Okay so the way you play this game is you just name as many oxymorons as you can think of. By the way, an oxymoron is when two words contradict each other. I'll start-1.Seriously funny2.Jumbo shrimp
Like this? the boxer was >retty ugly<.
Not really. Like this: Same Difference.1. Same difference2. Summer School (yes, it is one.)3. Tall Pygmy
honest lawyer
Not really
Amazingly dumb
killersup's mother calls him a oxymoron! that is suprisingly simple not that he thinks about it.
Serpentine Heart?
Lovely oger.
Living Dead.
Settled Nomad.
Parking In a driveway and driving in a parkway
Here's two. 1. Puny Giant 2. Big Sip
Incredibly average
stupidly funny
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