ForumsForum GamesHero of Alexandria

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In our world, there was a roman philosopher named Hero, or Heron, depending on who you ask, who lived in the town of Alexandria. He was one of the greatest inventors of the ancient world, who had developed many inventions that where often ignored during their time. One such invention was the aeolipile, a steam engine.

In the real world, the invention was almost entirely ignored, despite the potential of the engine, it was mostly used to open doors and such. In the world of the story, the invention did not go unnoticed.

When Hero built the steam engine, he then immediately saw it's usefulness. He had designed a cart that could spin using the engine, then perfected it. The engine was perfected, the carrier was perfected, and the whole world had changed. Cars and trains had developed around the world, with all of Rome sponsoring him, Heron was unstoppable. The trains and cars soon turned into giant horses of metal with running legs, moved by the rotating steam engines and made of bronze. Eventually even better weapons where made, steam guns, giant humanoids of metal, balloons and zeppelins, the world was revolutionized under the guidance of Hero. Before 100 ad, the world was revolutionized into a strange land. Using the new technology, Rome had conquered great lands, often to the south and middle east. But other nations had also risen to power, the Germanic tribes had stolen some of the technology and built a powerful and violent nation, uniting under one flag for the common cause. China had become an industrial power, using it's resources to trade Rome for it's ingenuity and metals in return for building their war machines, and many other nations had learned some of the simpler technologies second hand. The world had been changed forever, for better or worse.

But one day, the celebrated inventor Hero had vanished, a week after announcing his big project. No one knows what had happened to him, and all of Rome went insane looking for him. The senate (Which had been reinstated do to disputes with the current emperor) had offered a statue of pure gold to anyone who gave information of his whereabouts, but no one had found him.

So to recap for everyone who had skipped to the end, this is basically an ancient Roman steam punk.

Character sheet:

NationRome, China, or Germanic tribes)
Profession: (Something logical for your country of choice, for example if you choose China you could be a factory worker, or if you choose the Germanic tribes you could be a raider)
Inventory: (Go ahead and put 2-3 logical items for your job, I may change them if I find them to be overpowered or unfitting.)
Status: Normal

Well that is all for now, anyone want to play?

  • 29 Replies
1,461 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 24
Nation: Rome
Profession: Mechanic
Inventory: Wrench, toolbox
Status: Normal

1,001 posts

Name:Ii Machimori
Age: 17
Nation: China
Profession: Chinese General (In Japan, 1545, Sengoku Jidai I think he was around)
Inventory: Kantana (Samurai Sword), Steam Matchlock Gun, New China's flag.
Status: Normal

3,817 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 24
Nation: Rome
Profession: Mechanic
Inventory: Wrench, toolbox
Status: Normal

You wipe sweat from your head as you continue to work on a merchant cart, a car twice the size of yourself with big wheels and powerful engines meant for transporting large quantities of goods. Mechanics work well in Rome, with all the machinery around, your pay is good and the job is plentiful.

Another mechanic enters your garage, a tall man with dark hair and a crooked nose. You see him from time to time at work, and think his name is Brutus. He waves at you, and you wave back. While you go back to working on the broken engine, he approaches further and starts talking to you.

"Hey Micheal" Said Brutus excitedly "The legion came and dropped of something real nice, a Peditatus mech!". You know from experiance that the Peditatus is a large, powerful human like mech that is as tall as a tree with enough fire power to tear threw near anything and enough armor to block all but the toughest shots.

"Why would the military drop it off here?" You asked. Such important jobs where often taken by the architecti, who where often experts at such things.

"It had an emergency stop, the man driving it had practically thrown it at me and told me to fix it, then run off in a hurry. I could sure use your help fixing this thing up, we should probably fix it fast. Sounds like an emergency. And I bet there will be a pretty check if we can get it done before the week is out!"

What do you do? You could help Brutus fix the mech, which may get you payed well, but you are already working on a project. The man who owns the cart you are working on is a pretty regular customer and a nice guy who owns a big company, it would be a shame if you had to neglect his project for the mech. Of course the mech could be more important to the safety of your town and country, which may be more important than a contract. On the other hand, the clock says it is getting pretty late. You could just go home and rest, maybe go to the bath house on your way home, and deal with this all tomorrow. What do you do?


Name:Ii Machimori
Age: 17
Nation: China
Profession: Chinese General
Inventory: Kantana (Samurai Sword), Steam Matchlock Gun, New China's flag.
Status: Normal

(I must say, I am impressed that your a general at 17. I am guessing you have high family connections?)

