[quote]if i spell some thing wrong you can correct me
[i]i have bin thinking a bought making an rpg for a weak now cents all of my other topics die from misspelled words im going to try and spell all the words correctly
you wake up in a random cave and there is an egg a dragon egg you have to describe it and ill be the one to tell you what kind of dragon will hatch when it hatches you get a power you can choose what one it is you have to raise the dragon and care for it or elts it will die if it dies in battle take it to a church to revive it fill out this char sheat to play
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory: Gold: Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
as it goes in it desapers and a minet later a note popes out reading this is not its a boll but this came from it
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
but where did they take sasha i need her shes my dragon and what elts did he find
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory: Gold: Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
I put all the stuff in the bag an take it to the old man.
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory: Gold: Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
a note pops up and says yes that's it come back for the reward and you can keep the bag
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
"Ive senn that they did take out a dragon from the bushes and did take it to the big tent"
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
i ask if they have any thing that could fight good or any thing at all and i animat a coupll more trees and rocks and have them attak
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
They say no and you animate two trees and one stone that you can maintain it for 3 minutes you attack and you have the advantage.
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
i go inside the tent animating my shirt so it can fight as well
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
well you fight yourself into the big tent and find Sasha wounded as flee from the camp.
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory: Gold: Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
I go back.
OOC:It is a good idea for a rpg and even cooler if the allies and enemies would be players
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
You flee from the camp but sasha is wounded and the golems wont be able to distract then very longer.
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory: Gold: Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
he gives you the reward and the neklase ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
i ask the former prisoners if they have a healing spell
Name:Leon Gender:M Age:18 Power:Can transform is emotions into a demon. Desk:Electric blue eyes and medium rebellious white hair and always stays in the shadow. Desc of egg: A egg that has half the size off a human and is completely black with a horizontal line off purple on it with very tick shell. Inventory:Mysterious necklace Gold:10000 Weapons:long egg sword Armor:egg armor Pets: Team:Lucifer Dragon gender:Male Quest:
I go to tavern into a room and spent the rest of the day testing what the necklace does.
Name:Fethery gender:Male age:15 power: I'm able to make inanimate objects come to life desc:tall green eyes light skin desc of egg:a dark red with spikes that are curved up coming out of it. Inventory: Gold: Weapons: Armor: Pets: Team:Sasha Dragon gender:Female Quest:
The woman says "my name is Jane get the dragon in on the bed and i can perform a novice healing spell"