Your family was born and raised in this farm. Now your father leads you to a room. "ick one...A Preda-tail,A felonin, or a Catalia." You choose and he leads you to your starting ranch. "there you go,son there you go!" He coughs and heads in. You now own a ranch, a barn, a crop, and a chick-chick coop. What you do is your choice.For you own a small Island to yourself.
Preada-tail 7 inches tall,12 pounds, blackish blue Other: Wolf or sheep dog, will coral your creatures. Felonin 6 inches, 12 pounds, orange Other:Kitten, eats unwanted pest. Catalia 3 feet, 6 pounds, Red and gray Other:will scare off bugs
now on to the factors: crops and barns You will have to check out the crops and barn. This will earn you money like in farmville. But better: Starting crop:Tela-tek fruit Creatures This will be major,for you have to collect, feed, groom, and take care of theese. location,and inventory you need this, for they will help. Inventory: Hoe,Thresher, and a knife. Location: their is different islands, for you can explore workers you start out with three workers a thresher a cropist, and a gaurd Multiplayer Are you a multiplayer? or a loner? you can turn this off any time! death you die your son/daugther takes over you play as them now on to the sheet!
Name: Age: Gender: Multi?n or off Location:Ranch Part of Island ---------------------------------- Pshical Definition: Personailty: Bio: Reason You Started Ranch: Main Buiness: ----------------- Creatures: Starterabove) Fire Creatures:none yet. Water Creatures: Earth Creatures: Electric Creatures: Dark Creatures: Light Creatures: Ice Creatures: Air Creatures: Normal Creatures: Legendary Creatures: Pest on cretures: none Creature Care:100% ------------------------------------------ Crops:Tela-tak fruit seeds in inventory:none Pest on crops:none Water:100% ------------------------------------------- Workers:Cropist, thresher, and a gaurd Worker Happiness:100% ------------------------------------ Inventory: Thresher,Hoe,And a knife. Gold:0$