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Fushigi: the japanese direct and literal translation for mystery

Story:about 600 miles into the woods you will find a nice yet small school. This is a boarding school for human and creatures. Almost everyone can get along(ALMOST). But be warned! There are spirits that prowl the school at midnight!

We have:
~4 different special classrooms
~Nice cafeteria
~Job boards(for$$$ or volunteer)
~Internet (We have a small computer lab in a room, but you're welcomed to use your own laptop and use our Wi-Fi)
~Lovely Garden
~Basketball court
~Soccer field.
~Dorms(each dorm room has a balcony)

What we have outside of school:
~High class resturant(need $$$)
~Night club(drinking is allowed but you will get scholded if teachers find you).
~More job listings.
~if you can think of anything else ask me! There will be no stores since this is a roleplay.

~No god modding!!
~Do not treat the other guests like nothing, you are not royalty here.
~ Fighting is aloud, (Have to spice it up XD) Just don't kill the people, or seriously injure them. (But if you are injured, go to the Nurse!)
~Love is aloud, Keep everything PG-13. If you have "urges" Take it to your messages.
~You cannot post less than 1 sentence or more than 3 paragraphs per post!
~You can have a max of 3 characters. You can make a new one any time. I can make exeptions but you must confirm with me!
~If you have more than 1 character you MUST type in third person to avoid confusion!!
~Your character cannot be 100% perfect!!! Give it some negative traits of flaws!
~You can roam around the place for as much as you like! but by Midnight, you cannot go outside the high school. (If you want to, I warned you)

~We are not responsible for what the ghost may put you through, it's a challenge to stay here

Char sheet:

Person(s) you are rooming with~(if more people join you can ask me what person you prefer rooming with. Max person per room:2. Must be of same gender.)
What are you~ (Human, Neko, ect.)
Appearance ~ (you may post image of character.)
Your reason for staying~
Anything else you want to add~ (you might wanna tell us if your smart or not or I'll put you in da regular classes.)

Teahcer/staff char sheet:
Age~(must be over 21! Any exeptions must be confirmed by me!)
Occupationif you are a teacher also put down which subject you teach)
Why you wanted this job~
Can you drive?
Why do you want to be a staff here~
Anything else~

Wanna be a Ghost? [limited positions!!!]
How did you die~ (Give good detail, Gore Give Gory Details -evil smirk-)
Why are you haunting the school?~
Anything else~

Attendance1 is for female 2 is for male. A is for regular student B is for specialized or gifted students)
Class A-1
Class a-2
Class B-1
Class B-2

You are allowed to attend any class possible as long as there is a teacher!

Special positions open:
Principal(if no one picks I pick. You are not the owner though, I am!)
Assistance desk
Nurse(Max is 2)

I will post my char sheets in da next post!

  • 463 Replies
2,779 posts

OOC: I get what you're trying to say. Sometimes I am too busy typing I forget to look at the warnings. "15 minutes till parental shut down" "1 minute till parental shut down." Sometimes, I don't even know how much I'm typing until it's finally posted. I think it's best that once I see the 15 minute warning(I may not be able to do 1 min) I finish the sentence and Type more to come. That time I don't wan't anybody role playing until I type what I missed. I will allow OOC chats discussing about the game and such.


U NO EVEN KNOW HOW LONG THE LAPS ARE! The beginners go indoors and use the gym. Experts use that really long track out in the field(I would say 800 m min). You don't even know the punishment if you miss an entire meeting.

All clubs are open after school and during lunch and free time. Lunch starts at 11:45-12:45. If you are smart you would plan your eating and practicing out. Or maybe eat during club practice. During lunch you can go wherever you wan't like the rooftop(no swimming) or your club room.

Freetime starts at different times for each class.

Please note that there are 2 sides of the music room with a divider in between. 1 side is for pop music and the other is for jazz. Theater club will take place in the theater room not the auditorium.Computer club is obviously in the computer lab and liturature is obviously in the library. Sports clubs are obvious if you read the very first post of this game

1,060 posts

OOC: I know, I have a 1k track at my school. 3rd Saturday of every month I run 100 laps. I spend the whole day just running. I intake 10,000 calories the morning then run it off. I don't stop until I've done all the laps. It's a club at my school. I've also done a bunch of marathon and running triathlons. 100 laps of an 800m track is only 80k, I run that in 4 1/2 hours comfortably, 3 1/2 if I plan on going to the hospital (Usually for a torn ligament).

