ForumsForum GamesFreak Disposal Unit Alpha

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It all started that fateful day, December 12 2012. Strange, horrible creatures had somehow come to existence, as if all of man's fears through time had come to life. Vampires terrorized the night, zombies ravaged the crowded cities, every manner of creature imaginable was rising in the places where the fears originated. The world was put into a state of terror, and the goverments of the world got together to decide what to do about it.

They decided to shoot it.

Thus "Freak Disposal Units" (FDU, for short) was formed, a group of highly trained and well armed men from all walks of life and countries. The first creatures to come to earth, called "Freaks" in the slang of the unit, where weak and easily defeated by a combination of specialized forces, the regular armed forces, and several cases of civilian forces banning together to defeat the weaker creatures. Soon, however, stronger Freaks began to somehow come to earth, often requiring special knowledge or weaponry to defeat. Funding pored into the FDU, giving them everything from silver bullets to combat tanks in order to defeat the Freaks, using the knowledge of the people who grew up with the "myths" to defeat them, often with success, if at high costs in many cases.

This is the story of Freak Disposal Unit Alpha, the vanguard of the FDU, the first to arrive at dangerous situations all around the globe in order to protect it from the Freaks, and if possible, research and investigate their weaknesses and cause. There are several squads, often working on different sides of the globe, with little interaction do the the sheer amount of cases they get. Can you do it?


Character Sheet:

Attributes: (30 points to spend as you wish)

Advantages: (Since I am trying to be open ended with this game, choose something that you think would cost about 20 points. This can be anything that you think would be an advantage that you could have in the real world. This can be anything from having marksmen training to being good with cats.)

Disadvantages: (Once again, being open ended. Disadvantages are not necessary, but if you take them you are allowed greater advantages depending on how big the disadvantage is. Disadvantages can also be anything, from having your left hand blown off in the war to being a pacifist to being afraid of the dark)

QuarksMinor disadvantages that make your character interesting. Things like a verbal tick or such can be mentioned here, and work as disadvantages, bringing minor points you can use in the advantage section. You can have up to five)

Perks: (Minor advantages that make the character interesting, basically the positive version of Quarks)

Bio: (A short segment explaining your life. Much of it is flavor, but it will help out with some things)

Skills: (Based off everything else, it shows the skills that you have. Depends on your job in your squad, a leader will be better at leading but worse at shooting, a heavy gunner will be better with heavy guns while the driver will be better at driving Etc)

Still trying out the new character sheet, hopefully this works.

  • 26 Replies
2,316 posts

Attributes: (30 points to spend as you wish)
Advantages: Experianced rifleman
Disadvantages: Easily angered
Quarks: Over-trusting
Perks: Good-natured
Bio: Charlie Hewitt was a US army soldier. He was stationed in Germantown, USA when it aaaaaall started. During a zombie attack, he showed exceptional skill with any assault rifle he can get his hands on. In his youth, he had been involved with teenaged vigilante groups. Although illegal, they were never caught, as they used gang tactics to make it seem like a hit.
Skills: Rifleman

No names? That's peculiar.

2,316 posts

Attributes: (30 points to spend as you wish)
Disadvantages: Easily angered
Quarks: Over-trusting
Perks: Good-natured
Bio: Charlie Hewitt was a US army soldier. He was stationed in Germantown, USA when it aaaaaall started. In his youth, he had been involved with teenaged vigilante groups. Although illegal, they were never caught, as they used gang tactics to make it seem like a hit.
Skills: Rifleman

3,817 posts

No names? That's peculiar.

Ah, gosh darnit. Told ya it was a prototype, though I suppose most people will put their names in their bio.

Name:Charlie Hewitt
Advantages: Experianced rifleman
Disadvantages: Easily angered
Quarks: Over-trusting
Perks: Good-natured
Bio: Charlie Hewitt was a US army soldier. He was stationed in Germantown, USA when it aaaaaall started. During a zombie attack, he showed exceptional skill with any assault rifle he can get his hands on. In his youth, he had been involved with teenaged vigilante groups. Although illegal, they were never caught, as they used gang tactics to make it seem like a hit.
Skills: Rifle 3, Courage 3, Combat Focus 3
Inventory: Standard M16 (Standard rounds 30), Silver bullet clip (30), Standard FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

You sit in the back of a military-style jeep, shivering at the cold. You had recently been resigned to a FDUA unit, an Alpha squad. They have a base in Antarctica, "To keep away from the Freaks. No humans, no myths! No myths, no freaks!" they told you. You start to think fighting off the occasional freak would be worth staying away from this freezing content. Of course the jeep was specially made for the job and was well insulated, and it had only been a short time since you left the warmth of the copter.

You sit across from a middle age man wearing a FDU uniform, dark camouflage with a shield emblem on the right arm. The shield was brightly colored, and made with some kind of bright material in order to see your own men at night, but could easily be covered by a bit of cloth that went over it if necessary. Back to the man, he was also wearing a bright red beret and had several medals on his chest, you knew him to be high ranking. The FDU has it's own officer system, which you have not fully remembered yet. Now back to the man again.

