ForumsForum GamesGrand Urato Fight-Race Tournament 3600! (GUFRT36)

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Grand Urato Fight-Race Tournament 3100! (GUFRT31)

Back story: In 2589 Multi-Millionaire Moniko Urato started the Grand Urato Fight-Race Tournament 2500 and he gave all of the Cites near the stadium's Leader has a free seat on the V.I.P stand also he said all Uratos have a seat there, He Allowed all over 20s from drag racer to Astronauts. In 2599 Moniko Died and his son Yuriki changed the rules so that you had to be specific.
to get in also they found other Alien Races on other planets as Ratonus and Curetasla, and he widen it so they could join. In 2718 a Ratsoian called Jurakmi Akraita sabotaged the building of The GUFRT27 and 200 people died he was jailed for 34 years so they stopped the GUFRT27 until 2900 and the Ratsonians were banned for entering till the year 3000. In the year 3000 Turino(Great Great Grand Daughter of Yuriki Urato) said all 3000 to 3500 will be held in Englos. The races were held high in GUFRT31 as two champions were selected instead of one. Now GUFRT36 is improved greatly.

Character Sheet:

Money: 1000 Solar Bucks
Age:15 to 80
Equipment: you buy
Armour & Car Colour:
Armour Status:
Car Status:
Car Name:
Team: I fill
Engineer: I fill
Team Name:
Perk: I make from History.

Solar Bucks ae the currency


Ratsonian �" There head is bald but with few Hair spikes on it and their brown-ish skin, when others look at this race they remember About Jurakmi Akraita, their home-world is Ratonus.

Cureians �" They are lizard-like Alligator Humanoid type of race there home-world is Curetasla.

Humans �" You know them.

Tsunnian �" A very intelligent species they are like High Elves, They are tall their home-world is Tsundora.

Mantiasian �" A race that are short, their home-world is Mantia.

Armour Colour and Car Colour:

You only have colour for one of your people in you team here is the List:


Your team comes from your history.


He's the one in your team that's all ways ready at the pit stop.

Team Name:

This name represents your team.


It is your backstory please make it atleast 3 sentances long.


Your engineer stays there and you can swap with you team's vehicles 

Mud splatter - 30 SB
Nitro blaster(Limited) - 750 SB
Custom - 1000 SB

Hi, this is a revamp of the other dead thread, so previous players may enter as decendants and better equipped.

Solar Bucks will be useed more often in this and diplomacy is used extensively

WARNIG: If you promise some thing and break it you will be kicked immediately.

1. Be reasonable
2. No metagame
3. No powergame
4. Be active
5. Have fun!

  • 55 Replies
2,463 posts

Name: Alan White (3)
Call-sign: Shadow
Money: 1000 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin
Equipment: you buy
Armour & Car Color: Black (I don't know if I can do this but) with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors.
Armour Status: 100%
Car Status: 100%
Car Name: Lone wolf
Team: I fill
Engineer: I fill
Team Name: Black lightnings
Perk: I make from History.
History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.

1,001 posts

Name: Alan White (3)
Call-sign: Shadow
Money: 1000 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin
Equipment: you buy
Armour & Car Color: Black (I don't know if I can do this but) with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors.
Armour Status: 100%
Car Status: 100%
Car Name: Lone wolf
Team: I fill
Engineer: I fill
Team Name: Black lightnings
Perk: Follower of one path - 10% to Diplomatic relations
History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.

A Ratsonian and a Cureian walk up to you both of them offer you thei extremely loyal team, which is majorly diverse from the other.