You are the general in charge of the Chinese forces in Japan. Japan had been taken over when China had begun it's growth, right after getting hold of Roman technology china had taken over many of the lands it had sought after, from India to Japan. While Japan was isolated and poorly armed, they fought much more then expected. Of the fifty ships that where first sent to secure Japan, twenty five sunk when they arrived do to a strange storm, the larger ships braving the storm easily. Somehow the resistance in the area had managed to defeat five of the other ships, sending them exploding into the ocean and capturing technology.

That was many years ago, now your the one in charge of cleaning up this mess. The resistance has not only not stopped, but has gotten stronger. They have some technology, using some modified civilian things to attack without anyone noticing, as well as using stolen combat weapons to attack out in the open. While Japan does enjoy the luxuries and technology that China has brought to it, a majority of the population wishes to be independent again and is uncooperative. A rather difficult and important situation to be in.

While you sit staring at a map of Japan, your door burst open in front of you. A low ranking conscripted man bowed quickly and you waved him on to speak.

"The terrorists" He said quickly, gasping for breath "Are attacking the main dock!"

Docks are extremely important to the ships of this technology era. The main dock is a complicated building filled with machinery and cranks, it can take a fully loaded battle ship out of the water and have it refueled in a day, smaller ships can be parked in and out in an hour. It is necessary to repair damaged ships, as well as to refuel them for long journeys. And the main dock is a huge amazing piece of infrastructure that would be a horrible loss to both military capacity, without the dock you will not be able to land any large amount of troops properly, as well as civilian capacity, since Japan has a thousand uses for ships. It is clear that this building can't fall.

What do you do? You could send the troops in the area, there are a good number of them and they may be able to take the resistance forces down, if there are only a few of them. But the forces in the area are mostly infantry, if the enemy even has one combat vehicle it would be difficult to defeat them. You could also gather up troops defending other important infrastructure, you could almost double the troops if you took the troops defending the fort you are in and some of the other less important buildings. You would even be able to get a mobile turret or two to the fight. This will give you a greater chance of victory, but leave the other buildings vulnerable to attack. Or you could, of course, call up the main force of the area, the standing military. You need the dock to unload some of the offensive vehicles, but you are currently armed with a dozen fully armed combat mechs, a few tanks, and a large amount of men. To get them mobilized it could take hours, even with the signaling system, and you do not have the time. But it would make victory against the resistance forces a sure fire thing, without the risks of exposing other areas, except the dock itself. What do you do?


Wow. Lot of writing for everyone, hope you can manage to read all that...

Just for the record, I kind of have this set somewhere between 100-300 AD, which is vastly changed after Hero, but still keeps many of the themes of the time intact. I just wrote that because I felt I did not write enough.

1,001 posts

Name:Ii Machimori
Age: 17
Nation: China
Profession: Chinese General
Inventory: Kantana (Samurai Sword), Steam Matchlock Gun, New China's flag.
Status: NormalName:Ii Machimori
Age: 17
Nation: China
Profession: Chinese General
Inventory: Kantana (Samurai Sword), Steam Matchlock Gun, New China's flag.
Status: Normal

(Well if you added a history bit?)
I stand up and face the wall, then murmur, "Get Yorimasa."
The man bows and runs out, I take off my outer robe and put on my Armour, I pick up my flag and tuck it into its
strap on my back I fill my Matchlock gun engine with Charcoal and then The Shinobi in the black ninja suit runs in and bows, I clench my teeth and say brutally, "Stand up!"
Yorimasa nods quickly and stands up.
"Goto the docks, assassainate the terrorist attackers' leaders."
Yorimasa bows quickly and runs out, I turn around and scroll up the map to put a plain piece of paper and I write in the new ink pillaged from Mino.
"To the heavenly Emperor,
I am sending this to you to tell you if you dont recieve another letter within the next season, I am dead and send Inchinago Matsugara on boats and sail to the head land of Mino, then retake Mino's docks and march towards Kyoto.
Your Son."
I close it and give it to a Metsuke to sail back to the home land and to the Heaven and Earth Dojo in Beijing on a rowing boat.
I then go over to my sword display and choose the middle one and then I sheathed it and then I lit an emergency regroup paper lantern and let go of it and into the sky it flew, then I got on my horse and trotted to the muster point where the rest of my troops are waiting, I get into my division and I say, "Reinforcements will be here soon, we must do what we can for now, I know many of you have wives and children on the main land, but on here we must know we have the better troops than the terrorists we shall fight today!
When this campaign is finished you all will have a vacation!"
I clench my teeth and whisper under my breath, "One way or another," I decided to finish the speech, " Now today you all march with me.. TO BATTLE!"

