Epic Pixel War

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Oct 17, 2024


An action roguelike where you send armies of powerful units with different powers to fight against hordes of enemies, upgrading and finding new units as you go.

Get started on your adventure choosing one of three heroes to fight against procedurally generated armies that will grow in power and numbers as you progress through the game.

- Strategic Team Building: Build your team of heroes that will fight the enemy hordes, use each of your members stats and special attacks to your advantage in order to destroy your enemies.

- Improve your Units : Upgrade your units to make them stronger or equip them with items you gather along your journey.

- Unique Runs: Each run a random set of levels will be generated with enemies adjusted to your power level. Unlocking new units, items and relics.


Explained in-game

November 23, 2024

-Ouroboros ring buff: now will not grant random buffs and will instead give 15HP, 2 Speed, 2 Attack and 2 max hits buffs to your leader for each ring. -Relic limit increased, ouroboros rings will now appear later (or with a small chance) since this limit was increased. -Battle speed now stays the same between battles. -New bosses in level 100 for the Demo.

October 30, 2024

- German localizations. - Glitch skeletank now attacks 3x faster and has its damage reduced from 20 to 15 . - Glitch golem now only has positive resistances and damage increased from 10 to 15. - Glitch explosion mage now has a 18s cooldown instead of 15s.

October 26, 2024

- Kill bonus replaced with strategic bonus, now rewarding quickly defeating the enemy with the least amount of kills possible, for a max of 33% the levels xp reward, all the way down to 0%. - Death knights cursed skulls special effect was changed to happen more often but be less powerful, to prevent instant death scenarios when the player is not aware of the ability. Now it will have a small chance of dealing 66 magic damage, instead of the flat 6 magic damage it would normally do. - Hardmode enemy leaders will now be immune to damage for a bit while retreating on 25% HP. To also encourage more strategic maneuvering instead of brute forcing it.
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