The Ratsonian's team

Name: Darater
Race: Ratsonian
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown
Strongest: Defence
Weakness: Tyres
Equipment: Giant Car & Hydraulics

Name: Ariel
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Colour: Pink
Strongest: Scatter
Weakness: Drag Factor
Equipment: Extendable blades

Name: Sulko
Race: Cureian
Gender: Male
Colour: Purple
Strength: Traping
Weakness: Bottom of car
Equipment: Various armoury of traps

Name: Que
Race: Tsunnian
Gender: Male
Colour: Red
Strength: Strategies
Weakness: Exhaust pipe
Equipment: Satellite

Or The Cureian's Team
Name: Vayagoa
Race: Mantiasian
Gender: Female
Colour: Brown
Strength: Terrain advantages
Weakness: Advance Movement
Equipment: Mud Splatter

Name: Vanessa
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Colour: Red
Strength: Speed
Weakness: Corners
Equipment: Nitro Booster(High Limited)

Name: Julikoak
Race: Cureian
Gender: Male
Colour: Lime Green
Strength: Distraction
Weakness: Terrain
Equipment: Hidden Lights

Name: Valstarki
Race: Cureian
Gender: Female
Colour: Black
Strength: Stealth
Weakness: Headlights
Equipment: Stealth Generator

Once you do that you can head over to the shop, and also you need to either hire a engineer or phone a person you know.

2,463 posts

Name: Alan White (3)
Call-sign: Shadow
Money: 1000 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin
Equipment: you buy
Armour & Car Color: Black (I don't know if I can do this but) with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors.
Armour Status: 100%
Car Status: 100%
Car Name: Lone wolf
Team: I fill
Engineer: I fill
Team Name: Black lightnings
Perk: Follower of one path - 10% to Diplomatic relations
History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.

I tell the Cureian's Team that they are hired, and then I call my Friend, Ash and ask if he would like to be my engineer.

1,001 posts

Name: Alan White (3)
Call-sign: Shadow
Money: 1000 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin
Equipment: you buy
Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors.
Armour Status: 100%
Car Status: 100%
Car Name: Lone wolf
Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki
Engineer: Ash
Team Name: Black lightnings
Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations
History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.

(You dont Hire a team, you just enter it as the leader)

"I'm always happy to help my friend, be there soon." Ash puts down the phone.
The shopkeeper says "Hey, man, I heard your new team is setting up, why don't you look at my wares," He gestures to the scrap behind hin.
"You can get second-hand wares, which are likely to break often, and you have you ones we can make from scrap or from ordered in metal, only difference is the industrialized ones take a day to get here but look more eye catching and of course money wise."
A notice on the wall is roughly pinned on, it says to new teams about how you can trade equipment with your team with no cost, or others for costs they see fit.

Finally the shopkeeper says "When you have something custom made it'll be available at a lower price
Mud splatter - 30 SB
Mud splatter (Scrap) - 20 SB
Nitro blaster(Limited) - 750 SB
Nitro blaster(Limited)(Scrap) - 500 SB
Custom - 1000 SB
Custom(Scrap) - 900 SB
Haggle for price drop - Free (Utilizes Perk)

2,463 posts

Name: Alan White (3)
Call-sign: Shadow
Money: 1000 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin
Equipment: you buy
Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors.
Armour Status: 100%
Car Status: 100%
Car Name: Lone wolf
Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki
Engineer: Ash
Team Name: Black lightnings
Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations
History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.

"What is this about 'trade equipment with your team' thing about?" I ask the shopkeeper.

1,001 posts

Name: Alan White (3)
Call-sign: Shadow
Money: 1000 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin
Equipment: you buy
Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors.
Armour Status: 100%
Car Status: 100%
Car Name: Lone wolf
Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki
Engineer: Ash
Team Name: Black lightnings
Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations
History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.

"You can detach a attachment from your team and you can trade it with other teams or attach it onto you own, hurry and pick some thing."
He said.

Mud splatter - 30 SB
Mud splatter (Scrap) - 20 SB
Nitro blaster(Limited) - 750 SB
Nitro blaster(Limited)(Scrap) - 500 SB
Custom - 1000 SB
Custom(Scrap) - 900 SB
Haggle for price drop - Free (Utilizes Perk) (85% chance of sucession.)

1,001 posts

(sorry for a double post.)
But we need more players and shadowgun please keep active, if you do want to join your welcome! we dont bite, seriously!

2,463 posts

Name: Alan White (3)
Call-sign: Shadow
Money: 1000 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin
Equipment: you buy
Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors.
Armour Status: 100%
Car Status: 100%
Car Name: Lone wolf
Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki
Engineer: Ash
Team Name: Black lightnings
Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations
History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.

