tail. Others are only distinguishable when they use their powers.

Extraordinary human: A human who, be it through science experiements, a industrial accident, or who knows what, gained powers.

Skrull: Shapeshifting aliens bent on domination, and in a deadly war against the kree. They are led by a queen, and have the abillity to copy the powers, form, and memorys of a being apon prolonged contact. They can only use the powers of one being at a time.

Super-skrull: A skrull experimented on by their scientists, they find and take up to 4 DNA samples of 4 individuals, and combine them into their DNA, granting them the abillities of all 4 permantly, along with maintaining the powers of an ordinary skrull.

Kree: A race with bitter hatred against the skrull, led by a super computer known as the supreme intelligence, they do whatever they can to remain superior to all. They have more advanced tech then humans, and are physically stronger.

Negative zone inhabitant: Many bizarre races live in the alternate realm known as the negative zone, with their appereances drasticlly appearing different.

Did i miss a race? If so, please alert me so that i may add it in. If there is a race missed and you would like to play as it, please let me know. If it is reasonable i will most likely let you. If you think this game is terrible and have a valid reason, please let me know so that i can improve it to make the experience better for everyone. I hope people play this game, and enjoy it.

  • 169 Replies
5,340 posts

Name: blue wings
Age: 18
Powers: Water control, Animal communication, Animal influenceing
Race: mutant
Description: short, thin, long black hair, black eyes, fox tail
Costume/Clothes: normal clothes
Origin: he doesnt know how or why he has powers. non in his family share those powers and he is different. his family always made him hide his tail by putting it inside his pants which was uncomfortable . even with his tail hidden and not using powers he somehow was always different and couldnt make many friends. still, he was able to befriend animals and they accepted him. he hopes to find people who can understand him and look for a future where his past doesnt haunt him.

ill check if anybody looks. if i can i will try to freeze them with water (can i) and then destroy them with a water slash.

4,584 posts

Name: Christyna Wolf (Chris)
Alias: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Inventory: A red cell phone, a communicator for the X-Men, a DS Light with a couple of games for her to play when she goes on break
Powers: Can understand the language of an animal she has studied for at least a year and she can also turn into that animal. This can be an animal that is around today or one that is extinct but not one that never existed or might exist in a time that has yet to come. She can currently turn into an American Bald Eagle, a gray wolf, a red panda, a snow leopard, and a California Sea Lion.
Race: Mutant
Description: Christyna has dark brown hair that she keeps short and amber eyes. She is 5"6' tall. She is white with a slight tan due to her job.
Costume/Clothes: Zookeeper uniform, X-Men uniform
Origin: Christyna was born to a human family who freaked and abandoned her when she was five. Her parents had abandoned her because they didn't want a mutant for a daughter. She was abandoned in a forest in Maryland where her parents lived and taken in by a pack of wolves. The wolves raised her until she was 16. She then found out about the X-Men and moved to New York to join them. When she was asked to show her powers or tell at least Professor X what they were she showed the two animal forms she had gained while being raised by wolves. Those forms were a gray wolf and an American Bald Eagle. The first form was the one that she could turn into since she was five and had alerted her parents to her being a mutant. Once Christyna was accepted into the X-Men she requested that her nick name be Storm Dragon. It was allowed but most of the team called her Dragon so as to not get two people to respond at once. Christyna is still a part of the X-Men but is usually working as a zookeeper at the Central Park Zoo.

Or they can throw me into a cage in the arctic. I think and start to pace like a caged wolf. While I'm pacing I am examining my surroundings and trying to figure a way out.

