Fushigi: the japanese direct and literal translation for mystery
Story:about 600 miles into the woods you will find a nice yet small school. This is a boarding school for human and creatures. Almost everyone can get along(ALMOST). But be warned! There are spirits that prowl the school at midnight!
We have: ~4 different special classrooms ~Nice cafeteria ~Job boards(for$$$ or volunteer) ~Internet (We have a small computer lab in a room, but you're welcomed to use your own laptop and use our Wi-Fi) ~Lovely Garden ~Basketball court ~Soccer field. ~Dorms(each dorm room has a balcony)
What we have outside of school: ~High class resturant(need $$$) ~Night club(drinking is allowed but you will get scholded if teachers find you). ~More job listings. ~if you can think of anything else ask me! There will be no stores since this is a roleplay.
Rules: ~No god modding!! ~Do not treat the other guests like nothing, you are not royalty here. ~ Fighting is aloud, (Have to spice it up XD) Just don't kill the people, or seriously injure them. (But if you are injured, go to the Nurse!) ~Love is aloud, Keep everything PG-13. If you have "urges" Take it to your messages. ~You cannot post less than 1 sentence or more than 3 paragraphs per post! ~You can have a max of 3 characters. You can make a new one any time. I can make exeptions but you must confirm with me! ~If you have more than 1 character you MUST type in third person to avoid confusion!! ~Your character cannot be 100% perfect!!! Give it some negative traits of flaws! ~You can roam around the place for as much as you like! but by Midnight, you cannot go outside the high school. (If you want to, I warned you)
~We are not responsible for what the ghost may put you through, it's a challenge to stay here
Char sheet:
Name~ Age~ Siblings~ Person(s) you are rooming with~(if more people join you can ask me what person you prefer rooming with. Max person per room:2. Must be of same gender.) What are you~ (Human, Neko, ect.) Appearance ~ (you may post image of character.) Your reason for staying~ Anything else you want to add~ (you might wanna tell us if your smart or not or I'll put you in da regular classes.)
Teahcer/staff char sheet: Name~ Apperance~ Age~(must be over 21! Any exeptions must be confirmed by me!) Occupationif you are a teacher also put down which subject you teach) Why you wanted this job~ Experience~ Can you drive? Why do you want to be a staff here~ Anything else~
Wanna be a Ghost? [limited positions!!!] Name~ Age~ Appearance~ How did you die~ (Give good detail, Gore Give Gory Details -evil smirk-) Why are you haunting the school?~ Anything else~
Attendance1 is for female 2 is for male. A is for regular student B is for specialized or gifted students) Class A-1 - - - - - Class a-2 - - - - - Class B-1 - - - - Class B-2 - - - -
You are allowed to attend any class possible as long as there is a teacher!
Special positions open: Principal(if no one picks I pick. You are not the owner though, I am!) Vice-Principal Assistance desk Nurse(Max is 2)
Alexandra totally flips after this "YOU IDIOT!" She yells and slaps the boy on the cheek. "What the hell will you do if it doesn't work! Ghosts are after one purpose and one purpose only! After years of ageing they forget their past and begin haunting you! They will make your life hell unless you don't interfere with them! Thats the only way! Their souls have rotted. Their memories are hardly blank! If you become friends they will only toy with you,use you as a pawn in their game! This is serious!" She creamed to the (almost) top of her lungs "WAKE UP AND FACE REALITY!" She eventually calms down then gets on her knees. "Sorry about that. I just can't stand you innocent kids, finding finding the truth. She places her hand on the cheek she slapped. Sorry....." After an akward amount of silence she quickly changes the subject. "hey isn't there an assembly in the auditorium!? Quick we better run, people need me. Your tardyness counts towards your marks too Jase." Before another word Alexandra makes it to the auditorum with her hair s little messed up. "Sorry I was late" She tries her best to put on a smile and runs to the stage. "You've done enough for today, Maya." She explained the rules (which I already have) then talke about clubs. After that the seniors got onto the stage introducing people to the club and giving their best performance.
Le List of Clubs
Jazz Music Club
Pop Music Club
Judo Club
Running Clun
Basketball Club
Tennis Club
Kendo Club
Theater Club
Rythinmics Gymnastics Club
Art Club
Literature club
Computer Club
Mage club(must have some magic experience)
There are a few after-school classes you can enrol in such as
Combat trainning
Alchemy Class(for all you FMA fans)
Weapon basics
Magic class(even humans can enroll, we may need to inject something into you if you have 0 relationship to any magic, and you must fill out a medical form and have a legal parent's signature in which we can mail to your parents)
You can ask me if you wanna substitue one of your classes for these special classes. Otherwise you can only take them afterschool unti 6:00.
After that everyone was handed an enrollment slip. They must find a club of their choice and ask the club president to join. Then the club president has to sign it to agree.
I will be making some NPC seniors, club advisors and club captains(who are usually seniors) during the time.
After that, it was time to show everyone the class listing. Official one will be posted later for I have been making severe changes.
I get back in the room rubbing my cheek. I think the clubs over in my head. Jazz music club, Judo club, Kendo club, Literature club. Too many to count. The classes didn't sound interesting. I think the ones that popped into my head will work. I take the slip and fill out the clubs and after I will get to the president to agree.
Jay nudges Akari, "Do you know what the running club is like here? The one Blade ran at his last school wasn't so much running as it was, 'Everybody sprint until you can't then do weights' it got really popular. He's like 99% muscle mass, 1% crazy."