"Hmm, I'll take one mud splatter and one nitro blaster."

1,001 posts

Name: Alan White (3)
Call-sign: Shadow
Money: 480 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin
Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right)
Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors.
Armour Status: 100%
Car Status: 100%
Car Name: Lone wolf
Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki
Engineer: Ash
Team Name: Black lightnings
Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations
History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.

"I guess thats scrap then," the shopkeeper says as he brings out the ordered equipment.

A car pulls up, Ash gets out, "Who needed an engineer?" he jokingly said. He pulled out the tools and attached the Equipment to your car, Then the annoucer says, "All team captains come to the start to start racing, only the captain of The Black Lightnings and Turbulence 103! A rookie race indeed!"
You drive out there.
1! 2! 3! GO!
and the race is off the enemies' team takes the lead.

Decide what to do!

1st - Destroyer - (Enemy) In relation to you they are in front and to the left. Health 100%

2nd - Lone Wolf - (You) Health 100% Nitro Tanks Full 100% Mud Basin 100%

The Turbulence 103 team

Name: Furguson
Race: Ratsonian
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown
Strength: Speed
Weakness: Defence
Equipment: Stinger Deployer, Medicore Quallity Nitro

Name: Darater
Race: Ratsonian
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown
Strength: Defence
Weakness: Tyres
Equipment: Giant Car & Hydraulics

Name: Ariel
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Colour: Pink
Strength: Scatter
Weakness: Drag Factor
Equipment: Extendable blades

Name: Sulko
Race: Cureian
Gender: Male
Colour: Purple
Strength: Traping
Weakness: Bottom of car
Equipment: Various armoury of traps

Name: Que
Race: Tsunnian
Gender: Male
Colour: Red
Strength: Strategies
Weakness: Exhaust pipe
Equipment: Satellite

Your team


Name: Vayagoa
Race: Mantiasian
Gender: Female
Colour: Brown
Strength: Terrain advantages
Weakness: Advance Movement
Equipment: Mud Splatter

Name: Vanessa
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Colour: Red
Strength: Speed
Weakness: Corners
Equipment: Nitro Booster(High Limited)

Name: Julikoak
Race: Cureian
Gender: Male
Colour: Lime Green
Strength: Distraction
Weakness: Terrain
Equipment: Hidden Lights

Name: Valstarki
Race: Cureian
Gender: Female
Colour: Black
Strength: Stealth
Weakness: Headlights
Equipment: Stealth Generator

*Highlighted is in the Race.

Heres the Character sheet for the Champion who you aim to beat in the Grand Urato Fight-Race Tournament 3600 Which takes place after rookie teams are tested, drop-in teams will battle the losers and then if the losers win there in the next round and vice versa.

Name: Phillip Roler
Callsign: The Emperor
Money: 1,000,000 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 31
Appearance: Blonde messy hair, Hazel eyes.
Equipment: Unlimited Mint Quality of Smoke screen, EMP, Nitro accelerator, Bombs, Missiles and a complete engine overhaul to maximum capacity.
Armour & Car Colour: Shield, Armour Plating, Legend's Stone Armour. Unique Design, recognised as the car that you are rewarded for being champion, it's blue with the official emblem of Grand Urato Fight-Race Tournament on each side.
Armour Status: Mint Condition
Car Status: Mint Conition
Car Name: The Throne Of A Thousand Kings
Engineer: Urato Family Members are the Engineers of the the Champion
Perk: Quality of Champions.

On a side note we need players I want two teams untill we start the crooks.

2,463 posts

Name: Alan White (3)
Call-sign: Shadow
Money: 480 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin
Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right)
Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors.
Armour Status: 100%
Car Status: 100%
Car Name: Lone wolf
Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki
Engineer: Ash
Team Name: Black lightnings
Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations
History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.

I flip the switch that activates my nitro, and try to get in the lead.