The man spoke to you, telling you a bit about your new unit. "Well since we are both going to the same place, it makes since to use the same transportation" he said. "You have the squad that calls it's self 'Flashbang', though it changes it's name a lot. The captain is a rather strange man, though that fits into your whole squad. Most of them volunteered for this, and a good amount of the kind of people who volunteer for the weird stuff like this are not right in the head. Ah, looks like our stop! I will be seeing you around, soldier"

As he said his last sentence, the jeep stops and places it's sliding door too a strange room, like the things used to get onto airplanes. Probably to limit exposure, you think. You go threw it, a few feet of tunnel with a strange door at the end, and enter a room that looks a lot like a waiting room for the doctors office, except a good bit larger. At least it is warm, you think to yourself. You walk to the receptionist and tell her your name, and she gives you directions to the room you are supposed to go too. After going threw a group of hallways, once again reminding you more of a doctors office then a military base, and eventually you find a thick steel door. You open it to find four people sitting around.

How do you greet them?
3,817 posts

So just to be clear, you add your name at the top of the character sheet, since I forgot.

3,817 posts

Renewed Character sheet:

Character Sheet:

Name: Your Character's name

Attributes: (30 points to spend as you wish)

Advantages: (Since I am trying to be open ended with this game, choose something that you think would cost about 20 points. This can be anything that you think would be an advantage that you could have in the real world. This can be anything from having marksmen training to being good with cats.)

Disadvantages: (Once again, being open ended. Disadvantages are not necessary, but if you take them you are allowed greater advantages depending on how big the disadvantage is. Disadvantages can also be anything, from having your left hand blown off in the war to being a pacifist to being afraid of the dark)

QuarksMinor disadvantages that make your character interesting. Things like a verbal tick or such can be mentioned here, and work as disadvantages, bringing minor points you can use in the advantage section. You can have up to five)

Perks: (Minor advantages that make the character interesting, basically the positive version of Quarks)

Bio: (A short segment explaining your life. Much of it is flavor, but it will help out with some things)

Skills: (Based off everything else, it shows the skills that you have. Depends on your job in your squad, a leader will be better at leading but worse at shooting, a heavy gunner will be better with heavy guns while the driver will be better at driving Etc)

125 posts

Parker Demmori
Dexterity: 11

Advantages: Intense survival training courses after being lost in the wilderness for about a year.

Disadvantages: His traumatic survival experience have left him socially awkward and too overconfident in himself.

Quarks: He mumbles a lot and gets frustrated trying to explain things.

Perks: He is good at what he does and won't ask a lot of questions.

Bio: Age 23: Stranded in woods after a plane crash for a year. Long brown hair and grey eyes with constant five o'clock shadow.

Skills: Stealthy, self reliant, good at improvising. (Scout/Sniper role)

3,817 posts

Parker Demmori
Dexterity: 11
Advantages: Survival Training
Disadvantages: Socially Awkward
Quarks: He mumbles a lot and gets frustrated trying to explain things.
Perks: He is good at what he does and won't ask a lot of questions.
Bio: Age 23: Stranded in woods after a plane crash for a year. Long brown hair and grey eyes with constant five o'clock shadow.
Skills: Stealth 3, Long Guns 3, Survival 3
Inventory: Barrett XM500 (10 Standard), Silver Magazine (10), FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

You look out at the base, which appears to be a large building in an odd shape but covered in snow, from your cabin on the ice breaker. You where somewhat relieved, to be honest, that you would not be flying here, and instead had taken a ride on the ice breaker that was coming to clear the supply path as it must do weekly. You had been confined to the cabin for most of the rather long trip, doing small things to ease the boredom. While some people interacted in the cafeteria, interaction was rather low as no one wants to leave the warmth of their rooms into a colder area.

There is a knock at your door, and you peer threw the eye hole and see the captain of the ship, a large and loud man famed for his drinking skills. You open the door and he points his thumb toward the front of the boat.

"You get off here" he says in a deep, but rather cheerful voice. "We will miss your buetiful laughter and bright personality lightening up the ship." he continued, with a sarcastic tone across his face. He hands you a thick coat and mask, which you put on, and he puts on similar. He gestures for you to follow, as he heads out past the sealed gate to the cold world beyond. While the suit does protect you, you still feel really cold. It is a short walk to the opening of the base, which looks like an air lock in sci-fi or something. It is obvious that the door expand and contracts, since there is not a lot of snow on it compared with the rest of the base. You enter the strange door and go down a small hallway, leading to a room that looks like a doctor's waiting room, except larger. You state your name to the receptionist, who gives you directions to your squad.

You walk down a bunch of hallways, a huge maze of wood and metal, until you reach the place described to you. You start to open the thick, oak door and see four people. How do you great yourself?

125 posts

Parker Demmori
Dexterity: 11
Advantages: Survival Training
Disadvantages: Socially Awkward
Quarks: He mumbles a lot and gets frustrated trying to explain things.
Perks: He is good at what he does and won't ask a lot of questions.
Bio: Age 23: Stranded in woods after a plane crash for a year. Long brown hair and grey eyes with constant five o'clock shadow.
Skills: Stealth 3, Long Guns 3, Survival 3
Inventory: Barrett XM500 (10 Standard), Silver Magazine (10), FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

I stand and nod at them and go to a corner and stand with my back to the wall.

