ForumsForum GamesWithout a Paddle (RPG-esque)

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It started out simple enough.

The King had invited you over to go hunting with him. You courteously accepted the invitation, never having conversed with the King before, and met him at his glorious, ostentatious castle, where his fancy butler told you to wait in the dining room. When he arrived, dressed in his armor, you greeted each other warmly.

Then you went hunting.
You lost sight of the King and his henchmen fast, and then the howls. Bloodcurdling howls that sent shivers up your spine. Some split up, and were never heard of again. The rest stayed together, fearing the King himself might be behind all of this. Survive, stay together, and fight for your lives.

Your pelt has a price, a big one.

Name: (Gee, I wonder what goes here.)
Age: (21+, please.)
Gender: (Male, female, Zoidbergian*...)
Appearance: (Describe the physical look of your persona.)

~STATS~ (Max of 30 points, minimum of 10.)
Strength: (How much can you carry, 1p = +10lbs. Default is 100lbs.)

Perception: (How much can you trust your senses? 1p = +10 yds. Default is 30 yds.)

Endurance: (Can you tough it out? 1p = +10 hp. Default is 150 hp.)

Creativity: (How inventive and curious you are. Affects the style of traps.)

Intellect: (u thank u bee smurter dan mee? LULZ. 1p = +10 IQ. Default is 80 IQ.)

Agility: (Graceful as a whooping llama, be you? Determines how fast you can run, and affects how often you dodge. 1p = 5%.)

Luck: (Because sometimes even the idiots get lucky. 1p = +Good Luck, -Bad Luck.)

*Anyone who attempts to play as a Zoidbergian will be flayed and turned into Lobster Bisque.

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