3,817 posts

Name:Ii Machimori
Age: 17
Nation: China
Profession: Chinese General
Inventory: Kantana (Samurai Sword), Steam Matchlock Gun, New China's flag.
Status: Normal

You move your troops toward the docks without any problems, the civilians had mostly evacuated themselves, with few on the streets still. You soon approach the docks, hearing gunfire from a good distance away. While you do hear the smaller sound of infantry fire, there is a worrying clink in the air, the sound of a cart? Other than that, you hear the sound of the dock workers fighting back. It sounds like they managed to get one of the turrets working, and you can hear the sound of it's cannon fire.

Another member from the scout's party had come up to speak, bowing in a similar fashion as you ask him to speak. He reports that they can see about a hundred infantrymen as the enemies, about the same amount you have available. He reports that they are all on foot, but there are more in the streets around the area, who are indistinguishable for civilians. The dock being an important place, it is surrounded by many civilian buildings. Continuing with his report, he also states that a dozen of the dock workers have barricaded the docks with their skills, making simple fortifications out of bronze and setting up guns on them. Still, they are not trained for such a thing and he reports that few are left, from the sounds of their gun's fading. Having said everything he knows, he joins your ranks again ready for combat.

Now is the time to decide how you attack. An immediate charge of your troops in formation may be able to surprise the enemy, taking them off guard and forcing them to retreat. This is risky, as it may cost many of your troops as well, and can leave you open for a counter attack, but it may end the fighting sooner risking less civilians and possibly saving the dock workers. You could also surround the enemy, you have enough men to entrap them. This could give you a chance to wipe out a hundred men from the resistance, a good victory. Surrounding them would insure that none escape, if they choose to run. They rarely run or surrender, being highly dedicated to the cause, so it would have a better chance of getting rid of them. But that also means they will likely fight to the death, as well as leaving your men scattered and spread thin if you where to be attacked by the enemy's reinforcements. You could also go into a fortified location. This may take longer and turn the fight into a siege, but you could have far better defense if you managed to get your men into the large docks, they could probably swim in if your own men don't shoot you. You could also go into the nearby buildings, which are tall bronze structures, about the size of an average mech. This will give you height, which will allow your soldier's aim to be better. Or of course you could wait for reinforcements, risking civilian lives to save more of your soldiers.

In addition, you could do less military means. Having the civilians evacuated may be difficult, and would likely take a good deal of your men, but it would help distinguish friend from foe and cut down on civilian casualties. As well, while most airships are kept in the large dock, there is a civilian balloon used like a bus, it does not have much defense but it is prepared to go. You could risk time in order to come up with a better strategy, if you sent the balloon to scout. You have not heard word from the ninja you had sent, for whatever reason. What do you do?

1,001 posts

Name:Ii Machimori
Age: 17
Nation: China
Profession: Chinese General
Inventory: Kantana (Samurai Sword), Steam Matchlock Gun, New China's flag.
Status: Normal

I send my Naginata bow samurai (50 men) up a tall building and I take my men charging forward, (67 men)

3,817 posts

Name:Ii Machimori
Age: 17
Nation: China
Profession: Chinese General
Inventory: Kantana (Samurai Sword), Steam Matchlock Gun, New China's flag.
Status: Normal

Your men rush across the open field toward the enemy, shouting and firing their weapons. The initial impact had done a great deal to the enemy, but then they started returning fire. The shooters in the building where aiding the best they could and taking down several infantrymen. But there was trouble for the men on the ground, who where outnumbered by almost double, and heavy casualties where taken on both sides. After much fighting, you seemed to have the upper hand. The enemy had begun to leave the field and enter a nearby building where a few of your bowmen where staying, who where greatly outnumbered. The field was scattered with bodies from both sides, but you managed to push them back a little.

After taking a second to count casualties, it seems that you now have fifty fit fighting men of your ground forces, with nine dead and eight wounded, as well as three men who where in the building. Your enemy seems to have lost somewhere between twenty and thirty men, but some of the bodies may be civilians caught in the crossfire. A bullet whizzes by your head shot from the building, the resistance has fortified the building rather well.

What do you do? You could press the offense before enemy reinforcements arrive or they fortify the building more, forsaking your wounded but making up in time. Few of your men in the building have a good angle any more, you could probably take most of them back down to join your other troops. You could now say time is not an issue, since you are going to get more reinforcements then the enemy is, and since the enemy is no longer advancing. A siege would take much less tole on your men, and after all they have no food or water in the building, you could cut the aqueduct off and starve them out while waiting for backup. This would take more time, and would risk enemies getting reinforcements, but would take less toll on your men. And of course you could now send some men to go to the docks, it is possible they could get a small vehicle out quickly, a large vehicle would take longer.

