ForumsForum GamesThe War Of Time

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960 posts

This game is a military building game where you build up an army and attack other players/NPAs (Non Player Armies controlled by me) to win battles and conquer the world. This is NOT a country controlling game, you only have to manage strategic resources to build better units and for the most part your citizens will be happy/content with you unless you do something atrocious (Like nuking an enemy city/army) or if you lose battle after battle after battle. Anyways enough of me talking here's the sheat you need to fill out.

Country's Name: (Your own name or a real life one[like Rome or Carthage])
General's Name:
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Settlers x1
Build Points: 20 (Thesse are used to buy/build units/improvements)

That's it, any questions that you have fell free to ask and here's what you. Can buy/build:
Settler-20 BPs(Abbreviation of Build Points)
Worker-5 BPs (used to make land improvements and to get Strategic Resources)
Warrior-3 BPs (armed with a club and no armor 2 attack 2 health 1 movement)
Scout-4 BPs (Armed with a hachet they can move faster but have less attack/health 1 attack 1 health 3 movement)

  • 25 Replies
960 posts

My bad settlers have 0 attack, 1 health, and 2 movement.

53 posts

Country's Name: The Republic of Torqa
General's Name: Menace el Torqa the VII
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Settlers x1
Build Points: 20

Well, I'd like to join this world conquest spree. Here's my profile.

960 posts

Country's Name: The Republic of Torqa
General's Name: Menace el Torqa the VII
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Settlers x1
Build Points: 20

What would you like to call your first city? New building available a barracks (all new ground units have more experiance then thosse without. 15 BPs)

408 posts

Country's Name: Laurea
General's Name: General Bramble
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Settlers x1
Build Points: 20

Here we go!

960 posts

Country's Name: Laurea
General's Name: General Bramble
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Warrior x1
Build Points: 30

Your village was recently raided by savages who took some food, some women, and some children. Your best hunter is now the leader of your fledgling army.

Country's Name: The Republic of Torqa
General's Name: Menace el Torqa the VII
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Warrior x1
Build Points: 30

Your village was recently raided by savages who took some food, some women, and some children. Your best hunter is now the leader of your fledgling army.

My bad I was going to overcomplacate this with the settlers is I removed them, in compensation you get 30 BPs and a free warrior.

Availible Units:
Worker-5 BPs (used to make land improvements and to get Strategic Resources)
Warrior-3 BPs (armed with a club and no armor 2 attack 2 health 1 movement)
Scout-4 BPs (Armed with a hachet they can move faster but have less attack/health 1 attack 1 health 3 movement)

53 posts

Country's Name: The Republic of Torqa
General's Name: Menace el Torqa the VII
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Warrior x1
Build Points: 30

Do we still name our first city? If so, mine is "New Necca". As for my turn, (I'm not sure how much we can do in one turn) I hire 1 worker, make a barracks and rally my army (of one warrior and the hunter guy) to prepare to take on the savages!

960 posts

Country's Name: The Republic of Torqa
General's Name: Menace el Torqa the VII
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Warrior x1 Worker x1
Build Points: 12

You have a new barracks and worker! Your general and your warrior follow the savages tracks to a small river, do you cross it?

Country's Name: Sweden
General's Name:Lars Eriksen
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Warrior
Build Points: 30

Welcome aboard!

World Statistics:
Civilazations: 3
Age: Stone Age
Post till Bronze Age: 7

53 posts

Country's Name: The Republic of Torqa
General's Name: Menace el Torqa the VII
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Warrior x1 Worker x1
Build Points: 12

Hmm, first I hire a scout and send him across the river to check things out while I relax with my mighty army (with one or two people depending on who you count). I also instruct my worker to construct a statue in my image back home.

960 posts

Country's Name: Sweden
General's Name:Lars Eriksen
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Warrior
Build Points: 22

I build a settler and 2 scouts

Sorry there aren't settlers anymore you still build the scouts though.

Country's Name: The Republic of Torqa
General's Name: Menace el Torqa the VII
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Warrior x1 Worker x1
Build Points: 12

Hmm, first I hire a scout and send him across the river to check things out while I relax with my mighty army (with one or two people depending on who you count). I also instruct my worker to construct a statue in my image back home.

The scout cost 4 BPs and the statue 10 so you don't have enough for both. Which one do you want first? The statue will increase your troops/civilians morale making them happier but the scout could help you find the barbarians.
960 posts

Country's Name: Sweden
General's Name:Lars Eriksen
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Warrior
Build Points: 22

Sorry meant to give you a situation. A (herd?) of wild boar charged through your village killing some people and causing some minor damage, what do you do now?

53 posts

Country's Name: The Republic of Torqa
General's Name: Menace el Torqa the VII
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Warrior x1 Worker x1
Build Points: 12

Well, I meant the statue to be a sort of joke about how I'm extremely vain, oh well. I'll take the scout, and another warrior while I'm at it. And I'll keep the sending the scout to scout order.Also, can I just get a personal golden statue of myself just for kicks? (it can be in my castle or something so that it doesn't actually do anything, except make me feel better about myself of course)

9 posts

Country's Name: Doministan
General's Name: Dominee el Ducks
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Settlers x1
Build Points: 20

Here's my country.

9 posts

Country's Name: Doministan
General's Name: Dominee el Ducks
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Settlers x1
Build Points: 20

I build scout and send it to search resources, if there would be any nearby. I also hire 1 worker.

1,255 posts

Country's Name: empire of Persia
General's Name: Xerxes the sharpshooter
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Settlers x1
Build Points: 20

well !! i am ready

960 posts

Country's Name: Sweden
General's Name:Lars Eriksen
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Warrior, Scout x2
Build Points: 22

No lumberyard yet but you can send workers to cut trees (2 BPs per post)

Country's Name: The Republic of Torqa
General's Name: Menace el Torqa the VII
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Warrior x1 Worker x1
Build Points: 12

If you had a gold mine or other source of gold then I'd totally let you, but you don't. The scout reports back saying "They are using our children as slaves! And they are rapeing our women! Also there were some people that I didn't recognize that were slaves as well."

Country's Name: Doministan
General's Name: Dominee el Ducks
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Scout x1 Worker x1 Warrior x1
Build Points: 21

Your scouts find a black liquid that gets set on fire when you get your torch to close, what could it be?

Country's Name: empire of Persia
General's Name: Xerxes the sharpshooter
Strategic Resources: None
Units: Warrior x1
Build Points: 30

Your first action is?

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