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Last year you were just an ordinary bum on the street, but then the planetary government went and conscripted you into their exploration service. After a six month training program you are ready. You get given your assignment, find a rare metal, rumored to exist on a distant planet, and bring it back. But, right before you set out, you learn that the governments of other planets as well as space pirates are also after this metal, you must beat them to it.

character sheat:

Name: (your name)
Sex: (male or female)
(50 points to use)
Health: (how much damage you will survive, x10 the number of points put)
Intelligence: (how much you know, helps determine good places to spend the night and which prospecting sites look most promising.
Strength: (How much weight you can carry, those spaceship parts and your equipment can be heavy.)
Charisma: (this will help you haggle down the prices of stuff you buy, and haggle up the stuff you sell.)
Weapon(s): (choose from below)
Ship: (choose from below)
Ship HP. (i choose)
Ship Damage. (i choose)
Ship travel speed. (i choose)
Gov. of Homeworld: (choose from below)
Cash: 0

Weapons: You are brought to a room filled with weapons, choose wisely, because new ones are expensive.
Pistol: portable and easy to bring to bear, great accuracy. 6 damage.
SMG: Low accuracy but great fire rate. 4 damage
Rifle: Great accuracy and damage, but harder to bring to bear and slow fire rate. 12 damage.

Ship: After choosing your weapon you are brought to the hanger, each ship has different advantages.

Fox: Great maneuverability, mid-range damage, but low health.
Neptune: Made for exploration, gives a planet exploration bonus, but poor maneuverability and firepower, high health.
Veuian Corsair: Has a great hyperdrive, as well as high damage, but low maneuverability, mid-range health.

Government of Homeplanet:
Democracy: The people are kind and freindly, buff to exploration, but nerf to damage.
Dictatorship: The people are ruled with an iron fist, conscription is common, buff to damage, but nerf to spaceship health.
Capitalist: The Planet is ruled by the rich, because of this you have an easier time finding goods, but prices are more likely to be high.

  • 285 Replies
3,087 posts

Name: Akari
Sex: Female
Weapon(s):Pistol 6 damage
Ship:Veuian Corsair
Ship HP. 180/180
Ship Damage. 50
Ship travel speed. 45
Gov. of Homeworldictatorship
Homeworld Enemies: none yet
Univerchips: 0
Supplies: 100/100

Sensors show 3 patrols of humanoids closing in on you from the other directions. You take off, your current site is compromised. Do you land at one of the others or do you leave?


Name: Ludwig Von Heichner
Sex: male
Health: 100
Intelligence: 10
Strength: 10
Charisma: 10
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 Damage, Energy Sword 3 ft.
Ship: The Wolf (Fox class)
Ship HP. 100/100
Ship Damage. 35
Ship travel speed. 35
Ship cargo: 175 kilos
Gov. of Homeworld: Dictatership
Univerchips: 400
Supplies: 100/100
Allies: 2
Zago Rrwil: freelance explorer; Corsair class ship; middle maneuverability; damage, and cargo space; high health.
Keer Antilles: former privateer, Fighter class ship, high maneuverability; middle damage and health; low cargo space.

You break his arm and grab his sword. The group that came from behind is apparently rivals of the group that assaulted the front, and the two groups are now fighting each other and you at the same time. What do you do?

p.s. you need to pick your bonus

Name: Birch Teoner
Sex: male
Health: 50
Intelligence: 20
Strength: 10
Charisma: 5
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 damage
Ship: Fox
Ship HP. 150
Ship Damage. 25
Ship travel speed. 35
Gov. of Homeworld: Democracy
Homeworld archenemy: Ranuqu Nation: Want to destroy the universe, working on a system to destroy planets with explosives.
Univerchips: 165
Supplies: 150/150 (5 used per day.)
Allies: 0

