You start out with 100% health and with the weaponds shown above. You may find weaponds and ammo along the way. Follow every instruction me and PW22 give you.
Bob Weapond:Spaz (shotgun) Ammo:1000 rounds health:100%
You take the left exit, going you see a medic shop surrounded by aliens terrorizing humans. Do you go back go left go right? Go back the way you came? Or do something about the aliens? The humans are trying to kill the aliens with guns and knives. (That means you'll have help if you battle the aliens.
Johnny Health:100% Weapons: Scopion and Knife Ammo:910 Rounds You made a wrong choice. you did manage to kill the 1st zombie but it got the attention of all the others! (Ammo:900 rounds) Quick! do you jump into the lake or stand and fight?
Cole Weapond:M16 (three round burst) Ammo:1000 rounds Health:100% Which way do you go? ------------------------------------------------------------ Johnny Health:100% Weapons: Scopion and Knife Ammo:900 Rounds The zombies start to sprint at you because the became sprinters by you shooting their spine, giving them complete controll of their legs. Zombie 1: 0% Zombie 2: 50% Zombie 3: 0% Zombie 4: 100% Zombie 5: 100% Ammo: 810 Weaponsual Scopions P.S. You waste a clip by shooting a zombie or alien, ect. Since a Scorpion is Automatic (The gun is from Black Ops.) the gun will most likely to run out.