You are standing on the edge of a battefield... Your army is behind you...Armies are already battling...Will you join the battle, to become master of the battlefield?...Yes...What is your army? What will you use to attack? Your choice. Battle with your imagination against other players, and capture the flag the currently winning team has.
Create your army and attack the holder of the Flag. Once you have defeated them, say "The Flag Is Mine!" at the end of your post.
My army of dinosaurs collects the flag and stand around it. Nobody tries to stop me. The Flag Is Mine!
Sounds fun. I send a robotic army equipped with Death Rays, Freeze Rays, and teny tiny drones that are no larger than the size of a small cookie at the army of superheros. The Flag Is Mine!
My army is an army of Basilisks, reptilian like animals that stand on two legs who have greater intelligence than humans. I send them in with their special forces leading the way: Skilled beserkers armed with huge morning stars and full plate armour. Red tide Russian Basilisks armed with the latest in laser technology Basilisk sorcerers, masters of telekinesis. A Jeinisiers, four armed Basilisks wielding swords strapped to their wrists and carrying high calibre pistols. The Flag is MineAll your base are belong to us