ForumsWEPRto attack in Iran or to not attack in Iran

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this tread is about the statistics and guesing. even if you support by ideaoligy one of the side, its about what you think will happen, not what you hope or want to. so "Israel people are braver" "the iranian have the right to destroy israel" - Out, "the IDF as prove himself useful and has the tools for the job" "Iran have a strong anti-air defence system" - In.

so guys, do you think that an attack in Iran by Israel will stop the Developing of an atomic bomb by Iran, will only slow it or will do nothing at all? do you think that the damage in the home front Will be worth it or will cost too many lives and damage?
and - does Israel need to wait for USA to interfere or Israel need to do it by herself, "befor its too late"?

firstly, my opinion is that Netanyau is trying to make a 'scene', make the problem be bigger than its actualy is. sure that an nuclear Iran is a treat to Israel, but attacing it will only give them an Excuse to attack us, saying that they are defending against us.
even that the Israeli is a very strong army {one of the bests in the world}, the Iranian showd us that they are not to be disregard. they fought for 8 years against Iraq. so tehy wont break up easly, like some in Israel hope {like the eygeption army in 1967 - againt, i dont disregard them too. like i dont blame the french army in WW2}. and, unlike the US army, we wont get the support of the locals who oppose the regiem, as it will be easier to Hammedinijad to unit the Iranian against the 'zionists', while USA is more nautral to them.
and, unlike USA, saudi-arabia as said that they wont let our airplanse to fly over her Territory and will shoot them if they will. afcors they will never do this to USA army.

so, i think that we {Israel} need to let USA make the move, maybe help as we can, and not do it ourself. not because of cowardness or that we are affraid, but because of the fact that the USA army is much much stronger and have a better chanses to sucssed, while the Israeli army has less chance to gain support inside Iran and to defeat Iran befor a devisteted rocket barrage on us.

so, what do you think?

  • 119 Replies
1,773 posts

when a nation declear that another nation is a cancer in the world body and that this country is a shame for the entire world, i dont think they aer peacefull. also, it is known that they support terrorist activities.

even nazi germany didnt attacked russia by the start. they werent rational. they moved jewish peoples to the death camps while they were short on trains to support the war and there army. they claimed to be superior. dosnet sound so rational to me.

if you mean by that that they wont do anything stuiped, so i agree. they arent idiots. but i dont realy want to let them get the power, so this act wont be stuiped anymore. cuz if they have nuke, well, we are in deep ****.

and btw, the burning USA Israel and Uk flags on the streets of Teheran every day. i dont think its show how warm the realation between us are.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

when a nation declear that another nation is a cancer in the world body and that this country is a shame for the entire world, i dont think they aer peacefull. also, it is known that they support terrorist activities.

Israel too sponsors terrorist activities. Israeli politicians do call for the completion of Biblical Israel. Yet neither of these governments want a head on collision.

if you mean by that that they wont do anything stuiped, so i agree. they arent idiots. but i dont realy want to let them get the power, so this act wont be stuiped anymore. cuz if they have nuke, well, we are in deep ****.

I disagree. Iran will not be as irrational as that to launch nukes, especially in such a volatile region with such high stakes. Russia will even be inclined to mobilise since they share common borders. Iran is more likely pursuing nukes, hypothetically, for defensive purposes just like NK. North Korea teaches its population that the desecration and destruction of the Western World is their life mission; yet we do not see North Korea in the two decades of possessing nukes coming remotely close to using them offensively. Tehran is more likely aiming to use the nukes as a deterrent, and political leverage.

and btw, the burning USA Israel and Uk flags on the streets of Teheran every day. i dont think its show how warm the realation between us are.

The American flag has been burned in almost every major nation, yet relations are not chilled. You can't really blame the Iranians; America supported a depraved monarchy that oppressed them, and also interfered in their domestic policies up till 1979. The Americans sponsored Iraqi troops that invaded Iran, and have set up bases surrounding Iran. It's enclosure on a grand scale, and it's no wonder the Iranians are a tad bit paranoid. With hawks in America calling for the bombing or even nuking of Iran, this only reinforces the fear in the Iranian populace.

In all fairness, the US was lied to by an Iraqi worker who claimed to have seen nukes. All the worker wanted was for Saddam Hussein to fall, so he lied to the CIA.

The UN had confirmed there were no nukes and were still investigating.

Not gonna start an entire Israel/Palestine debate, but you should see the lovely people that you support.

Fifty years of living in a refugee camp, and the discrediting of more pacifist secular leaders does that to you. It pushes for violence, as has it led to the rise of the religious right in Israel.
1,773 posts

the only politicans who call it are a bunch of extrimists. as more as Iran or any other "emey" will be strong, so they will get stronger.
there are also some people in Brittania who want the empire back, in turkey and everywher. they are just full with air.

as for the nuke, when a country say that "this decade Israel and Usa will fall", i get a little suspicius....

and i will tell you my true opinion, i want to make a palestinian nation. we need to talk about it, togheter, and have a brave leader to make so. in the last two years, the left wing got stronger, which is good. i hope we will have enough power to do so.

but never ever dont justifide terrorism. violance is not the answer.

and for the flag thing - as the sentence go, "wher people burn books, eventualy they will burn Human beings".
when people burn something that represent other peoples, its show you there willing. i can asure you that if a jewish Iranian passed by the time they did so, they will lynch him. they hate. from ignorance or from Social pressure, but yet its hate. they hate Usa, they hate Israel, and they hate teh western world.
north korea dont attack because there leaders are cormfteble with the situation. lets just say, they live good. until an ideaoligist leader will rise, tehy will remind making NK there personal hotel.
in Iran its diffrunte. haminai is an idealist. and they are not yet get napoleoned. there "revolution" is still in power, and not yet got conquerd by a revolutioner who want to take advantage and take the state for himself {like napoleon}.
if they will have the oppertunity, they will destroy Israel. am i right?