1,761 posts

Name: Jake Crage
Alias: often mistaken for venom. No real name for himself yet.
Age: 24
Powers: same as venom from spiderman, not as strong but more flexable and fast, similar to spiderman. Needs to "feed" ever once and a while. He will attack victims and absorbe their energy with the symbiote. If he doesn't, there loses his powers and the symbiote weakens.
Race: Symbiote
Description: average hight and weight. Brown hair, brown eyes. The only thing different about him is that he does not talk much nor does he interact well with other people because if he does, he risks lossing control of the symbiote. He is sort of an antihero, but is commonly mistaken for venom and the people hate him. He fights villains not to protect the innocent but to punish the guilty. His family was taken from him at a young age.
Costume/Clothes: normal clothes when not using the symbiote. When using the symbiote, it's dark blue with black eye spots and a black spider logo. He can williningly chose to revel his teeth and tongue(like venom) or can keep his mask shut(like spidey)
Origin: nearly died of a blood infection. Since he was dying, he thought he would live a little. After he heard about rewards for $1000s from the Daily Bugle for spider man/venom pictures, he thought that not much worse could happen to him and he could give the money to his cousins. He was wrong. Part of venoms symbiote lept from him when he was being attacked by a sonic wave and clung to the only thing their, jake, thus creating him into a smaller, less muscular and less ferocious looking venom. He now has recovered fully from his infection and will stay that way as long as he continues to feed the symbiote. If he doesn't, the symbiote may either die or get a new host and he would be doomed.

(Yes, unless you leave the city.)

You watch the city. Nothing going on...Nothing gona happen, unless you cause something, or else do something more active then look around.

Name: Shadow White
Alias: Assassin
Age: 20
Powers: Can shape shift into a wolf (Black), a raven, and a knight.
Race: Mutant
Description: Caucasian skin, short brown hair, and greenish blue eyes.
Costume/Clothes: (Blue shirt, black jeans, black running shoes, glasses. normal cloths)(No costume yet)
Origin: Shadow's mother who was human was killed by an unknown villian when he was only ten, and he father who was a mutant was killed by an unknown villain two years later. His fathers power was a little different than his, like his father he was able to shape shift but the only thing in-common was the ability to turn into a knight. Now living in New York city he often helps other heroes in battle.

You turn into a raven, and fly to central park. You see a downed helicopter, which is surronded by make-shift barricades, with people in full body white combat armor haveing a shoot out with the police. A few are weilding "Energy katana's" with purple energy radiateing from them.

Name: blue wings
Age: 18
Powers: Water control, Animal communication, Animal influenceing
Race: mutant
Description: short, thin, long black hair, black eyes, fox tail
Costume/Clothes: normal clothes
Origin: he doesnt know how or why he has powers. non in his family share those powers and he is different. his family always made him hide his tail by putting it inside his pants which was uncomfortable . even with his tail hidden and not using powers he somehow was always different and couldnt make many friends. still, he was able to befriend animals and they accepted him. he hopes to find people who can understand him and look for a future where his past doesnt haunt him.

You control water, not its temperature. However, you concentrate The water into a slash, smashing back part of the left bars. Its just big enough to squeeze through, but the water slash has left you weakened.

Name: Christyna Wolf (Chris)
Alias: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Inventory: A red cell phone, a communicator for the X-Men, a DS Light with a couple of games for her to play when she goes on break
Powers: Can understand the language of an animal she has studied for at least a year and she can also turn into that animal. This can be an animal that is around today or one that is extinct but not one that never existed or might exist in a time that has yet to come. She can currently turn into an American Bald Eagle, a gray wolf, a red panda, a snow leopard, and a California Sea Lion.
Race: Mutant
Description: Christyna has dark brown hair that she keeps short and amber eyes. She is 5"6' tall. She is white with a slight tan due to her job.
Costume/Clothes: Zookeeper uniform, X-Men uniform
Origin: Christyna was born to a human family who freaked and abandoned her when she was five. Her parents had abandoned her because they didn't want a mutant for a daughter. She was abandoned in a forest in Maryland where her parents lived and taken in by a pack of wolves. The wolves raised her until she was 16. She then found out about the X-Men and moved to New York to join them. When she was asked to show her powers or tell at least Professor X what they were she showed the two animal forms she had gained while being raised by wolves. Those forms were a gray wolf and an American Bald Eagle. The first form was the one that she could turn into since she was five and had alerted her parents to her being a mutant. Once Christyna was accepted into the X-Men she requested that her nick name be Storm Dragon. It was allowed but most of the team called her Dragon so as to not get two people to respond at once. Christyna is still a part of the X-Men but is usually working as a zookeeper at the Central Park Zoo.

The walls are solid stone. There is a wall with a door on it at the back of your room. Through it, is a small toliet (In very bad condition), a bad looking sink (Very rusty), and a small cabnit containing: A bottle of Asprin with 3 pills left in it, a tube of tooth paste, and 2 teeth brushes. The person in the lower bunk of your bunk bed moans in his sleep. You notice he is wearing a green and black costume of sorts, but cant see it much because of his blanket. You assume there are no prison fatigues here.

