this tread is about the statistics and guesing. even if you support by ideaoligy one of the side, its about what you think will happen, not what you hope or want to. so "Israel people are braver" "the iranian have the right to destroy israel" - Out, "the IDF as prove himself useful and has the tools for the job" "Iran have a strong anti-air defence system" - In.
so guys, do you think that an attack in Iran by Israel will stop the Developing of an atomic bomb by Iran, will only slow it or will do nothing at all? do you think that the damage in the home front Will be worth it or will cost too many lives and damage? and - does Israel need to wait for USA to interfere or Israel need to do it by herself, "befor its too late"?
firstly, my opinion is that Netanyau is trying to make a 'scene', make the problem be bigger than its actualy is. sure that an nuclear Iran is a treat to Israel, but attacing it will only give them an Excuse to attack us, saying that they are defending against us. even that the Israeli is a very strong army {one of the bests in the world}, the Iranian showd us that they are not to be disregard. they fought for 8 years against Iraq. so tehy wont break up easly, like some in Israel hope {like the eygeption army in 1967 - againt, i dont disregard them too. like i dont blame the french army in WW2}. and, unlike the US army, we wont get the support of the locals who oppose the regiem, as it will be easier to Hammedinijad to unit the Iranian against the 'zionists', while USA is more nautral to them. and, unlike USA, saudi-arabia as said that they wont let our airplanse to fly over her Territory and will shoot them if they will. afcors they will never do this to USA army.
so, i think that we {Israel} need to let USA make the move, maybe help as we can, and not do it ourself. not because of cowardness or that we are affraid, but because of the fact that the USA army is much much stronger and have a better chanses to sucssed, while the Israeli army has less chance to gain support inside Iran and to defeat Iran befor a devisteted rocket barrage on us.
Why does America think China is some lurking insidious evil?
Because they're building new weapons to directly counteract our stealth capabilities, and are also threatening our allies in the South Pacific over territorial disputes.
Why does America think China is some lurking insidious evil?
Because they're building new weapons to directly counteract our stealth capabilities, and are also threatening our allies in the South Pacific over territorial disputes.
No nation wants to be at the wrong end of the stick. America has a fleet in the region, so naturally China feels threatened.
Because they're building new weapons to directly counteract our stealth capabilities,
usa has a copyright on every future technological invention?
i think they are right to have it. it's a counter to the usa power. whit only 1 superpower. only a little has to happen for a new world domination tour.
The USA has overthrown over 30 governments that it deems unfit to dwell near it's borders. It has bases in over a hundred nations, so a logical corollary would be to assume that the USA itself is a threat would it not? China is only doing what it can to nullify and curtail why it deems as unnecessary influence near it's own border. Extrapolating this to the Westphalian idea of sovereignty and juxtapose this with neorealism, is it that hard to live with a better armed China, whom if one might reinforce again, is also highly dependent on the US to survive? China has often stepped back as a leading player on the global stage, it is much happier leaving international affairs up to the USA.
they do forbided doing something in syria. them and russia. so no, i dont think that China is a "good little boy who just want to make friends". they want to be a big player too. and not only trade agreements. i dont say they are evil and Usa are angels, but they choosed sides. and russia was always kind of a parthner to the anti israeli nations. in 48' they helped us, but after they tought that the arabs will swip us to the sea they choosed the arabs. so know they want assad to stay, and im not sure what will be ther reation to do something in Iran. as it seems, putin want to make a new soviet russia, or even a new kingdome.
USA need to feel threaten. when a boxer is in teh top, he need to know that everyone will want to fight him and be in the top themselve.
and nicho, labour did allay the likud this knesset. next year they wont, because the new leader, yahimuvich is a stronger and more left winger. and in the next election, i hope that she and yair lapid with his party, and kadima may create a strong left wing goverment. unless something will happen, like a war with hammas of something. hammas and hizablla dont want a left wing goverment too you know. if we will talk they will lose there power. so if they will start shooting us, the racism and hate will rise there ugly heads again and move the people to the right wing. but today, as people are more conserne about the prices get higher and stuff like this, i hope that they will know to vote to the correct party.
all these right wingers are so full with air. Liberman is the one you need to be affraid off, not the religios. they dont even come to votes about these stuffs, unless they get a deal. Liberman on the other end, get all the votes of the russians {he is russian and alot of his party member are}, he show strengh {he know how to talk} adn he also have some ideas that a unsusoicios listenr can even agree with. but he do support a "transfer" of the israeli-arabs to jordan and stuff. him you need to care for, not the settlers and there wierdos leaders.
