
35 9877
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

A word that causes untold regret in millions people, mass panic amongst in-laws, and years of sad sad domestic training and taming. Marriage isn't as sacred a concept (Has it been though? I'm sure that anguished husbands and nagging wives have always existed) as what people claim in the ''good old days''. Marriage is increasingly a temporal and brief affair, all puns aside. Divorce is on the rise, with single parent households an ubiquitous sight.

So what do you feel about marriage, and how it has changed over time? Is marriage merely a static and unbearably traditional custom that has to be at all costs between a man and a woman? Or is a marriage more aptly an expression of love at it's heart, and thus doesn't matter when genders are concerned? Is marriage good? Bad? Necessary?

  • 35 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

what??? its obvious the world devides into theists and atheists. can you think of anything else? thats exactly my point. he said that since atheists made that statement its "unfair". the only other group of people that would make a statement like that CAN ONLY be theists so his reason for saying this statement isnt valid is pretty pointless.

Agnostics. Deist. Even Transtheists. But we're going too far with this...
5,129 posts

because of such mind set you ppl are having a dengerously low birth rate.

not my problem realy.
a friend of my has 6 kids (he is not religious he just likes kids and can afford having so many)
so i think we balanced it =P

anyway why would it be dangerous?
my country is already overpopulated. less new people is more a possitive thing then negative. we don't need more people we would even be better of whit less
a usual country of the size of the netherlands has about 5 mill people. but the netherlands is already almost hitting the 17 mill people.
it's in no way dangerous for us.
1,826 posts

not my problem realy.
a friend of my has 6 kids (he is not religious he just likes kids and can afford having so many)
so i think we balanced it =P

anyway why would it be dangerous?
my country is already overpopulated. less new people is more a possitive thing then negative. we don't need more people we would even be better of whit less
a usual country of the size of the netherlands has about 5 mill people. but the netherlands is already almost hitting the 17 mill people.
it's in no way dangerous for us.

I meant whole europe
9,462 posts

Agnostics. Deist. Even Transtheists.

Agnostic is a completely different dichotomy. Deism would still be a from of theism. transtheism just doesn't make much sense, it's like saying ones position is beyond yes or no to a yes or no question.

Okay sorry I can't of how I can turn this back on topic... So later.
16 posts

i don't like gay marriage i'll say that i think its kind of strange. However i think it should be aloud, its something you should be able to do if you want to get married to the same sex. All in all i think its strange and kind of wrong but its something you should be able to do if you want to.

Showing 31-35 of 35