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I got too impatient, endlessrampage, but hopefully you will still want to manage this.


It is the year 1008, the land of Ocaenyd is divided between the Svaenyd Empire and the Ocaenyd Freemen. There are also many other factions sprouting throughout the land. Some fight for power, some fight for freedom, some fight just because, and so on. The land is unsafe and wartorn. You can choose what to do, change the land or leave it be.

Some Features
Here are some things you can do in this game:
Build up settlements until the point they are on the map.
Overthrow kings.
Destroy or help factions.
Create your own faction.
Engage in faction diplomacy.
Unite Ocaenyd or watch it destroy itself.
Life a normal life.
Become a soldier for a faction or just fight.
Travel and explore.
Find books that further explain the story behind Ocaenyd.
Other stuff.

Character Sheet
Name: (Any, first and last, middle optional)
Age: (18-30)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Biography: (At least 3 sentences, you do not have to be in depth)
Physical Description: (Hair, eyes, body, etc.)
Personality: (At least 2 things about your personality)
Trait: (Leave blank, I get this from your Biography and Personality)
Family: (List your family members, optional)
Relationships: (Name your friends and others with relations to you, optional)
Job: (Put anything, other than King)
Faction: (Pick any)
Hunger: Not Hungry
Thirst: Not Thirsty
Energy: Well Rested
Sanity: Sane
Injuries: None
Diseases: None
General Health: Fine
Level 1
Experience: 0/10
Points Remaining: 20 (Distribute between the stats below)
Strength: (Your brute strength)
Accuracy: (How well you can hit a target)
Speed: (Your general speed when running)
Reflexes: (How fast you can react to something)
Sneak: (How sneaky you are)
Stamina: (You long you can last doing something, ex. running)
Survival: (How long you can last without rest, thirst, or hunger)
Charisma: (How well you can persuade or talk to others)
Thieving: (How good you are at thieving items)
Resistance: (How well you can take a hit, how resistant you are to the effects of hunger, thirst, etc.)
Kills: None
Attack Power: (Leave blank)
Defense: (Leave blank)
Murders: None
Attempted Murders: None
Theft/Robberies: None
Religious Crimes: None
Bounty: None
Money: 10 Gold
Inventory: (I will give you)
Primary Weapon: (I will give you)
Secondary Weapon: (I will give you)
Head Armor: (I will give you)
Pendant: (I will give you)
Face Accessories: (I will give you)
Body Armor: (I will give you)
Hand Armor: (I will give you)
Leg Armor: (I will give you)
Footwear: (I will give you)
Rings: (I will give you)
Other: (I will give you)
Overall: (I will give you)
Mount: (I will give you)
Pets: (I will give you)
Date: Day 1, Year 1008
Party: (At least 1 person and up to 3 people, optional)
Morale: (Leave blank)
Reputation: None
Settlements: None


Svaenyd Empire: Located in the center, fights other factions for control.

Ocaenyd Freemen: Located in the North-East, fights the Svaenyd Empire for freedom.

Kingdom of Daernot: Nation located in the South, fights the Kingdom of Ostark.

Neutral State of Lujt: Does not engage in fighting, located on Luminous Island.

Limited Monarchy of Dejrlat: Located in the West, fights the Svaenyd Empire to help the Ocaenyd Freemen.

Neutral State of Javenak: Located in the North, does not engage in fighting but is very friendly.

Kingdom of Ostark: Located in the East, fights the Kingdom of Daernot.

Player Faction: Can be created by player once they rise as a ruler.

The Language
The language is something I made up, it is somewhat similar to the Scandinavian languages but easy to understand, IMO. Use this to help your understanding.

The Alphabet
A - Ah
AE - A
B - B
C - K, but rarely used
D - D
E - Eh
F - F
G - G in Gun
H - H
I - EE
J - Y in yet
K - K
L - L
M - M
N - N
O - Oh
P - P
R - R
S - S
T - T
U - OO
V - V
Y - Ih
Z - Z, but rarely used

City/Faction Meanings
Dejrlat - Far Place
Derbej - The Bay
Stalnejt - Steel Neck
Varnatgod - Hammer Town
Vestberg - West Mountain
Vestbej - West Bay
Aekvester - Close Watcher
Norrkost - North Coast
Svaemot - Safe Mountain
Svaenyd - Safe City
Hartlant - Heart Land
Futberg - Low Town
Ostkonnr - East Corner
Faejlant - Fertile Land
Avenaed - Arrow Trader
Norrbej - North Bay
Tetbej - Neck Bay
Botgod - Boat Town
Ejstenbej - Quiet Bay
Hetgod - Head Town
Rok - Rock
Lujt - Luminous/Light
Lujtbej - Luminous Bay
Vestlujt - West Light
Taejos - Tears
Norrgod - North Town
Vikerbej - Viking Bay
Botegod - Border Town
Ostrok - East Rock
Vejgod - Way Town
Trehet - Triple Head
Kautebej - Cutter Bay
Osnek - Ocean Village
Ostbej - East Bay
Ocaenyd - United City
Mejtemot - Little Mountain
Ostark - East Traveler
Jaterlant - Flat Land
Dejsta - Troubled
Osbej - Ocean Bay
Vatkamot - Drunk Mountain
Skavagod - Raven Town
Ostskava - East Raven
Daerbej - Heat Bay
Kattegod - Trench Town
Daernot - Heated
Kvaste - Crossing

3 People only, and no, it is not multiplayer. That is too complicated for my tastes.

Hopefully the map is not too messed up...