Isn't Hizbollah a Lebanese party? Fatah is left wing as far as I know.
China has no intentions of being the world policeman. It is pretty happy being the hegemon in South Asia, but it doesn't extend it's military might across the world like the US does, nor does it have a world domination plan. It merely wants to retake the mantle it has worn for centuries, being at the centre of the system like the Middle Kingdom where other lesser nations are invited to have ties with it.
i am not american silly devil who party. sure usa want to dominate. as china, N.korea, India, France, Russia, and every other regional power or one who'v been one. its not a curse.
and a strong Iran is a treat to the western world and western life style. jeffery will propbely get executed, i will be dead too or maybe only in jail, and none of you will ever be able to say an opinion diffrunte to what the leaders say its the truth. even the muslims in you may get in trouble if they are in the "wrong" Istlam. remmember, Iran is not a democracy. and not even a simple dictatorship. they are a Theocracy. Haminai is the leader, and he his the religius leader too. he declear the religion rules, and they are sacred. if he will say that wearing blue is a sin which bring death sentence, many of his followers will kill blue shirt wearer.
they do have politics, but its a bolshivic politics. politics inside the only party. but yet, if Haminai wont like one of the politicans, he wont stay there for long.
So only because they get a bomb, they suddenly become a major influence at a global scale and are in position to enforce their opinion everywhere? It's been already said before: they're surrounded by countries who have the bomb, it's their right to have one too; and even North Korea didn't launch their bombs yet, so don't get your pants wet.
the case of north korea is that there leader love too much the good life. they live in a golden palace, while the poor citizens dont even know whats going on out there.
i dont say that everyone with an atomic bomc shoot it. its more like a shield that a rocket.
and again, i fear they will help assad, and he will own them so much, that actualy they going to take over syria, make him their puppy. russia preety much help them, even if now less, but yet they sell them wepones. and to syria. and china, well, i dont sure about them yet, but they will choose side. they want to be a super power so muc hthat they cant became natural. and then my friends, the heat is rising. because, as i said befor, Iran will start going to adventures. if they have an atomic bomb, tehy can blockade the persian channle. what we will do? attack them? no. they have an atomic bomb. they can invade to Iraq. what we will do? they will grab us in the balls once they havve atomic bomb. its sound like crying wolf wolf, but its 1938 all over again. you say "what can go wrong?". you know what, lets wait and see. no, have a bet. if Iran will make you run out of oil, and later move the world to a big war {not necessery a world war}. i get 10 box. if not, yo get 10 box.
i just can tell you, that there is a Proverb in Israel, which say "Masada shall not fall again". we wont let anyone bully us again. we are like this nerd kid who learn karate. we wont sit and say "nah, nothing wrong gonna happenn. the "nation" people will see that he is wrong and replace him/he will calm down after some time/the Messiah will come". no, that gone.
and again, i fear they will help assad, and he will own them so much, that actualy they going to take over syria, make him their puppy.
They can give him asylum, but I doubt they could help him and take over Syria; they'd find too much resistance. Russia will block Western interventions but they won't intervene directly, the rebels will defend themselves. Not to mention the ****storm of international critique Iran would get by such an action; not that they would care much, but they'd be basically tripping themselves up, diplomatically speaking.
you say "what can go wrong?".
No. I'm saying you have no right to attack them. I say we keep a sharp eye on Iran, but currently we cannot do much.
i just can tell you, that there is a Proverb in Israel, which say "Masada shall not fall again". we wont let anyone bully us again. we are like this nerd kid who learn karate. we wont sit and say "nah, nothing wrong gonna happenn. the "nation" people will see that he is wrong and replace him/he will calm down after some time/the Messiah will come". no, that gone.
The nerd learns karate for self-defence in case the bully comes again. You cannot attack the bully only because you think he might do something in the future. That'd make you a bully yourself. Keep an eye on the bully, keep practising karate, but don't just attack him on suppositions. There is a whole population behind the bully, and not all support the government. Have you thought about them?
sure i did. im against the attack, i just give you stuff to think about. i agree with alot of things you say.
but for your first paragraph, Iran did send troops to Syria, teh Rebels said that they captured a Patrol units, while Iran did said the Rebels had Iranian POW, but said tehy were Journalists. here the link .