There is also the issue of your wounded. You could leave them their to die, which would allow your fit troops to preform to their fullest. You could also bring them to get medical care, but it would take some troops to do. Finally, you could send some of your men to get civilian assistance, which risks civilians but requires less men. What do you do?

1,461 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 24
Nation: Rome
Profession: Mechanic
Inventory: Wrench, toolbox
Status: Normal

I help Brutus with the Peditatus mech but I also work on the cart during any spare time I can get.

3,817 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 24
Nation: Rome
Profession: Mechanic
Inventory: Wrench, toolbox
Status: Normal

You tell Brutus your plan to help him and a smile crawls across his face. "Splendid!" He says, "Come with me, you must see it!"

You exit the garage with Brutus and he leads you to his car, a cart with a large engine in the back and chairs specifically meant to move people. It's bronze exterior once shone with a buetiful polish, but the cart is aged dull. You get in the passenger seat and he starts driving, out of the city, past the seven hills, and into a forest. When he arrived at the forest, he took a sharp turn straight into the trees. The ride was by no means comfortable, but when he turned off road it felt like you would fly out of the car. After he continued to drive, making small talk and joking all the way, for about an hour he stopped in a small clearing. While you approached the clearing, you could clearly notice something right above the trees. Finally, you could see the machine. It was rather box like in it's look, but you could tell how it could be considered human like. Guns adorned the shoulders, the arms, the head, and many other areas, large cannons that could probably destroy a building in one round. And most impressive of all was the size of this thing. It was currently in a turtle position, being off, but it was still as tall as most of the trees. Standing fully, you have no doubt it would be taller than most civilian buildings in Rome. Brutus lets out a whistle and says "That...Is what we are working on".

You examine it while working on it, and it seems to be rather beat up. Your first impression of damage was the large slash across it's chest, as if from a sword. You can't imagine anything doing that to such a powerful machine. On inspecting the insides, you can tell it has been in a fight. Blood stained many of the halls in the machine, especially the weapon bays. But that isn't your job, so you head to the engine rooms. Such a big craft has several engines, often one for each leg, as well as some for the weapon systems, as well as backups for them. But you examined them all, and every single engine seems to have blown, as if from being overfilled. The damage was strange, but by no means unfixable.

So you got into the routine, going to work on the cart in the morning, then going to work on the mech in the afternoon. The schedule goes well for three days, you manage to get one of the engines on the mech fixed and nearly complete the repairs, when problems started to occur.

You where putting a patch over the scar on the outside, a quick fix that can help a lot, using a sheet of metal and welding it to the rest of the mech, a man in a long cloak showed up. The man is definitely not Brutus, you can tell that from his height. This forest is not a high traffic area, how do you react?

1,001 posts

Name:Ii Machimori
Age: 17
Nation: China
Profession: Chinese General
Inventory: Kantana (Samurai Sword), Steam Matchlock Gun, New China's flag.
Status: Normal
(My name is said like ee ma-ch-ee-mor-ee)
(Oh and in Japan and most likely china the first name is second and the second name is first, so my first name is Machimori and my surname is Ii)
(I am playing china like I would do Japan, I'll just assume China uses Shinto and stuff like that)

I lower my mouth covering, "**** Hachiman (Shinto God of war)"

I shout, "Kai!" (Meaning board, I am summoning a metsuke) and a metsuke comes over and does a full bow, ( the bow where he gets on the floor crossing his legs an siting on them then lowing his head forward to the ground with hands either side.)
I look down and say, "Stand up! Damasu (Fool), this is the field of battle!"
He does a respectful nod and stands up.
I glare at him, "Tell their general I want a one on one duel, Katana to Katana, who ever kills their general gets the docks, you have my word as an honourable heir of the Chinese Empire."
The metsuke nods respectfully though doubting Warlord Machimori's Decision, he runs of and sends the message carefull though not to be killed. I say to my second in command to order the Naginata bow samurai and the rest of the division to stand down and tell the Naginata bow samurai to take the injured to Mikawa where the second big harbour is but it is slightly simpler

1,001 posts

Tomorrow I am going away for the week I will need to be excused from rping sorry.

1,461 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 24
Nation: Rome
Profession: Mechanic
Inventory: Wrench, toolbox
Status: Normal

I grab my wrench, look around for anything I can use as a weapon and ask who he is.

