This might be considered a duplicate, but I'll post an action anyway.
I find a knife and begin to cut the tree. Once a slit appears, I take out an iPhone and download an explosion app. The explosion app is simply a sound effect of an explosion that has a timer. I set the volume to maximum and set the timer for 8 seconds. Once the timer begins, I run to a safe distance, and the explosion goes off.
crators warriorcats123 shadows users that have become actuaull shadows they are made of shadows wilds users that have weird effects to them patrick2011 efect magnitisem lights users that have become made of light trees helth: 999999999999 weather sunny wind none that really dose nothing but for being the first atking poster you become a wild
I get an axe and begin to chop down the tree, Once there's a decent amount of wood chips i place them at the base of the tree and light the tree and wood chips on fire.