A mysterious force has seeded sentient, intelligent races across the galaxy, but the war between the Atrox and the Cythraul Ascendancy threatens to destroy these young pockets of life. Fight your way into safety, and discover secrets behind your creators, and the warring powers. Are you prepared to conquer all the obstacles that stand in your way?
First, choose your planet, and the terrain you want to start off in.
<Terrains: Noxious Swamp, Shadowy Swamp> Thrace:
<Terrains: Coastline, Inland Riverside, Deep Ocean, Farwater Island, Highlands, Forest, Desert, Grassland> Korvath:
Once you have chosen a planet and terrain, create a race that is best suited to the environment. Limits being any sort of technology beyond animalistic tools, and superpowers, etc. Those come later. (I'll be glad to create a well-suited race for you if you need help)
Physical Appearance: (What it looks like. Specs) Physiology: (optional, but it helps in the long run) Psychological characteristics: (basically behavior)
Once you have crafted your race, give it a name.
Race name:
Once you have put all this together, I will draw your race's stat sheet up.
Whatever characteristics you exercise in your race, I will increase over time. (IE, the more your race utilizes its overall intelligence, the more intelligent it will become)
Race: Magnaftis Planet(s): Korvath Terrains) Physical Appearance: Huge, headless, six armed scaly humanoids with white fur, jagged fingers, a long barbed tail and ten small mouths full of serrated teeth on its back. Physiology: Strength: Endurance: Agility: Psychological Characteristics: Hordes the remains of the prey it hunts in its lair, docile unless angered or starving, charges straight at its enemies, loyal to its allies. Willpower: Intelligence: Teamwork: Problem solving: