[quote]if i spell some thing wrong you can correct me
[i]i have bin thinking a bought making an rpg for a weak now cents all of my other topics die from misspelled words im going to try and spell all the words correctly
you wake up in a random cave and there is an egg a dragon egg you have to describe it and ill be the one to tell you what kind of dragon will hatch when it hatches you get a power you can choose what one it is you have to raise the dragon and care for it or elts it will die if it dies in battle take it to a church to revive it fill out this char sheat to play
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
You are in the same place but its night and the camp is gone Sasha to.
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory: Gold: Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
i follow the trail again animating every thing i can ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory: Gold: Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
you animate one medium sized tree and a small rock and reach the camp.
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory: Gold: Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
i look around for sasha near the trees being careful not to be spotted
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory: Gold: Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
the boll is empty and its getting darker and darker and harder to see
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
You see the same things as before:tents people and two jail and you ear a conversation you understand some of it:Thief...dead...dragon...recovered...base
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory: Gold: Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
I say Lucifer to get back and wait for something to happen.
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
i animate the trees and the rocks and have them attack then go talk to the pll in jail ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory: Gold: Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
a neclase popes out of the boll and it has a bulb on it
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
you attack and free the prisoners but you need to back off because the enemy have magicians to the woman thanks you and the man suggest to get away from the forest.
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory: Gold: Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
i ask the presoners why were you in there and where did they take sasha as soon as we get to the forest
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory: Gold: Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
as you pick it up it glows very bright and temporarily blinds you
0cc i meant why dont you play on the life of a dragon
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory: Gold: Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
The woman says that her dad fond you in the caverns and brought you home then strange men attacked us they didn't notice you because the invisible spell i did cast on you that's all i know.