  • 62 Replies
2,025 posts

Name: Jace Ostkotte
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Biography: I grew up in the south. I then fought in the militia. I am now planning on making my own government.
Physical Description: Black hair, gray eyes, 6'3", skinny
Personality: Quiet, Calculating
Trait: Calculator; You can easily calculate problems, faster than the average man. (You can ask to change this)
Family: An elderly uncle
Relationships: None at this point
Job: Captain of the Guard in Daernot
Faction: None
Hunger: Not Hungry
Thirst: Not Thirsty
Energy: Well Rested
Sanity: Sane
Injuries: None
Diseases: None
General Health: Fine
Level 1
Experience: 0/10
Points Remaining: 0
Strength: 2
Accuracy: 2
Speed: 27 (Base: 2)
Reflexes: 2
Sneak: 2
Stamina: 2
Survival: 2
Charisma: 2
Thieving: 2
Resistance: 2
Kills: None
Attack Power: 22
Defense: 32
Murders: None
Attempted Murders: None
Theft/Robberies: None
Religious Crimes: None
Bounty: None
Money: 10 Gold
Inventory: Map of Ocaenyd, Bread Loaf
Primary Weapon: Short Guard Sabre (+20 Attack Power)
Secondary Weapon: Wooden Round Shield (+10 Defense)
Head Armor: Leather Helmet (+5 Defense)
Pendant: None
Face Accessories: None
Body Armor: Leather Breastplate (+7 Defense)
Hand Armor: None
Leg Armor: Leather Pants (+5 Defense)
Footwear: Leather Boots (+3 Defense)
Rings: None
Other: None
Overall: None
Mount: Chestnut Horse with Saddle (+25 Speed)
Pets: None
Date: Day 1, Year 1008
Party: Jacque, Sam, Paul
Morale: Somewhat Good
Reputation: Daernot; Revolted, Caused Uprising (-30 Relation to City and Faction)
Settlements: None

"That is a smart assessment. Let's carry on."I say heading towards the kingdom we are going to.(sorry I forget names easily)

16,287 posts

Name: Mareak Trannyth
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Biography: Son of a wealthy trader family, but never allowed much of the wealth, allowing him to hone his trading skills. At the age of 18 he started a small stall in the square of Harlant. by 20 he gathered up some money from his trades to start a caravan business that travels through dangerous areas in the name of money.
Physical Description: black hair, 6'0", average weight, not terribly athletic, but can run
Personality: Cold, Slightly greedy (he won't throw a kid down a well for money, but he will do some things for money), calm, collected
Trait: Merchant; Your experience with merchandising gives you extra charisma and a higher chance of successful trades.
Family: Mother:Lady Alustine, Father:Lord Seamorn, Brother: Eltumal
Relationships: Best Friend: Horgeon Urthadar
Job: Caravaneer
Faction: none/born in Svaenyd Empire
Hunger: Not Hungry
Thirst: Not Thirsty
Energy: Well Rested
Sanity: Sane
Injuries: None
Diseases: None
General Health: Fine
Level 1
Experience: 1/10
Points Remaining:
Strength: 3
Accuracy: 1
Speed: 22 (Base: 2)
Reflexes: 2
Sneak: 1
Stamina: 2
Survival: 2
Charisma: 13 (Base: 5)
Thieving: 0
Resistance: 2
Kills: None
Attack Power: 21
Defense: 48
Murders: None
Attempted Murders: None
Theft/Robberies: None
Religious Crimes: None
Bounty: None
Money: 8 Gold
Inventory: Map of Ocaenyd, Bronze Ores (5), Bread Loaf, Silk (1), Furs (2)
Primary Weapon: Bronze Shortsword (+18 Attack Power)
Secondary Weapon: Fur-Rimmed Round Leather Shield (+22 Defense)
Head Armor: Fur Cap (+4 Defense)
Pendant: Merchant Pendant (+3 Charisma)
Face Accessories: None
Body Armor: None
Hand Armor: Leather Gloves (+2 Defense)
Leg Armor: Leggings (+1 Defense)
Footwear: Fur Boots (+3 Defense)
Rings: None
Other: None
Overall: Full Leather Coat (+16 Defense)
Mount: Caravan Horse with Saddle (+20 Speed)
Pets: None
Date: Day 1, Year 1008
Party: Best Friend: current guard of caravan
Morale: Very Good
Reputation: None
Settlements: None

"Where is the customs officer around here?"

Showing 61-62 of 62