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In this game the first three people to post their character sheet get to choose to be Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades. Zeus is the king of gods, so he controls the minor gods(which no player can be). After the three gods have been taken, players can choose to be demigods(half gods half humans) or mortals. Characters can choose their names, but if they are a demigod they cannot choose what god they are the son or daughter of. If you want to be the son or daughter of a certain god, post a comment on my profile. That is about it for now. Here's the character sheet. Oh, by the way, this is kind of based on the Percy Jackson books(not the story, but the claiming and stuff like that.) Anyways, character sheet.

Character Name:
God(only the first three to post), mortal, or demigod.
Special gift from mother or fatherwill be named after you have been claimed)

Thats all I can think of right now. If you find out I missed something inform me.

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267 posts

Character Name:Lexius Maladan
Special gift from mother or fatherwill be named after you have been claimed)
Description:My name is Lexius call me "Lex"for short I was born in Athens where I am a big follower of Zeus I hope to get my name into Mount Olympus with the favor of the gods but for now I am nothing but a worker at the supply shop with my Parents,Sister and Brother.I am short tempered,but calm most of the time and adventurous.
Appearence:Tall,Brown eyes,short black hair,light skinned,muscular

"Foolish boy. You cannot join." one member says. "Well, I say he can." says another voice. "All in favor of this... boy to assist us in the war, raise your hand." Most of the hands go up. The man scowls at them and says, "Fine, go home and ask your parents for weapons. And DON'T forget to worship any god you wish to help us" What do you do?

4,584 posts

Character Name:Christyna Flamewolf
Special gift from mother or fatherwill be named after you have been claimed)
Description:Christyna was born in Maryland. Her mom hardly ever spoke of her dad so Christyna has no idea that he is one of the Greek gods. Christyna currently lives in Maryland with her mom and has a pet dog named Balto. Balto is a mutt. Christyna know there is arctic wolf and husky blood in Balto but they aren't sure if there is anything else.
Appearance:Tall, average weight, brown almost black hair, hazel eyes, likes to keep hair short and dress like a tomboy

I follow them but stay on guard just in case they are leading me into a trap.

267 posts

Character Name:Christyna Flamewolf
Special gift from mother or fatherwill be named after you have been claimed)
Description:Christyna was born in Maryland. Her mom hardly ever spoke of her dad so Christyna has no idea that he is one of the Greek gods. Christyna currently lives in Maryland with her mom and has a pet dog named Balto. Balto is a mutt. Christyna know there is arctic wolf and husky blood in Balto but they aren't sure if there is anything else.
Appearance:Tall, average weight, brown almost black hair, hazel eyes, likes to keep hair short and dress like a tomboy

"Hey, I'm son of Athena, goddess of war and wisdom and stuff." says the stormy eyed one. The other guy says, " I'm Tim. And Mr.Wise-guy over there's name is Darin. "Look," Darin says, "your a demigod, half god, half human and your dad or mom is, well, i don't know yet, but we WILL find out." "And you can put your sword down, trust me." says Tim. "My mom is Aphrodite, yeah I know, that's why your totally hitting on me, aren't you girl?" What do you do?(Some suggestion are put your guard down or tell them your name, or both.)

267 posts

Lol oops lemme fix that.

"And you can put your sword down, trust me."

I meant, "And you can put your guard down, trust me."
4,584 posts

Character Name:Christyna Flamewolf
Special gift from mother or fatherwill be named after you have been claimed)
Description:Christyna was born in Maryland. Her mom hardly ever spoke of her dad so Christyna has no idea that he is one of the Greek gods. Christyna currently lives in Maryland with her mom and has a pet dog named Balto. Balto is a mutt. Christyna know there is arctic wolf and husky blood in Balto but they aren't sure if there is anything else.
Appearance:Tall, average weight, brown almost black hair, hazel eyes, likes to keep hair short and dress like a tomboy

I let my guard down and laugh at the idea that the Greek Gods exist or that I am some how hitting on someone I just met when I never go for just looks. "My name is Christyna but please call me Chris. As for which of my parents is a Greek God I would have to guess my dad cause I know hardly anything about him." I say once I mange to stop laughing.

267 posts

Character Name:Christyna Flamewolf
Special gift from mother or fatherwill be named after you have been claimed)
Description:Christyna was born in Maryland. Her mom hardly ever spoke of her dad so Christyna has no idea that he is one of the Greek gods. Christyna currently lives in Maryland with her mom and has a pet dog named Balto. Balto is a mutt. Christyna know there is arctic wolf and husky blood in Balto but they aren't sure if there is anything else.
Appearance:Tall, average weight, brown almost black hair, hazel eyes, likes to keep hair short and dress like a tomboy

"Hey, why is she laughing at us?" Tim questions. "You mean why is she laughing at you. Hah, shes probably cooler than you think. Anyways, we're here. Welcome to camp half-blood." Darin says. "Well, I'm off to my cabin, the Aphrodite cabin. Don't be afraid to come by." Tim says. "You know about Greek myths, right? You better, or this will be a LOT harder." Darin says. While Tim is walking away, Darin says, "About your dad being a god, I think your right. For now you will stay in the Hermes cabin until-" He stops. You look confused, and its dark, like a shadow is over your head. "HOLY CRAP!" Tim exclaims. " YOUR THE FREAKING DAUGHTER OF FREAKING GOD OF THE FREAKING UNDERWORLD. HADES..." You look up, and you see a black skull and crossbones hovering above your head. A huge crowd is around you know. What do you do?

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