Storm grabbed a slip and filled it out for theater Club. She thought about joining Literature club as well but figured that two clubs would take up too much of her free time. Amoon looked at his written list of clubs and wished that there was a history club or a research club. Since there weren't he chose to only join a club if it was required to graduate. Dragon King also decided to only join a club if he had to.
"What? No manga club?" I complain when all the clubs are done. "Unless that falls under the literature club. Whatever. I'll be joining the Computer Club then." I then fill out the slip and head to the wherever the computer club is located to meet the club president.
I look at my list of clubs and try to narrow it down to just 1 maybe two. "Lets see I have jazz club, that could go, so that leaves judo kendo and literature. I could get rid of literature leaving kendo and judo. I guess that could work. I think I will sign up for thos. Judo was fun when I was a kid and kendo if I remember may come in handy at this school.
I was about to post everything here but then my stupid parental controls activated! I had so much listed here. Now I have to start all over. Plz cut me some slack and post lest whilst I fix everything.
@beckitten. If you don't like em' you can suggest a club. perhhaps you can become club president? If you're lucky
Class A-1(teacher(s):Blade Raosai &Teacher NPC) -Storm Dragonrooming with Nilous Nitari ROOM#10 -Akari Tsubaki Rooming with rebecca balsan ROOM#31 -5NPC - - Class A-2(teacher(s)Maya Thantos&Teacher NPC) -Dragon King roomming with Amoon ROOM#11 -Amoon Roomming with Dragon King ROOM#11 -Mirth Tronical Rooming with Jase Hanson ROOM#13 -Jericho Raosai Rooming with Findecáno Helyanwe -5NPC Class B-1(teacher(s):Oropher Helyanwe &teacher NPC) -rebecca balsan Rooming with Akira Tsubaki ROOM#31 -6NPC(cuz' she's the only playable one in this class. I will get rid of 1 NPC if a smart girl transfers class.) - - Class B-2 (teacher(s)Oropher Helyanwe & teacher NPC) -Nilous Nitari rooming with Storm Dragon ROOM#10 -Findecáno Helyanwe Jericho Raosai ROOM#12 -Jase Hanson Rooming with Mirth Tronical ROOM#12 -5NPC
I made some NPC characters. But you need to go through some rules. If you're a student you can control all NPC from your class until after school(where any student can control them). If you're a teacher you can control any teacher. A student can name any student NPC from their class but once it's named, it's named. Make sure you give other classmates the oppertunity. These people are only made to temporarily replace or give company, you cannot make them fight or somehow take a main part of this roleplay. If you wan't you can also give them a personality but once again, keep them away from serious situations that could cause them to become a big role. They are only extras who have no soul. Like robots, exept with some emotion. But if you want you can have them 'comfort' people say a boy gets beatten in a fight so you have an NPC go up an go like. You can't give them as gender. If it's in the 1s class it should be female. The 2s sections should be male.
John walkes up to the boy and pats him on the back saying "are you ok?"
There were also some rules I also wanted to explain but I FORGOT OVERNIGHT STUPID PARENTAL CONTROLS!!
@cardibard you do know that judo is a type of martial arts right? And pop music club allows you to play instruments such as an electric guitar, bass, keyboard, drum set. Liturature club also includes stuff like manga. Kendo is a type of sword fighting. The president? really? A gagillion miles away and you wont even be allowed to.
I also recommend you head to the nurse. If you're injured you have a lesser opportunity to do stuff.
Ristu walks up to the two(looking like elizabeth). "The running club has 2 groups. They aren't based on gender but strength. One group is the beginner group where you run laps and jump hurdels and pace yourselves. You must do 50-80 laps a day. The other is the expert group, you will learn to sprint and go past tough obstacles. I haven't been to the expert group but I assume you have to do a lot more laps than the beginner group at least 100(she speaks the truth). I just like slow jogging and keeping up with my energy so i'm not much of a runner(hard to believe if you look back at her apperance). They always tell you to do the laps every day before class to warm. They will give you extra laps depending on how late you are. But sometimes they are nice and forget about your punishment and let you do laps when lesson is over. I remember once, the club pres let us go to the fast-food resturant not far from school and buy some burgers and milkshakes etc. but you have to pay yourself."
"100 laps, no problem, I run 10k every morning, 25k once a week, 100k once a month. Once a year, I would run from my cottage to my apartment, that's 400k. You should have seen my feet first time I did that, they were black on the bottom." Jay says.
That thing about running 400k, that's possible. Some tribes in Mexico run it every day. Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarahumara_people#Athletic_prowess
OOC:I don't want this to sound like barging but this is when I happen to be glad I am above 18. What I am trying to say is that I can see the problem and will understand the trouble it gives you to the point that I won't post anything or very little at night. So you don't go over your nighttime typing limit or try to stay on the computer past whatever time the parental control tries to shut the computer down.
IC:Storm fills out the sip she had grabbed earlier and then goes to find the president for the theater club. The whole time she seemed to be walking on air. This was because she loved to act and plays were an easy way to invite friends and family to the school every once in a while. Dragon king saw how Storm was acting and figured that she had joined the theater club. "By the way she's acting I would say that Romeo and Derek will be invited to every play this school has." He said to Amoon who just nodded in agreement. Romeo is Storm's boyfriend from middle school and Derek is one of her best friends despite him coming off as an emotionless necromancer.