ForumsWEPR[duplicate]Atheism, Secularism and all that

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So, what is your opinion on religion and secularism?
I am an atheist as long as I can remember and cannot understand people who think that religious leaders should hold political power. Also, I don't see why creationism is once again taught in Texas, Louisiana, New Hampshire, Kansas and Tenessee. Gradual Evolution is the best proven theory in the world and I dön't understand why anyone would put up a totally unscientific theory against it.
But actually, which is far worse, in my opinion is that religion, especially Islam and Christianity, are on their way to turn back progeress in science, society and politics. Also, the bible is not a source of morality, rather a collection of tales from a time in which Mind-Crime was real.
The American Taliban are on a good way to turn America into a theocratic country, whereas the historical heritage had always been tolerance and secularism towards religion. I would well like to hear your opinions.

  • 19 Replies
5,129 posts

because it's just science.

i wonder if you even know anything about scientology yourself tbh.

meaning it's against them.

not sure what your pointing at. they surely have their own base ideas and rituals. that has nothing to do whit going against something.

You said the government should not listen to this and make their own decisions on the previous page. I told you that, in the USA, this will never happen. I understand that you don't agree with it. I'm merely saying this won't happen. /end.

and thats why i'm happy it's not my government. even tho they try to.

But in a Democratic society, the government cannot "lead" without debating first. Democracy came from the ideas of debating and doing what the country thinks is best- not what the government officials thinks is best.

i think i bolded the right tekst last post.
4,170 posts

how come scientists can but politicians can't?
and how come our politicians can?

They can. I'm just saying it wouldn't go well for them.

the majority is not always right.
sometimes the government has to do things a favor of the minority.

In that situation, it is the minority's duty to convince the opposing party that their ideas are right.

The word "atheist" appears in English books at least as early as 1566.

I meant it wasn't accepted into society. If you were atheist, you were hated.
5,129 posts

In that situation, it is the minority's duty to convince the opposing party that their ideas are right.

and when ever did they agree whit something that they think is against the bibel?
they are simply not willing or able to change their views.

these debates are unneeded because 1 side will never change.

anyway if democrocy always works like how you say it, then why are you guys still paying taxes? no1 or atleast most do not like to pay taxes and would like them to be gone. still taxes are still there.
4,170 posts

and when ever did they agree whit something that they think is against the bibel?
they are simply not willing or able to change their views.

these debates are unneeded because 1 side will never change.

The church accepted that the sun was in the center of the solar system in the 1960's. That's change, isn't it? The church also believed that Jesus was born 2012 years ago, when our modern day calendar started, but now the church accepts that Jesus was most likely born 4 years before our modern day calendar begins... 2016 years ago. There are more things, but I haven't the time to find them. Just use Google.

anyway if democrocy always works like how you say it, then why are you guys still paying taxes? no1 or atleast most do not like to pay taxes and would like them to be gone. still taxes are still there.

Taxes pay for everything the government does. We try our best not to borrow from other countries. Taxes pay for roads, schools, water, plumbing, garbage facilities, recycling facilities, government dpt. (i.e. department of motor vehicles), electricity, poverty assistance... need I go on?
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