1,001 posts

Name: Alan White (3)
Call-sign: Shadow
Money: 480 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin
Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right)
Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors.
Armour Status: 90%
Car Status: 79%
Car Name: Lone wolf
Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki
Engineer: Ash
Team Name: Black lightnings
Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations
History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.

You get neck and neck but then he rams into you , and activates his nitro gets in front of you then latches on to your car and the deploys oil onto the turn and turns it and lets go sending your car spinning into the wall, crash.... continue? If he wins then your father's legacy is gone.

Decide what to do!

1st - Destroyer - (Enemy) In relation to you they are far in front nearing the second lap

2nd - Lone Wolf - (You) Health 79% Nitro Tanks Full 89% Mud Basin 99.99% (Leaking)

The Turbulence 103 team

Name: Furguson
Race: Ratsonian
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown
Strength: Speed
Weakness: Defence
Equipment: Stinger Deployer, Medicore Quallity Nitro *

Name: Darater
Race: Ratsonian
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown
Strength: Defence
Weakness: Tyres
Equipment: Giant Car & Hydraulics

Name: Ariel
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Colour: Pink
Strength: Scatter
Weakness: Drag Factor
Equipment: Extendable blades

Name: Sulko
Race: Cureian
Gender: Male
Colour: Purple
Strength: Traping
Weakness: Bottom of car
Equipment: Various armoury of traps

Name: Que
Race: Tsunnian
Gender: Male
Colour: Red
Strength: Strategies
Weakness: Exhaust pipe
Equipment: Satellite

Your team


Name: Vayagoa
Race: Mantiasian
Gender: Female
Colour: Brown
Strength: Terrain advantages
Weakness: Advance Movement
Equipment: Mud Splatter

Name: Vanessa
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Colour: Red
Strength: Speed
Weakness: Corners
Equipment: Nitro Booster(High Limited)

Name: Julikoak
Race: Cureian
Gender: Male
Colour: Lime Green
Strength: Distraction
Weakness: Terrain
Equipment: Hidden Lights

Name: Valstarki
Race: Cureian
Gender: Female
Colour: Black
Strength: Stealth
Weakness: Headlights
Equipment: Stealth Generator

*Highlighted is in the Race.
The Champion who you aim to beat in the Grand Urato Fight-Race Tournament 3600 Which takes place after rookie teams are tested, drop-in teams will battle the losers and then if the losers win there in the next round and vice versa.

2,463 posts

Name: Alan White (3)
Call-sign: Shadow
Money: 480 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin
Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right)
Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors.
Armour Status: 90%
Car Status: 79%
Car Name: Lone wolf
Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki
Engineer: Ash
Team Name: Black lightnings
Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations
History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.

I turn the nitro back to catch up to him, when I catch up with him I rammed him in the rear bumper hopping to send him into a tail spin, or at least make him fish tail.

1,001 posts

Name: Alan White (3)
Call-sign: Shadow
Money: 480 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin
Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right)
Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors.
Armour Status: 75%
Car Status: 61%
Car Name: Lone wolf
Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki
Engineer: Ash
Team Name: Black lightnings
Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations
History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.

Remember your on oil! You activate the nitro but the Oil ingites sending you spinning into the air and you drop behind him, you try and ram him but he deploys stingers and your wheels are punchered, should you gently pull into the near pit stop which would lose you some considerable time or should you carry on and home the best.
WARNING if the armour and car status go below 45% it is likely for the driver to be hurt.
1st - Destroyer - (Enemy) Second Lap, Health 70%

2nd - Lone Wolf - (You) Health 61% Nitro Tanks Full 60% Mud Basin 90% (Leaking)

The Turbulence 103 team

Name: Furguson
Race: Ratsonian
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown
Strength: Speed
Weakness: Defence
Equipment: Stinger Deployer, Medicore Quallity Nitro *

Name: Darater
Race: Ratsonian
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown
Strength: Defence
Weakness: Tyres
Equipment: Giant Car & Hydraulics

Name: Ariel
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Colour: Pink
Strength: Scatter
Weakness: Drag Factor
Equipment: Extendable blades

Name: Sulko
Race: Cureian
Gender: Male
Colour: Purple
Strength: Traping
Weakness: Bottom of car
Equipment: Various armoury of traps