2,779 posts

Please note you must get the club president to sign your slip and give it to the secretary advisor of the club. I can control the club presidents but you can also but they must remain in character. No tough kid is gonna be kind and give you a promotion.

Oh there is also a gardening club if I didn't already say.

Akari took her slip and joined the judo club. There were many black-belt seniors and their sensei was old but very strict. "I would like to join the judo club." She says in a serious manner. After a quick breif trainning she was given her uniform.!

ATTENTION all students please report to your classes! Class is starting. Now is not the time to be in your club rooms or be scavenging for one. SO GET YOU BUTS OUT OF THOSE SEATS AND MOVE!

"she seems more strict than usual" Ritsu though smiling. "A student must have tried talking to her." She walks along the halls and sneeks into the girl's washroom, vanishing later. She heads to the garden and picks a flower. "Talking about such 'untrue' things in front of the principal, why Jase, you must be ashamed hehe~"

There will be a test for the newcomers. Here's the test sheet

Name: Age: Specie:

1. What are the components of a live human?

2. Who lead the USA army in the war of 1812?

3. Which prime minister was continusly elected for prime minister and is still being elected?

4. Which countries have a dictatorship form of government in the world

5.What is the highest tower in the world?

6.What is the closets thing to alchemy?

7. Simplify 8 x3 / 2 x-3

8. Who wrote the quote: A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others

9. What is the the fourth state of matter?

10. What is the conversion from gas to the fourth state of matter?

Don't think about googling the answers. The quicker you are the more proof of using google. Unless you are in class B.

1,060 posts

Name: Jay Raosi Age: 17 Specie: Half-Dragon

1. What are the components of a live human: Water, organs, muscle, bone, fat, blood.

2. Who lead the USA army in the war of 1812? James madison

3. Which prime minister was continusly elected for prime minister and is still being elected? Stephen Harper?

4. Which countries have a dictatorship form of government in the world North Korea, most of the middle east, congo

5.What is the highest tower in the world? The CN tower, right now, is the tallest frestanding tower, that thing in beijing or whatever is tallest skyscraper

6.What is the closets thing to alchemy? chemistry

7. 18

8. Who wrote the quote: A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others
The Ayn Rand Letter Vol. III, No. 24 August 26, 1974 (I've read that letter)

9. What is the the fourth state of matter? Plasma/supersolids

10. What is the conversion from gas to the fourth state of matter? 1million += plasma in oxygen absolute 0= supersolid oxygen The conversion itself has no title

2,779 posts

I can point out many mistakes from your test moon(thats your nickname hehehe)

1,060 posts

OOC: Most of this is American stuff. And I can't remember grade 11 physics. But the thing about the towers I KNOW is right, I want to see the CN tower last week, the little plaque even said, "Tallest freestanding tower. The Beijing tower will soon become the tallest skyscraper." I'd rather have given really bad answers than have cheated, I didn't google anything.

2,779 posts

OOC:For question 10 I will change it to LIQUID to the fourth state of matter.

@j_c_mooncity Dude, I googled half of these questions, make me feel less guilt and do the same.

1,060 posts

1. Oxygen (65%)Carbon (18%)Hydrogen (10%) Nitrogen (3%)Calcium (1.5%)Phosphorus (1.0%)Potassium (0.35%)
Sulfur (0.25%) Sodium (0.15%)
10.Magnesium (0.05%)Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Molybdenum, Fluorine, Chlorine, Iodine, Manganese, Cobalt, Iron (0.70%) 12.Lithium, Strontium, Aluminum, Silicon, Lead, Vanadium, Arsenic, Bromine (trace amounts)

2. James Madison

3. Stephen Harper?

4. The CN tower

6.Conversion of lead to gold

7. 4 x6

8.Ayn Rand


10. Enthalpy

Fixed it!

4,584 posts

After the assembly Storm and her sibs went to class and politely greeted the teachers before setting down. Dragon King wanted to be in the same class as his twin but understood that this school had two class es for the girls and two for the boys.

Name:Storm Dragon Age:15 Specie:Grtarian

1. What are the components of a live human?
Lungs, brain, teeth, blood, eyes, heart, nails, hands, bone, skin, legs, skull, muscle, stomach, ears, hair, head, liver, tongue, various organs that I can't remember right now or spell

2. Who lead the USA army in the war of 1812?
Gorge Washington

3. Which prime minister was continuously elected for prime minister and is still being elected?
I have no idea.

4. Which countries have a dictatorship form of government in the world
Guinea, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Sudan, Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea

5.What is the highest tower in the world?
I don't know but I think it is in Japan.

