ForumsWEPRThe Philosophic Thread

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2,515 posts

Ive been thinking a lot, developing some questions like:

What is Reality?
What is experience?
How are we here?
Why us?

I was wondering if i could get a group of intelligent people to help answer and validate these questions.

  • 45 Replies
3,817 posts

What is Reality?

All of Existence, another word that is randomly capitalized.

What is experience?

Think of your brain as a computer. "Experience" would be like the things you download on the computer.

How are we here?

What do you mean by that? Abiogenisis caused simple life to exist, which evolved over millions of years to become humans. Is that what you meant?

Why us?


I was wondering if i could get a group of intelligent people to help answer and validate these questions.

Validate questions?
1,824 posts

Philosophy is a waste of time. You'll spend too much time thinking, always coming back to the same thing, never getting any practical work done. Imagine of the world's armies just stopped and thought for ages? They'd come to the conclusion war is pointless, but with that their paycheck goes out the window.

3,817 posts

Philosophy is a waste of time. You'll spend too much time thinking, always coming back to the same thing, never getting any practical work done. Imagine of the world's armies just stopped and thought for ages? They'd come to the conclusion war is pointless, but with that their paycheck goes out the window.

War? Pointless? Hahaha, you had me there for a second. I thought you where serious. War is one of the most effective political tools ever on the face of the planet. Whenever you want something, be it just or unjust, and another country wants something else, be it just or unjust, war is the most effective means to get the desired result. It is hardly pointless when, every time it has been used, it has served it's purpose: Either securing what the offensive country wanted or keeping the interests of the defensive country. Why in hell would you say war is pointless?
2,515 posts

you have to think, i mean really think, almost past understanding.

think of this:

If reality is existance, that what is existance? Think of the scale of existance, if i precieve my reality, and you interpret your own, And if everyone is different? that can there be a large single reality? if everyone has a different view on things than is there a single view? To include the other aliens, they may see sound waves. Their reality is completely different then ours, there biochemestry set up may cause theirs brains to function at a COMPLETELY different level. How can there be a single reality?


Trollfail. People are different in there own ways,people who go to war dont think about the true questions, if you notice, or use 9th grade history, there were three great Philophsers, Pericles, Plato and Aristotle. There wernt armies of thinkers, the spartans made sure of that.

5,552 posts

How can there be a single reality?

It's reality because it exists. Regardless of whether something perceives parts of it or experiences it differently. Reality does not change between people or things.

people who go to war dont think about the true questions,

I think it's a bit arrogant of you to say that soldiers don't think on life questions. They probably do more so than the average person, but they are also unable to change anything.

Philosophy is amusing to think about in your spare time and can be insightful at points, but it really is, for the most part, unnecessary.
3,817 posts

you have to think, i mean really think, almost past understanding.

So your reason for capitalization is beyond human reason? I don't buy it. You are just capitalizing words at random.

If reality is existance, that what is existance?

Its existence. The universe, and everything outside if it. The things that we can observe, givin infinite time and proper equipment.

Think of the scale of existance, if i precieve my reality, and you interpret your own, And if everyone is different? that can there be a large single reality?

I can't understand what you are saying. Since you appear to be a native English speaker, I will have to assume that you are either high or young, which will excuse your insane philosophical ideas.

What you observe does not have anything to do with your reality. Weather you are hyper sensitive or in a comma, you are in the same reality. The rest of the universe doesn't just not exist because you, a random human, doesn't see it. Perception is only what you see, not what is actually there. Reality is what is actually there, not what you perceive, if that is what you are getting at.

A good example of this would be schizophrenics, who have a different perception of reality, seeing, hearing, smelling, or generally sensing things that are not there. While their perception is different, the fact that their visions do not exist does not change reality.

To include the other aliens, they may see sound waves. Their reality is completely different then ours, there biochemestry set up may cause theirs brains to function at a COMPLETELY different level

No it isn't, and I don't see how you make a connection. As I said, reality isn't what you see, it is what is there. A bullet kills you, weather you see it or not.

How can there be a single reality?

You still have not stated why there would be multiple realities.
5,552 posts

You are just capitalizing words at random.

He's capitalizing terms improperly. This has to do with the

No it isn't, and I don't see how you make a connection. As I said, reality isn't what you see, it is what is there. A bullet kills you, weather you see it or not.

To expand on this, a second before a blind man runs into a wall it doesn't just randomly pop into existence the next. Your statements that they might "see sound waves" which is vague to say the least, is the same as saying that the blind man lives in another reality because he can't perceive it in a way others can.

Or if you prefer, bacon is still bacon even if you have no taste buds.
2,515 posts

So your reason for capitalization is beyond human reason? I don't buy it. You are just capitalizing words at random.

You seem to fixate on my mis-captilization? Intersting...

