ForumsGame Walkthroughsfarmer100's Dragon Slayer Quest skill

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I have played runescape on farmer100 for several years. Getting this last map piece is very easy. Thereâs the expensive way, or the cheap way. I used the expensive way because I was feeling lazy lol. You need to go to Port Sarim Jail, there youâll find a prisoner named Wormbrain. You can either attack him with magic or ranged, and then telegrab the map piece when heâs dead, or you can do it the quicker, more expensive way by buying it from him for 10,000 goldsâ¦â¦â¦

Required: 32 quest points, 34 smithing and be able to kill a level 83 dragon.
Also, you'll need 3 planks, 90 steel nails (Made from 6 steel bars), a hammer, an unfired bowl (Mix clay with watter and use it on the potter's wheel), a wizard mind bomb (Get from Falador Pub), 12000 gold, 1 piece of silk (Get from Al-kharid silk shop), lobster pot (Get from Port Sarim fishing shop) and the best onehanded weapon you can wield (Rune scimitar is a good choice). Phew, long list

Reward: The ability the wear rune plate bodies and green dragon hide body armour, 18,650 strength and defence experience points and 2 quest points.

Starting Out:
First of all you need to go to the Champion's guild, it's located southwest of the southern entrance to Varrock. Once you get there, talk to the guild master, ask him about rune plate mail. He'll tell you to go to a small hut just northeast of the northern entrane to Edgeville. Talk to Oziach. He wants you to prove yourself worthy of wearing the rune plate mail. To prove yourself, you need to kill the green dragon on crandor island. But before you can even get to Crandor island you need to get 3 map pieces scattered around. He'll give you a key to Melzar's Maze.

First Map Piece (Melzar's Maze):
This is probably the most annoying part of this quest. Bring lots of lobsters with you, as you need to kill a level 82 and 49 lesser demon. I was level 56 and didn't really have a problem with this part, so if you that level or higher, niether will you. First of all, go into Melzar's maze and start killing rats. Eventually you'll get a red key. With this key, go through the North West door and up the ladder.

The next room contains ghosts, kill them until you get an orange key. go through the second door on the left and then up the ladder with this key.

Now you'll be in a room with skeletons, kill these until you get a yellow key. With this key go through the South Western most door, follow the corridor and then go down the ladder. Now you'll come to some zombies, kill them until you get a blue key. With this key go through the Northern door to get to Melzar. He will say some stupid but quite funny things while you attack him. Once you've killed him, go into the room with the lesser demon. Kill it and you should get a green key. I bet by now you're glad you bought some lobsters.

Now go through the door and search the chest to get your first map piece.

If you die in the maze, go and talk to Oziach again and he'll give you nother key so you can try again. If you bought lobsters you shouldn't die though.

Second Map Piece:
To get the second map piece, you need to get an unfired bowl (Mine some clay ore, mix it with a bucket of water, and put it on a pottery wheel), a piece of silk (For the Al-Kharid silk merchant), a lobster pot (From the fishing shop in Port Sarim, and a wizard's mind bomb from Falador pub.
Once you have all of that, you need to go to ice mountain and speak with the oracle (Not the one from the Martix.

Now you need to go down to the Dwarven mine. When you get down there, go South, past the mining shop and then East. The door you need to go through is in the North Western corner of the mine. Go through the door and search the chest to fined the second map piece.

Third Map Piece:
Getting this last map piece is very easy. There's the expensive way, or the cheap way. I used the expensive way because I was feeling lazy lol. You need to go to Port Sarim Jail, there you'll find a prisoner named Wormbrain. You can either attack him with magic or ranged, and then telegrab the map piece when he's dead, or you can do it the quicker, more expensive way by buying it from him for 10,000 gold.

If you haven't got 1 already, I strongly suggest you go talk to Duke Horacio in Lumbridge castle. Eventually he'll give you a shield that will give you some protection when you battle the dragon.
Use the 3 map pieces with eachother and this will give you a full map.

  • 5 Replies
3 posts

When I did it a few years back I had 45 att def and att, worked well for me

4 posts

it is a hard quest for me

4 posts

wow, it seems difficult for me

4 posts

good idea, thx

4 posts

If you donât have any teleport runes or any other method of leaving the island, you will have to run South, through the secret door in the wall, then South East and climb the rope to escape. Your will end up at Karamja volcanl, where you can get the boat back to Port Sarim.

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