"YOU HAVE POTENTIAL!!!" Your father yelled at you. "Stop killing birds and yelling that the Balicks are coming." Said your mother. Its true, you do have potential. You had two dreams:To make an empire, and to have people's respect. You had a chance to go with your family to the class starter building. You had 6 choices. "You can collet the weapons from classes to!" Says the worker. "You can also get mounts and pets to! but they take a few minutes to hatch!" She says. You got your class, your sliver, gold, and broze, and headed out to the city, to see an Undead attack the villagers. What you do, is your choice.
Shaman:starting weapon:long pipe Best Skill:Con. and Magic Hunter:starting weapon:Wood Bow Range Best Skill:attacks and agility Artificer:starting weapon:Iron Cannon/Turret Best Skill:Con. and Strength Warrior:Starter Weapon:Short-sword Best Skill:Mag. and Strength Wizard:Starting Weapon:Staff Best Skill:Mag. Fighter: Starter Weapon:Short-Sword Best Skill:Strength and Con.