landspeeder, like I said, maybe catapults and siege engines should count as guns. Otherwise, the other factions who DID have guns would have an unfair advantage.
If you don't want to add gunpower to us, at least add a disadvantage to the others that the Spartans and Romans excel at. Okay?
Ok I will add 1 star to gun power on each. But Spartans have spears and Romans have Scirpians. Spartans have metal shields so bullets can not pierce them.
Roman Centurion: Attack *** defense ***** Land ***** Gun power *
You have 50 men and you need to guard. But you have a mission from a wise man. He said, "If you make the path to the Ming you will get there gun power." What do you do?
Navy: Attack **** defense *** Land ***** Gun power*****
You have U.S to guard but you are far out of the other amies. You can stay or try to travel. What do you do?