2,463 posts

Name: Shadow White
Alias: Assassin
Age: 20
Powers: Can shape shift into a wolf (Black), a raven, and a knight.
Race: Mutant
Description: Caucasian skin, short brown hair, and greenish blue eyes.
Costume/Clothes: (Blue shirt, black jeans, black running shoes, glasses. normal cloths)(No costume yet)
Origin: Shadow's mother who was human was killed by an unknown villain when he was only ten, and he father who was a mutant was killed by an unknown villain two years later. His fathers power was a little different than his, like his father he was able to shape shift but the only thing in-common was the ability to turn into a knight. Now living in New York city he often helps other heroes in battle.

I land near by and change into my knight form (a.k.a my combat form) and I pull my bow out, (hint my knight form comes with weapons the appear with the armor and disappears with it, don't ask how it disappears, and in addition, I don't need to be in knight form to use them, again don't ask) I knock an arrow but I stay in the shadows until the cops needed me. (Oh and please don't send a sentinel to hunt me down and send me to the M.R.D, please)

2,463 posts

(oh and if I need to tweak my power to fit what I just said, I'll just put "Can shape shift into a wolf (Black), a raven, a knight, and can summon a sword/shield or a bow/arrows when needed" okay)

5,952 posts

Name: Jake Crage
Alias: often mistaken for venom. No real name for himself yet.
Age: 24
Powers: same as venom from spiderman, not as strong but more flexable and fast, similar to spiderman. Needs to "feed" ever once and a while. He will attack victims and absorbe their energy with the symbiote. If he doesn't, there loses his powers and the symbiote weakens.
Race: Symbiote
Description: average hight and weight. Brown hair, brown eyes. The only thing different about him is that he does not talk much nor does he interact well with other people because if he does, he risks lossing control of the symbiote. He is sort of an antihero, but is commonly mistaken for venom and the people hate him. He fights villains not to protect the innocent but to punish the guilty. His family was taken from him at a young age.
Costume/Clothes: normal clothes when not using the symbiote. When using the symbiote, it's dark blue with black eye spots and a black spider logo. He can williningly chose to revel his teeth and tongue(like venom) or can keep his mask shut(like spidey)
Origin: nearly died of a blood infection. Since he was dying, he thought he would live a little. After he heard about rewards for $1000s from the Daily Bugle for spider man/venom pictures, he thought that not much worse could happen to him and he could give the money to his cousins. He was wrong. Part of venoms symbiote lept from him when he was being attacked by a sonic wave and clung to the only thing their, jake, thus creating him into a smaller, less muscular and less ferocious looking venom. He now has recovered fully from his infection and will stay that way as long as he continues to feed the symbiote. If he doesn't, the symbiote may either die or get a new host and he would be doomed.

Meh, let me cause so trouble.
i swing off the building on webbing and land in the middle of a road. then, i grab a car coming towards me from the bottom and throw it out of the way, causing a pile up. i then reveal my teeth and tongue to peoples horror.

1,761 posts

Name: Jake Crage
Alias: often mistaken for venom. No real name for himself yet.
Age: 24
Powers: same as venom from spiderman, not as strong but more flexable and fast, similar to spiderman. Needs to "feed" ever once and a while. He will attack victims and absorbe their energy with the symbiote. If he doesn't, there loses his powers and the symbiote weakens.
Race: Symbiote
Description: average hight and weight. Brown hair, brown eyes. The only thing different about him is that he does not talk much nor does he interact well with other people because if he does, he risks lossing control of the symbiote. He is sort of an antihero, but is commonly mistaken for venom and the people hate him. He fights villains not to protect the innocent but to punish the guilty. His family was taken from him at a young age.
Costume/Clothes: normal clothes when not using the symbiote. When using the symbiote, it's dark blue with black eye spots and a black spider logo. He can williningly chose to revel his teeth and tongue(like venom) or can keep his mask shut(like spidey)
Origin: nearly died of a blood infection. Since he was dying, he thought he would live a little. After he heard about rewards for $1000s from the Daily Bugle for spider man/venom pictures, he thought that not much worse could happen to him and he could give the money to his cousins. He was wrong. Part of venoms symbiote lept from him when he was being attacked by a sonic wave and clung to the only thing their, jake, thus creating him into a smaller, less muscular and less ferocious looking venom. He now has recovered fully from his infection and will stay that way as long as he continues to feed the symbiote. If he doesn't, the symbiote may either die or get a new host and he would be doomed.