you can, but it requires a profincincy class, which the shop keeper offers for 20 univerchips ( you will get a five univerchip loan with a 10 percent interest rate/per post) What do you do?


~~~Darth Caedus

2,316 posts

Name: Ludwig Von Heichner
Sex: male
Health: 100
Intelligence: 10
Strength: 10
Charisma: 10
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 Damage, Energy Sword 3 ft.
Ship: The Wolf (Fox class)
Ship HP. 100/100
Ship Damage. 35
Ship travel speed. 35
Ship cargo: 175 kilos
Gov. of Homeworld: Dictatership
Univerchips: 400
Supplies: 100/100
Allies: 2
Zago Rrwil: freelance explorer; Corsair class ship; middle maneuverability; damage, and cargo space; high health.
Keer Antilles: former privateer, Fighter class ship, high maneuverability; middle damage and health; low cargo space.

I guess I'll take the ship upgrade, increased handling for the fighter so's I can get behind any tails and take them out.

Zago and Keer will continue to disable all assailants. Meanwhile, I point my rifle at the guy who tried to kill me with his sword. "Listen, I don't want to shoot anyone here, I'm doing it in self-defense. But you need to call off your people before someone dies here or loses a limb or something. I'm here to stop things like this from happening. But I need your help to do that!"

3,087 posts

I used dice to make it random.

2 dice determined the amount of bonus, and one eight-sided die determined the area it appied to
1: Health (x10)
2: Damage
3: Speed
4: health and damage
5: health and speed.
6: Damage and health
7: all three
8: roll again

roll resulted in an increase of ten, area, health and damage.

if you are dissatisfied with area you can change it for 25 univerchips.

If you don't like the process, say so.

Name: Ludwig Von Heichner
Sex: male
Health: 100
Intelligence: 10
Strength: 10
Charisma: 10
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 Damage, Energy Sword 3 ft.
Ship: The Wolf (Fox class)
Ship HP. 200/200
Ship Damage. 45
Ship travel speed. 35
Ship cargo: 250 kilos
Gov. of Homeworld: Dictatership
Univerchips: 400
Supplies: 100/100
Allies: 2
Zago Rrwil: freelance explorer; Corsair class ship; middle maneuverability; damage, and cargo space; high health.
Keer Antilles: former privateer, Fighter class ship, high maneuverability; middle damage and health; low cargo space.

You explain who you work for, and as soon as he here's you are working for peace he says that, "We have been working for peace for the past 20 years, If you could help us we would be much obliged." He calls his men off a you and asks you if you want help driving back the crowd. What do you do?

~~~Darth Caedus

372 posts

Name: Birch Teoner
Sex: male
Health: 50
Intelligence: 20
Strength: 10
Charisma: 5
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 damage
Ship: Fox
Ship HP. 150
Ship Damage. 25
Ship travel speed. 35
Gov. of Homeworld: Democracy
Homeworld archenemy: Ranuqu Nation: Want to destroy the universe, working on a system to destroy planets with explosives.
Univerchips: 165
Supplies: 150/150 (5 used per day.)
Allies: 0

I'll take the profincincy class and the loan. (I love dual wielding swords)

2,316 posts

Name: Ludwig Von Heichner
Sex: male
Health: 100
Intelligence: 10
Strength: 10
Charisma: 10
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 Damage, Energy Sword 3 ft.
Ship: The Wolf (Fox class)
Ship HP. 200/200
Ship Damage. 45
Ship travel speed. 35
Ship cargo: 250 kilos
Gov. of Homeworld: Dictatership
Univerchips: 400
Supplies: 100/100
Allies: 2
Zago Rrwil: freelance explorer; Corsair class ship; middle maneuverability; damage, and cargo space; high health.
Keer Antilles: former privateer, Fighter class ship, high maneuverability; middle damage and health; low cargo space.

"I would appreciate that. Try not to kill anyone." I help the guy up and to his group. Afterwards, I rush back to Zago and Keer to assist in incapacitating the rioters.

1 posts

Name: Eyecrityou
Sex: male
Health: 100
Intelligence: 15
Strength: 15
Charisma: 10
Weapon(s): Rifle (12 Damage) + accuracy + damage - rate of fire
Ship: Veuian Corsair
Ship Hp:
Ship Damage:
Ship Travel speed:
Gov. Of Homeworld: Dictatorship

correct math 50 points to use.. 10 hp per 1 point so 10x 10 point spent on hp is 100
40 points left -15 int -15 str -10 charisma 0 left
I pick system B : )

3,087 posts

Name: Eyecrityou
Sex: male
(you get 40 points, not 50)
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 Damage
Ship: Veunien Corsair
Ship HP. 180/180
Ship Damage. 50
Ship travel speed. 45
Ship cargo: 250 kilos
Gov. of Homeworld: Dictatership
Univerchips: 0
Supplies: 100/100
Allies: 0

I will give you your first scenario after you fix your stats.


Name: Birch Teoner
Sex: male
Health: 50
Intelligence: 20
Strength: 10
Charisma: 5
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 damage, Duel Energy Swords (1 meter)
Ship: Fox
Ship HP. 150
Ship Damage. 25
Ship travel speed. 35
Gov. of Homeworld: Democracy
Homeworld archenemy: Ranuqu Nation: Want to destroy the universe, working on a system to destroy planets with explosives.
Univerchips: -5(x.1 per post)
Supplies: 150/150 (5 used per day.)
Allies: 0

You finish the class as the sun is setting. There are several cantinas/nightclubs nearby (you wanna buy some death sticks?), so do you go to them or do you go to the hotel district?