1,826 posts

when people burn something that represent other peoples, its show you there willing. i can asure you that if a jewish Iranian passed by the time they did so, they will lynch him. they hate. from ignorance or from Social pressure, but yet its hate. they hate Usa, they hate Israel, and they hate teh western world.
The image above is from a street of pakistan.
Have we nuked you yet.
Have we nuked them yet?
or them?
or them?
list goes on and on.
1,773 posts

when a man burn a flah, its show how hate he have in him. you can see the look in there faces {At least the non-denish flag ones}. if they had the power, they would act. and as there are burning of qurans in Usa, so there are peopels in Usa who realy want to kill all the muslims. as there are jewish who want 'full Israel', and there are russians who want the full soviet lands again, and japanese who want these islands back. we are full with extrimists. but in Iran they are the leaders. as far as i can see, pakistan is still free, wher peopels can say there opinion. am i right?

1,826 posts

We had three major wars with India.
Our military strategy is always India oriented, aided in many bomb blasts (as they have done the same)
our leaders started schemes like "A tank for a rupee"
We fought on the worlds highest battle field.
Long story short, we won't have any ethical problem with mass murdering them or mutilating their corpses neither will they have.
But you don't see us or them Nuking each other.
You know why? Both parties know after a single attack, all bets are off and both countries will be rubble. This situation is called MAD(Mutually Assured Destruction)
Same goes for America and Soviet Union.
So, what does make you so sure that Iran will nuke Israel?
Every nation, no matter how much war crazy it is, thinks of consequences before jumping in a war.

5,129 posts

i burned some flags.
it's usualy great fun.
it doesn't mean anything for me tho.
burned a denish flag because we had to play soccer against them and they burned the dutch flag.
in the end we made a long flag of both flags and burned it we called it "a hot match" xD

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Knesset does have far right parties as well. Israel has it's grievances, but Iran does have theirs too.

1,303 posts

To be honest I doubt there will be any war. As I said before, it is like a cold war between non superpowers. They threaten each other, but don't do a thing about it. When USA and Soviet union had a cold war, I bet they burned thousand of flags, but in the end, the war never happen. It is the same thing here.

I don't know why, but this discussion reminds me about this video

1,773 posts

i dont realy think they will nuke as too, but i am affraid that "they will get balls". when they will be secure that we wont assult them, they will start going to "adventures".
and i hope you do have some ethical problme about killing all the indians? i hope you have. because i am against any mass killing. you know, when in a debate {in Israel} someone say "we need to kill them all", espiecely after a terrorist attack, i cant stop myself from going to this person and argue with him. i cant understand peopels who say "we need to kill all". these 'enemies' are peoples! so you say its ok to kill all the indians, but its a crime thatwe fight terrorism?

and nicho, yea we have right eings parties, like germany and france do. but they are not so strong. the mass vore to center or center right parties. no one vote to marzel {this damm fashist}. he only get a support of like 5k peopels. they do troubles, but they are not as strong as you want to belive. and as i said, the orthodox groups dont realy cares about the arabs. they are in teh goverment to help there 'groups', tajing money from the state so they can learn the bible, and not work. they dont care about Iran. they just want to go to the holy places, pray and to learn bible. thats it.

you are far to affraid from the Israeli right parties then you should be.

and remmeber, wher are the left wings party in Iran? in jail. or in the cemetery. i didnt saw any protest against the nuke, while i did saw some in Israel. i didnt saw any protest against the terrorist attack in burgas, but i did saw protest against the campigen in lebanone.
i dont blame the peoples, i blame the dictatorship who rule them.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

The Iranian opposition gave them a serious run for their money and there was a glimmer of hope for reform change if you recall 2008; that wonderful year where the people showed their real feelings and the halcyon days seemed not far away. Iran will almost certainly attack; they are rational, and they know that nuclear parity is swinging vasty in favor of the West. Attacking it would only provoke it, and more terrifyingly the rest of the Muslim world.

I disagree. Right wing parties might not be the majority, but they are kingmakers; no Israeli party has the absolute majority to rule on it's own which more often then not leads to uneasy bedfellows in a coalition since Labour is unlikely to ally with Likud and the other way round. You already have four of such ministers in power; the center and left have always had to pander to the religious right, which is increasing in strength gradually.

197 posts

Iran is the most technologically advanced and united nation america will be facing in decades.

Glad someone else notices this.
1,627 posts

Glad someone else notices this.

Except China...
5,129 posts

Except China...

usa and china are going to fight?
didn't hear a thing about it.
update me plz.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Why does America think China is some lurking insidious evil? Please, China needs America too. It wants hegemony in it's region, not world domination.

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