You terroize them, and cause a huge traffic back up too. A police car pulls up on the sidewalk, and 3 officers come out and begin to fire at you. Your symbiote absorbs the bullets into itself, building up a few within itself.

Name: Shadow White
Alias: Assassin
Age: 20
Powers: Can shape shift into a wolf (Black), a raven, and a knight.
Race: Mutant
Description: Caucasian skin, short brown hair, and greenish blue eyes.
Costume/Clothes: (Blue shirt, black jeans, black running shoes, glasses. normal cloths)(No costume yet)
Origin: Shadow's mother who was human was killed by an unknown villain when he was only ten, and he father who was a mutant was killed by an unknown villain two years later. His fathers power was a little different than his, like his father he was able to shape shift but the only thing in-common was the ability to turn into a knight. Now living in New York city he often helps other heroes in battle.

(Those who have finailized their character sheet shan't change them.)

You notch and arrow, not like it could do much to them. You watch as a man in a nice black suit steps from the helicopter wreckage. His head is covered with a demon mask. The soldiers from the helicopter overwhelm the cops, mowing them all down.

2,463 posts

Name: Shadow White
Alias: Assassin
Age: 20
Powers: Can shape shift into a wolf (Black), a raven, and a knight.
Race: Mutant
Description: Caucasian skin, short brown hair, and greenish blue eyes.
Costume/Clothes: (Blue shirt, black jeans, black running shoes, glasses. normal cloths)(No costume yet)
Origin: Shadow's mother who was human was killed by an unknown villain when he was only ten, and he father who was a mutant was killed by an unknown villain two years later. His fathers power was a little different than his, like his father he was able to shape shift but the only thing in-common was the ability to turn into a knight. Now living in New York city he often helps other heroes in battle.

I fire an arrow at the guy in the mask, than I jump out of the shadow's (after I put my bow away) and charge at them with my sword out.

2,463 posts

Name: Shadow White
Alias: Assassin
Age: 20
Powers: Can shape shift into a wolf (Black), a raven, and a knight.
Race: Mutant
Description: Caucasian skin, short brown hair, and greenish blue eyes.
Costume/Clothes: (Blue shirt, black jeans, black running shoes, glasses. normal cloths)(No costume yet)
Origin: Shadow's mother who was human was killed by an unknown villain when he was only ten, and he father who was a mutant was killed by an unknown villain two years later. His fathers power was a little different than his, like his father he was able to shape shift but the only thing in-common was the ability to turn into a knight. Now living in New York city he often helps other heroes in battle.

I fire an arrow at the guy in the mask, than I jump out of the shadow's (after I put my bow away) and charge at them with my sword out.

1,761 posts

Name: Shadow White
Alias: Assassin
Age: 20
Powers: Can shape shift into a wolf (Black), a raven, and a knight.
Race: Mutant
Description: Caucasian skin, short brown hair, and greenish blue eyes.
Costume/Clothes: (Blue shirt, black jeans, black running shoes, glasses. normal cloths)(No costume yet)
Origin: Shadow's mother who was human was killed by an unknown villain when he was only ten, and he father who was a mutant was killed by an unknown villain two years later. His fathers power was a little different than his, like his father he was able to shape shift but the only thing in-common was the ability to turn into a knight. Now living in New York city he often helps other heroes in battle.

He catchs the arrow and snaps it in half. THey see you and fill you full of bullets, your now on the ground bleeding and dieing, as iron-steel armor can HARDLY slow down a bullet, let alone stop it. You wither in pain as you slowly feel like your dieing.

2,463 posts

Name: Shadow White
Alias: Assassin
Age: 20
Powers: Can shape shift into a wolf (Black), a raven, and a knight.
Race: Mutant
Description: Caucasian skin, short brown hair, and greenish blue eyes.
Costume/Clothes: (Blue shirt, black jeans, black running shoes, glasses. normal cloths)(No costume yet)
Origin: Shadow's mother who was human was killed by an unknown villain when he was only ten, and he father who was a mutant was killed by an unknown villain two years later. His fathers power was a little different than his, like his father he was able to shape shift but the only thing in-common was the ability to turn into a knight. Now living in New York city he often helps other heroes in battle.