Name: Ludwig Von Heichner
Sex: male
Health: 100
Intelligence: 10
Strength: 10
Charisma: 10
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 Damage, Energy Sword 3 ft.
Ship: The Wolf (Fox class)
Ship HP. 200/200
Ship Damage. 45
Ship travel speed. 35
Ship cargo: 250 kilos
Gov. of Homeworld: Dictatership
Univerchips: 400
Supplies: 100/100
Allies: 2
Zago Rrwil: freelance explorer; Corsair class ship; middle maneuverability; damage, and cargo space; high health.
Keer Antilles: former privateer, Fighter class ship, high maneuverability; middle damage and health; low cargo space.

With your help the rioters are being driven back, and they are about to break when you hear someone challenge you to single combat (to the death). Your new-found ally informs you that if you do not accept, you will be shunned by everyone in the system. He is a 6 ft tall man, (looks like a blacksmith) wielding duel swords. What do you do?

372 posts

Name: Birch Teoner
Sex: male
Health: 50
Intelligence: 20
Strength: 10
Charisma: 5
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 damage, Duel Energy Swords (1 meter)
Ship: Fox
Ship HP. 150
Ship Damage. 25
Ship travel speed. 35
Gov. of Homeworld: Democracy
Homeworld archenemy: Ranuqu Nation: Want to destroy the universe, working on a system to destroy planets with explosives.
Univerchips: -5(x.1 per post)
Supplies: 150/150 (5 used per day.)
Allies: 0
Dont have enough money, I'll go to the hotel or sleep in the ship if I didn't pay for the hotel before hand. The next day I'm out to explore or do some jobs o gain money and pay back the loan at the very least.

2,316 posts

Name: Ludwig Von Heichner
Sex: male
Health: 100
Intelligence: 10
Strength: 10
Charisma: 10
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 Damage, Energy Sword 3 ft.
Ship: The Wolf (Fox class)
Ship HP. 200/200
Ship Damage. 45
Ship travel speed. 35
Ship cargo: 250 kilos
Gov. of Homeworld: Dictatership
Univerchips: 400
Supplies: 100/100
Allies: 2
Zago Rrwil: freelance explorer; Corsair class ship; middle maneuverability; damage, and cargo space; high health.
Keer Antilles: former privateer, Fighter class ship, high maneuverability; middle damage and health; low cargo space.

I drop my firearm and bring out my sword. "Do you really want to do this? What about your family? What about your friends? What about mine? What do you think they'll do or say if one of us dies?" I step forward to show I accept his challenge.

3,087 posts

Name: Birch Teoner
Sex: male
Health: 50
Intelligence: 20
Strength: 10
Charisma: 5
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 damage, Duel Energy Swords (1 meter)
Ship: Fox
Ship HP. 150
Ship Damage. 25
Ship travel speed. 35
Gov. of Homeworld: Democracy
Homeworld archenemy: Ranuqu Nation: Want to destroy the universe, working on a system to destroy planets with explosives.
Univerchips: -5.5(x.1 per post)
Supplies: 150/150 (5 used per day.)
Allies: 0

You find one that offers free stays to people who spend so much at a local business, but it is a rather cheap hotel. What do you do?


Name: Ludwig Von Heichner
Sex: male
Health: 100
Intelligence: 10
Strength: 10
Charisma: 10
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 Damage, Energy Sword 3 ft.
Ship: The Wolf (Fox class)
Ship HP. 200/200
Ship Damage. 45
Ship travel speed. 35
Ship cargo: 250 kilos
Gov. of Homeworld: Dictatership
Univerchips: 400
Supplies: 100/100
Allies: 2
Zago Rrwil: freelance explorer; Corsair class ship; middle maneuverability; damage, and cargo space; high health.
Keer Antilles: former privateer, Fighter class ship, high maneuverability; middle damage and health; low cargo space.

"I shall not die, and you shall not pass this test." he bellows. "Ludwig von Heichner, such a pitiful name, and a man with no home, why should I respect you." He raises his blades and prepares to charge. What do you do?