Its existence. The universe, and everything outside if it. The things that we can observe, givin infinite time and proper equipment

Well, Existance cant be defined by itself. example think of yourself as a 2nd grader and confused about science, so you google exactly what water is and you find this:

Water(wa-ter)(noun): Water (definiation)

And there isnt anything outside the Universe, there cant be. If everything is the universe, then if it wernt in the universe, it couldnt be. Remember, if it can be Observed, or recorded, it cant exist. and since we cant exist out side reality AkA the universe, then there cant be anything out there.

I can't understand what you are saying. Since you appear to be a native English speaker, I will have to assume that you are either high or young, which will excuse your insane philosophical ideas.

Yes i am young, 14 with it IQ of 155 and the mental capaticity of Eienstine.

You still have not stated why there would be multiple realities

I didnt say that, i hinted at it but think of this:

if you put a cat in a box, with a number generator and a silent bomb that relesed arsinic into the box. how would you know it existed? East right, just look inside the box, for you, the cat was in a state of both dead and alive, until varified. But If I think there for I am, correct? then the cat thinks, there for it is. But you didnt now that, so for your reality, it wasnt dead nor alive, but for it, it was alive, and the rest of the world was gone.
(Iover did it with the commas, Im sorry)
5,552 posts

I am not sure what is going on, he is speaking English in a way no one understands.

It seems pretty obvious to me what he's saying, even if it is fallacious/naive. What aren't you understanding?

So why not state that he is capitalizing random words, when I don't know what else to say?

You could have asked straight out what he was trying to say.

Maybe I'm wrong, but he wants to discuss general philosophy topics such as life/death/reality/will/purpose. He then gave some random thoughts about one of them and here we are 9 posts later.
5,552 posts

Well, Existance cant be defined by itself.

Sure it can. Everything that is, is. Where it gets trickier is the delineation of what exists. Do beliefs that something exists change one's version of reality? Yes. Does that illusion then exist, even if it is not a part of reality, simply because it is held by someone and changes things for them? Perhaps. Viewpoints matter. I'm not saying that if you believe you can fly that you really can, but it will color your thoughts, and you will act upon them. So something not real has real effects, does that mean it is real, if in another way?

14 with it IQ of 155 and the mental capaticity of Eienstine.

I'm sorry but...please excuse me while I lol. If you're going to make a claim like that...use a spell check.

Remember, if it can be Observed, or recorded, it cant exist.

I'll assume you mean if it can't. Please check your post before you submit to prevent things like this.

Is nothing something? We define things quite often as the opposite of a lack.

if you put a cat in a box, with a number generator and a silent bomb that relesed arsinic into the box. how would you know it existed? East right, just look inside the box, for you, the cat was in a state of both dead and alive, until varified. But If I think there for I am, correct? then the cat thinks, there for it is. But you didnt now that, so for your reality, it wasnt dead nor alive, but for it, it was alive, and the rest of the world was gone.

Way to combine The Thinker and Schrodinger's a play-doh and golf ball washing machine.

and i dont want to edit my posts

At least type it in Microsoft Word and copy/paste in...
5,552 posts

Take it to each other's profile Masterforger. You can have your posts cherry picked to your heart's content then, and not talk about off-topic things here.

2,515 posts

Well, lets diverge from the topic of "word captilization" and, i will attempt to correct my words.

but you cant effectively define something by itself. It's hard to explain something in a loop (unless you a politician)

Way to combine The Thinker and Schroedinger's a play-doh and golf ball washing machine

Thank you. and the whole mental capacity of Eisenstein thing, might be exaggerated a bit, but you gain the perception. I'm more mature for my age, I'm arguing reality with each other.

Oh and by the way, I'm just bust'in your balls,I cant really think that way all the time, I'm not insane and retarded. But it helps clear my mind by completely thinking outside rationality.
2,515 posts

I'm still confused on your confusion. You can comprehend my philosophy? Well, what does that say about you? Anyway this has turned from Philosophy to Troll Omnihero10

5,552 posts

You know, e]Einstein couldn't see why he should match his socks. We have the same reasoning

Matching your socks and spelling correctly and using correct grammar to get your point across are entirely separate matters. One is a social standard, the other is language.

You are on, were kids come to play flash games.

Hence the language thing above, "were" could also have been intended to be "we're" which would change the meaning of your sentence if it's not meant to be "where." One is a location, the other is trying to include 314d1 in a similar group.

That is true, but the same with posting on forums, your not spending your time effectively, in this time you could spend it studying Nuclear Physics and learn to produce safe energy, but your not, your typing here having fun, same with philosophy, just no typing? huh?

First thing you've said that I agree with.

True, but most of his posts are half lucid. This guy I can't understand, apparently.

Lol well, considering I'm half asleep, you may be right.

Is that the definition you want?

He's not looking for dictionary definitions.
2,515 posts

Again, this is a Philophsy thread, not a Grammar thread, but you are correct, a single letter can completely alter a sentance.

Again, Philphsy

If Existance is Being? What is Being?
If Being is Existing? What can define both?

Showing 1-15 of 45