I change back into my normal self as I fall unconscious from the pain.

5,340 posts

Name: blue wings
Age: 18
Powers: Water control, Animal communication, Animal influenceing
Race: mutant
Description: short, thin, long black hair, black eyes, fox tail
Costume/Clothes: normal clothes
Origin: he doesnt know how or why he has powers. non in his family share those powers and he is different. his family always made him hide his tail by putting it inside his pants which was uncomfortable . even with his tail hidden and not using powers he somehow was always different and couldnt make many friends. still, he was able to befriend animals and they accepted him. he hopes to find people who can understand him and look for a future where his past doesnt haunt him.

i will keep going carefully

5,340 posts

btw. im going on a vacation tomorrow so i probably wont be able to post until sunday.

1,761 posts

Name: Shadow White
Alias: Assassin
Age: 20
Powers: Can shape shift into a wolf (Black), a raven, and a knight.
Race: Mutant
Description: Caucasian skin, short brown hair, and greenish blue eyes.
Costume/Clothes: (Blue shirt, black jeans, black running shoes, glasses. normal cloths)(No costume yet)
Origin: Shadow's mother who was human was killed by an unknown villain when he was only ten, and he father who was a mutant was killed by an unknown villain two years later. His fathers power was a little different than his, like his father he was able to shape shift but the only thing in-common was the ability to turn into a knight. Now living in New York city he often helps other heroes in battle.

You wake up in a hospital. The bullets were extracted from your stomach, and the doctor in the room hands you a bill of 800$ for the proceddure.

Name: blue wings
Age: 18
Powers: Water control, Animal communication, Animal influenceing
Race: mutant
Description: short, thin, long black hair, black eyes, fox tail
Costume/Clothes: normal clothes
Origin: he doesnt know how or why he has powers. non in his family share those powers and he is different. his family always made him hide his tail by putting it inside his pants which was uncomfortable . even with his tail hidden and not using powers he somehow was always different and couldnt make many friends. still, he was able to befriend animals and they accepted him. he hopes to find people who can understand him and look for a future where his past doesnt haunt him.

You head forward, and all of the sudden your knocked out.... .... .... .... ... ... .. .. . . You wake up, strapped to a chair, in a pristine white lab, not very big however. Behind you is a window, which from your view you can see that the lab is built into a wall of the sewer.

4,584 posts

Name: Christyna Wolf (Chris)
Alias: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Inventory: A red cell phone, a communicator for the X-Men, a DS Light with a couple of games for her to play when she goes on break
Powers: Can understand the language of an animal she has studied for at least a year and she can also turn into that animal. This can be an animal that is around today or one that is extinct but not one that never existed or might exist in a time that has yet to come. She can currently turn into an American Bald Eagle, a gray wolf, a red panda, a snow leopard, and a California Sea Lion.
Race: Mutant
Description: Christyna has dark brown hair that she keeps short and amber eyes. She is 5"6' tall. She is white with a slight tan due to her job.
Costume/Clothes: Zookeeper uniform, X-Men uniform
Origin: Christyna was born to a human family who freaked and abandoned her when she was five. Her parents had abandoned her because they didn't want a mutant for a daughter. She was abandoned in a forest in Maryland where her parents lived and taken in by a pack of wolves. The wolves raised her until she was 16. She then found out about the X-Men and moved to New York to join them. When she was asked to show her powers or tell at least Professor X what they were she showed the two animal forms she had gained while being raised by wolves. Those forms were a gray wolf and an American Bald Eagle. The first form was the one that she could turn into since she was five and had alerted her parents to her being a mutant. Once Christyna was accepted into the X-Men she requested that her nick name be Storm Dragon. It was allowed but most of the team called her Dragon so as to not get two people to respond at once. Christyna is still a part of the X-Men but is usually working as a zookeeper at the Central Park Zoo.

I head to the bathroom and take the privacy as a chance to see if my cell or communicator will work. If not then I will try to contact Professor X again but unless he is using Cereabro I doubt I will be in range of his power.

Showing 61-75 of 169