6.What is the closets thing to alchemy?

7. Simplify 8 x3 / 2 x-3

8. Who wrote the quote: A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others
Any Rand

9. What is the the fourth state of matter?

10. What is the conversion from gas to the fourth state of matter?
1million += plasma in oxygen absolute 0= supersolid oxygen. The process doesn't have a name but there is an example of it.

Storm wrote her answers and then looked over the test before turning it over and picking up a fantasy novel that she had put on a corner of her desk that was out of the way.

Nameragon King Age:15 Specie:Grtarian

1. What are the components of a live human?
Lungs, brain, teeth, blood, eyes, heart, nails, hands, bone, skin, legs, skull, muscle, stomach, ears, hair, head, liver, tongue

2. Who lead the USA army in the war of 1812?
Gorge Washington

3. Which prime minister was continusly elected for prime minister and is still being elected?
I have no idea but I can figure out several ways to get him shot.

4. Which countries have a dictatorship form of government in the world
A lot of the countries in Africa.

5.What is the highest tower in the world?
All I know is that it is on Earth.

6.What is the closets thing to alchemy?

7. Simplify 8 x3 / 2 x-3

8. Who wrote the quote: A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others
Let me go to the library and I will find you the answer.

9. What is the the fourth state of matter?

10. What is the conversion from gas to the fourth state of matter?
It doesn't have a name

Dragon king just laid his head on his desk after taking the test.

Name:Amoon Age:17 Specie:Grtarian

1. What are the components of a live human?
Lungs, brain, teeth, blood, eyes, heart, nails, hands, bone, skin, legs, skull, muscle, stomach, ears, hair, head, liver, tongue, various organs that I can't remember right now

2. Who lead the USA army in the war of 1812?
Gorge Washington

3. Which prime minister was continusly elected for prime minister and is still being elected?
I have no idea

4. Which countries have a dictatorship form of government in the world
Cuba and a lot of countries in Africa.

5.What is the highest tower in the world?
The CN Tower

6.What is the closets thing to alchemy?

7. Simplify 8 x3 / 2 x-3

8. Who wrote the quote: A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others
Ayn Rand

9. What is the the fourth state of matter?

10. What is the conversion from gas to the fourth state of matter?
If I can remember correctly it didn't have a name.

Amoon turned his test over and then started to read the latest report he had of an archeological dig that was on another planet. He wasn't paying much attention to it the report cause he was scolding him self for not having a better answer to the first question.

OOC:I didn't get on google to find any of the answers but it was very tempting. The reason why each test is different is because Amoon, DK, and Storm don't know the same things and will show what they know in different ways. I'm not sure if the tower question is right but it was the first thing that came to my mind other then the Tokyo tower and I remember that losing the title.

2,779 posts


2,779 posts

Hint #2: When I say components I don't mean the organs or what a human obviously has. Think deeper and start breaking down the organs to components like sodium and iron. thats what I mean by components NOT BODY PARTS COMPONENTS!! It's like cooking. They have the ingridents but also nutrition facts which are what ingridients are made up of.

4,584 posts

OOC:I have very little idea what the answer to question one is now that you have given that hint. I'm not worrying about fixing my test sheet cause writing it three times like I did and remembering the answers were a lot of work.

2,779 posts

OOC. It's too late, I PMed you the answers. Components are not organs period.

Hope you understand the alchemy question cuz' I do!

4,584 posts

OOC:Oh, thanks.

4,584 posts

1. Oxygen (65%)Carbon (18%)Hydrogen (10%) Nitrogen (3%)Calcium (1.5%)Phosphorus (1.0%)Potassium (0.35%)
Sulfur (0.25%) Sodium (0.15%)Magnesium (0.05%)Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Molybdenum, Fluorine, Chlorine, Iodine, Manganese, Cobalt, Iron (0.70%) 12.Lithium, Strontium, Aluminum, Silicon, Lead, Vanadium, Arsenic, Bromine (trace amounts)
2. James madison
3. Stephen Harper
4. The CN tower
6.Conversion of lead to gold
7. 4 x6
8.Ayn Rand

OOC:There is the answers to the test now that things had been changed.

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