Summary Foundations is a Build and destroy based game, starting with the player fleeing from his invaded home city. A few villagers follow the player and deem him their new leader. Regardless of his personal thoughts on the matter he accepts the role and travels far out from the home city in hopes of finding new land that's safe from the HaluK invaders.
Game play Player Limit: 5 If youâre inactive for 3 days without telling me you will be kicked from the game. Players may interact with each-others villages. This ranges from joining your villages into an alliance to completing demolishing a base. (Far harder than what you'll expect, Random events will happen frequently and in the defenders favor, usually) Random Events: Occasionally the game will throw in a few surprises ranging from villagers getting lost and not making it back tell later, or having a large group of enemies find your camps and kill people or steal supplies.(you're allowed to defend but no guarantee's on success)
Character Sheet:
~~~~~~~Village~~~~~~~ Village Name: Supplies: 30 wood, 2 stone axes, 1 Old Bronze pickaxe Population: 5 Unique Units: Miner, 2 Soldiers Buildings: None Fortifications: None Research: None Status: Small Encampment
~~~~~~~Leader~~~~~~~ Name: Age: (10-90 years old.) Gender: (Male/Female) Description: (Leaders Story, Leaders appearance, No limits to detail) Special Trait: (Donât overpower it) Equipment: Thick leather chest protector, Bronze short sword, and a Rock Sling. Stats Health: 80/100 Level: 1 Experience: 0/250 Points to spend: 100 (Use these on the below skills to improve your character, 10 will be awarded per Level Up) Strength: Stamina: Charisma Agility: Attack: Defense: Leadership:
Final Note:
I have never participated in a Forum Game. This is my first Forum game and I will greatly appreciate any help that is offered and Iâm very open to suggestions from forum members