3,817 posts

Name:Ii Machimori
Age: 17
Nation: China
Profession: Chinese General
Inventory: Kantana (Samurai Sword), Steam Matchlock Gun, New China's flag.
Status: Normal

(*Shrugs*. I will just assume you where brought to Japan at a young age and took the culture on well, as well as the name.)

Your message is sent successfully, and soon you see a young man being pushed from the building wielding the flag of truce. As he approaches, you see that he is simply a kid, he can't be sixteen yet.

He continues to approach and speaks to you "We do not except" he said in his childish voice, "For we can not. If you want to duel him, you will have to meat him in yomi. The general was assassinated before your troops had arrived."

You shake your head thoughtfully, remembering that you had sent the shinobi to do the job.

The child continues "We have no other leaders in this party, there was no need for any. He had given us all his orders before death, for he knew he would die. No one else has the authority to do so, no one else wishes to do so, for that would go against the leader's wishes. You will have to kill us all if you want the dock."

With your duel foiled, what will you do?
Don't worry about it, I am not going to be able to do to much over the week, I have work to do. The weekend is where I have the most time.


Name: Michael
Age: 24
Nation: Rome
Profession: Mechanic
Inventory: Wrench, toolbox, welder
Status: Normal

You look for something that could be used as a weapon, and find the welder you are using to patch it up. You ready it and your wrench, while yelling "Who are you" from the ladder you are currently on. The weapons may not be good at this distance, but at least they are something.

The man takes a pugio pistol it appears he was holding on to and points it at you. And instead of answering, he asks his own question. "Edicus Brtus?" he says in a deep voice.

The man is still much a mystery, but at the moment he is not expecting you to make a move. You could go along with him and tell him what he wants to know, assuming he is someone on your side. But that would get you shot if it was not. You could try running, it is possible you could do something to detract him enough for you to escape to your car. Or, if felling even more lucky, to the half broken mech. You could also try the exact opposite, and use the distraction to attack him, but that would get you in trouble with whoever his allies are, regardless on if he is on your side or not.

What do you do?

1,461 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 24
Nation: Rome
Profession: Mechanic
Inventory: Wrench, toolbox, welder
Status: Normal

I slowly climb down the ladder while I say "Are you friends with Brutus? If you are, are you the one who asked him to fix this mech?"

3,817 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 24
Nation: Rome
Profession: Mechanic
Inventory: 2 silver, Wrench, toolbox, welder
Status: Normal

The man lowers his weapon and seems to nod under his cloak. "Yes, you could say I am friends with Brutus. I don't have the honer of being the one who assigned him this job."

He walked closer to you, with is hands in his pockets. "You did a nice repair job" he says deeply, "You didn't happen to see the inside of it, did you?"

"Why would that matter?" You ask before thinking.

"Ah, no reason, forget about it" said the man while rubbing a leg of the robot. "I am sorry for all the hostility, we just get a little...touchy about our battle mech. You can understand right?"

He then turns to you and takes an object out of his pocket, the one opposite to the one the gun is in. He flicks a silver coin at you, which you catch in mid air. "You did a nice job, here is your pay. We no longer require your services, go home." One silver is a decent amount for such a small amount of work. "Oh," he continues, "And you didn't see anything. This is classified, we can't have this information getting out." as he flipped you another coin. Two silver is a great profit for such a small job, and not wanting to anger the military, you head off to your car. It was really late, so drove home and had a good rest.

You went back to work on the cart full time and expect to finish the job soon. It was in a great wreck, crashing into a larger cart it practically exploded. But after a good deal of materials, you almost have it back in running shape. Other than that, the only strange thing was the fact that Brutus had not shown up for work in a few days. You had assumed that if they payed you that well, they probably gave him a gold statue of himself and he was spending his days drinking wine in some area or another. But then another strange action happened.

A man knocked on the door to the garage. You of course answer, to find a man wearing a typical Roman soldier of a city, wearing a modified robe for practicality and the crest of the city on his bronze helm. "Hello, my sources tell me you where friends with the man named Brutus. He worked here, didn't he?"

While you where saying yes, you realized the past tense of the words, you start to worry a little. "Yes, he was a friend who worked here."

The soldier nodded and wrote something down. "Brutus was found dead last night, he was in the woods outside of town. It looks like someone shot him and left him for dead. You would not happen to know anything involving his murder, do you?"

How will you answer? Answering truthfully could get the help of the military. But of course the last person you thought was on your side was not, you could easily just get shot. You could make up a lie, which may get you in trouble if he is in the actual military, but will save you if he is lying. What do you do?

Showing 1-15 of 29