Name: Que
Race: Tsunnian
Gender: Male
Colour: Red
Strength: Strategies
Weakness: Exhaust pipe
Equipment: Satellite

Your team


Name: Vayagoa
Race: Mantiasian
Gender: Female
Colour: Brown
Strength: Terrain advantages
Weakness: Advance Movement
Equipment: Mud Splatter

Name: Vanessa
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Colour: Red
Strength: Speed
Weakness: Corners
Equipment: Nitro Booster(High Limited)

Name: Julikoak
Race: Cureian
Gender: Male
Colour: Lime Green
Strength: Distraction
Weakness: Terrain
Equipment: Hidden Lights

Name: Valstarki
Race: Cureian
Gender: Female
Colour: Black
Strength: Stealth
Weakness: Headlights
Equipment: Stealth Generator

*Highlighted is in the Race.
The Champion who you aim to beat in the Grand Urato Fight-Race Tournament 3600 Which takes place after rookie teams are tested, drop-in teams will battle the losers and then if the losers win there in the next round and vice versa.

2,463 posts

Name: Alan White (3)
Call-sign: Shadow
Money: 480 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin
Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right)
Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors.
Armour Status: 75%
Car Status: 61%
Car Name: Lone wolf
Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki
Engineer: Ash
Team Name: Black lightnings
Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations
History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.

I pull into the pits, "Ash any ideas on how to beat this guy?" I ask my friend and most trusted for advise.

1,001 posts

Name: Alan White (3)
Call-sign: Shadow
Money: 480 Solar Bucks
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin
Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right)
Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors.
Armour Status: 77%
Car Status: 62%
Car Name: Lone wolf
Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki
Engineer: Ash
Team Name: Black lightnings
Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations
History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.

He laughs, "I just realised, you dont need to..."

After you say "Why?"

He chuckles and says, "He's got unlisted equipment, he's disqualified," he pauses, "When he finishes the Police with their cars with a big white circle on it representing police get to him he'll be disqualified."

1st - Destroyer - (Enemy) Nearing Final Lap, Health 69% (Degrading 1% per action - the tires are punchured)

2nd - Lone Wolf - (You) Health 62% (Mending 1% per action - Pit stop) Nitro Tanks Full (Refilling 7% per action - Engineer) 67% Mud Basin 100% (Patched) PITSTOP

The Turbulence 103 team[b]

Name: Furguson
Race: Ratsonian
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown
Strength: Speed
Weakness: Defence
Equipment: Stinger Deployer, Medicore Quallity Nitro *[/b]

Name: Darater
Race: Ratsonian
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown
Strength: Defence
Weakness: Tyres
Equipment: Giant Car & Hydraulics

Name: Ariel
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Colour: Pink
Strength: Scatter
Weakness: Drag Factor
Equipment: Extendable blades

Name: Sulko
Race: Cureian
Gender: Male
Colour: Purple
Strength: Traping
Weakness: Bottom of car
Equipment: Various armoury of traps

Name: Que
Race: Tsunnian
Gender: Male
Colour: Red
Strength: Strategies
Weakness: Exhaust pipe
Equipment: Satellite

Your team


Name: Vayagoa
Race: Mantiasian
Gender: Female
Colour: Brown
Strength: Terrain advantages
Weakness: Advance Movement
Equipment: Mud Splatter

Name: Vanessa
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Colour: Red
Strength: Speed
Weakness: Corners
Equipment: Nitro Booster(High Limited)

Name: Julikoak
Race: Cureian
Gender: Male
Colour: Lime Green
Strength: Distraction
Weakness: Terrain
Equipment: Hidden Lights

Name: Valstarki
Race: Cureian
Gender: Female
Colour: Black
Strength: Stealth
Weakness: Headlights
Equipment: Stealth Generator

*Highlighted is in the Race.
The Champion who you aim to beat in the Grand Urato Fight-Race Tournament 3600 Which takes place after rookie teams are tested, drop-in teams will battle the losers and then if the losers win there in the next round and vice versa.

Showing 1-15 of 55