372 posts

Name: Birch Teoner
Sex: male
Health: 50
Intelligence: 20
Strength: 10
Charisma: 5
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 damage, Duel Energy Swords (1 meter)
Ship: Fox
Ship HP. 150
Ship Damage. 25
Ship travel speed. 35
Gov. of Homeworld: Democracy
Homeworld archenemy: Ranuqu Nation: Want to destroy the universe, working on a system to destroy planets with explosives.
Univerchips: -5.5(x.1 per post)
Supplies: 150/150 (5 used per day.)
Allies: 0

so long as the rooms are private and I have a lock that cant be opened from the outside I'll grab a room, I'll keep my weapons closeby though.

2,316 posts

Name: Ludwig Von Heichner
Sex: male
Health: 100
Intelligence: 10
Strength: 10
Charisma: 10
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 Damage, Energy Sword 3 ft.
Ship: The Wolf (Fox class)
Ship HP. 200/200
Ship Damage. 45
Ship travel speed. 35
Ship cargo: 250 kilos
Gov. of Homeworld: Dictatership
Univerchips: 400
Supplies: 100/100
Allies: 2
Zago Rrwil: freelance explorer; Corsair class ship; middle maneuverability; damage, and cargo space; high health.
Keer Antilles: former privateer, Fighter class ship, high maneuverability; middle damage and health; low cargo space.

Hm. Well if he's making a top-to-bottom swinging arc, I'll raise my sword to block the attack. I relieve my sword of one hand to punch the guy in the throat. I step back to avoid being attacked again.

3,087 posts

Name: Birch Teoner
Sex: male
Health: 50
Intelligence: 20
Strength: 10
Charisma: 5
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 damage, Duel Energy Swords (1 meter)
Ship: Fox
Ship HP. 150
Ship Damage. 25
Ship travel speed. 35
Gov. of Homeworld: Democracy
Homeworld archenemy: Ranuqu Nation: Want to destroy the universe, working on a system to destroy planets with explosives.
Univerchips: -6.05(x.1 per post)
Supplies: 150/150 (5 used per day.)
Allies: 0

It is about sunrise when a man bursts into your room carrying a bunch of Univerchips, behind him you hear someone shouting "thief". He appears to be an explorer who was cheated by his boss, and decided to get revenge. He offers to give you half of the money and join you as an ally if you help him get to his ship (a corsair). What do you do?

Name: Ludwig Von Heichner
Sex: male
Health: 100
Intelligence: 10
Strength: 10
Charisma: 10
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 Damage, Energy Sword 3 ft.
Ship: The Wolf (Fox class)
Ship HP. 200/200
Ship Damage. 45
Ship travel speed. 35
Ship cargo: 250 kilos
Gov. of Homeworld: Dictatership
Univerchips: 400
Supplies: 100/100
Allies: 2
Zago Rrwil: freelance explorer; Corsair class ship; middle maneuverability; damage, and cargo space; high health.
Keer Antilles: former privateer, Fighter class ship, high maneuverability; middle damage and health; low cargo space.

You manage to block, but he is so strong he almost pushes your sword into you. You punch him as planned when you see the other sword headed for your gut. He staggers back about 1 meter, and then resumes his attack. (his is big and slow, but has immense strength.) What do you do?

2,316 posts

Name: Ludwig Von Heichner
Sex: male
Health: 100
Intelligence: 10
Strength: 10
Charisma: 10
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 Damage, Energy Sword 3 ft.
Ship: The Wolf (Fox class)
Ship HP. 200/200
Ship Damage. 45
Ship travel speed. 35
Ship cargo: 250 kilos
Gov. of Homeworld: Dictatership
Univerchips: 400
Supplies: 100/100
Allies: 2
Zago Rrwil: freelance explorer; Corsair class ship; middle maneuverability; damage, and cargo space; high health.
Keer Antilles: former privateer, Fighter class ship, high maneuverability; middle damage and health; low cargo space.

I wait for his attacks, dodging them, prancing about, wearing him down so I can take him down later on down the road.

372 posts

Name: Birch Teoner
Sex: male
Health: 50
Intelligence: 20
Strength: 10
Charisma: 5
Weapon(s): Rifle 12 damage, Duel Energy Swords (1 meter)
Ship: Fox
Ship HP. 150
Ship Damage. 25
Ship travel speed. 35
Gov. of Homeworld: Democracy
Homeworld archenemy: Ranuqu Nation: Want to destroy the universe, working on a system to destroy planets with explosives.
Univerchips: -6.05(x.1 per post)
Supplies: 150/150 (5 used per day.)
Allies: 0

I see, very well I'll help him. I grab my weapons and join him.

Showing 271-285 of 285