3,817 posts

Parker Demmori
Dexterity: 11
Advantages: Survival Training
Disadvantages: Socially Awkward
Quarks: He mumbles a lot and gets frustrated trying to explain things.
Perks: He is good at what he does and won't ask a lot of questions.
Bio: Age 23: Stranded in woods after a plane crash for a year. Long brown hair and grey eyes with constant five o'clock shadow.
Skills: Stealth 3, Long Guns 3, Survival 3
Inventory: Barrett XM500 (10 Standard), Silver Magazine (10), FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

After you go to the corner of a room, sitting right behind a book case filled with papers, you see what everyone else is doing. On the far side of the room, there is a man with hair over his eyes and a wool hat on, who is playing air guitar while banging his head to loud head phones. Next to him stands a slim man wearing a cowboy hat, with two six shooters in two holsters on both sides of his waist. He is staring at you and looks rather confused. From his shield on his right, he appears to be the leader, having an additional eagle. Next to him stands a man with dark hair and skin, with an M16 slung over his back, looking at you with mild amusement. The closest too you was a large man with a long beard, who appeared to be taking a nap.

The man with the M16 speaks first, having a general American accent. "See, told ya Smith, snipers are usually don't talk much. The last one must have had a crush on you or something!"

The cowboy, who was apparently named Smith, started to speak having a thick southern accent, as his face blushed a bit. "Well if you know so much about them, why don't YOU talk to him? In fact, that is an order."

The man with the rifle gave a small shrug and walked in your direction. "It doesn't look you like talking much, so I will make this fast. I am Ricardo, the rifle man. Call me Rick, it is shorter. The man rocking to himself has some strange name, but we just call him Morice. He is always listening to something. He fires the explosives, I think he hates having ears. The bear lying next to the machine gun is Vlad, that isn't his real name but that is what we call him. He fires machine guns. I know I am forgetting someone, but he is probably unimportant." He finishes, as he scratches his head. Smith walks over and hits him with the hat, and speaks with an almost yelling voice. "I am Smith, the fearless leader and the fastest gun in the west! You seem like a strange kid. Is there anything we should know about you? A group works best when we have no secrets". How do you reply to him?

125 posts

Parker Demmori
Dexterity: 11
Advantages: Survival Training
Disadvantages: Socially Awkward
Quarks: He mumbles a lot and gets frustrated trying to explain things.
Perks: He is good at what he does and won't ask a lot of questions.
Bio: Age 23: Stranded in woods after a plane crash for a year. Long brown hair and grey eyes with constant five o'clock shadow.
Skills: Stealth 3, Long Guns 3, Survival 3
Inventory: Barrett XM500 (10 Standard), Silver Magazine (10), FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

Mumbles, "I don't like to talk...sorry...I'll do what I'm told."

958 posts

Name: Jack "Boom" Stone
-Strength: 10
-Dexterity: 6
-Health: 10
-Intelligence: 4
Advantages: Jack is extremely tough, both mentally and physically. No matter what happens, he'll always be able to handle the situation with a clear mind, and pain doesn't come easily to him.
Disadvantages: He treats the whole freak problem like a game. He doesn't worry about the aftereffects of what he might do, and usually has a hard time understanding that something would need more than explosives to kill.
Quarks: He gets over-exciting when fighting freaks, and can be vulnerable to some flanking/surrounding strategies while he's having fun killing something else.
Perks: He'll always look on the bright side and have a lot of fun with his job, and can usually serve as moral support for his team.
Bio: When he was a kid, Jack was already interested in explosives. He would make chemical bombs, gas tank grenades, and lots of other stuff, always interested with anything that went boom. He was raised by a good family and was always able to get out of trouble, which gave him his joker personality. He was 25 when the Freak events first started happening, working as a secret agent for his home country of Poland, expert on sabotage, infiltration, and exfil.
Skills: Jack "Boom" Stone is an explosive expert. He deals with anything that goes 'boom': rocket launchers, C4, mines, and grenade launchers (Which are his weapon of choice). He can handle himself with other weapons, but explosions are his forte.

I hope this is alright.

2,316 posts

Name:Charlie Hewitt
Advantages: Experianced rifleman
Disadvantages: Easily angered
Quarks: Over-trusting
Perks: Good-natured
Bio: Charlie Hewitt was a US army soldier. He was stationed in Germantown, USA when it aaaaaall started. During a zombie attack, he showed exceptional skill with any assault rifle he can get his hands on. In his youth, he had been involved with teenaged vigilante groups. Although illegal, they were never caught, as they used gang tactics to make it seem like a hit.
Skills: Rifle 3, Courage 3, Combat Focus 3
Inventory: Standard M16 (Standard rounds 30), Silver bullet clip (30), Standard FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

Holy late guy, batman! I ain't gonna lie, I completely forgot I had a laptop. Oh, you're going to have fun with me.

"Gutentag, I'm Charlie Hewitt. Who are you guys?"

3,817 posts

Wow. Lot of writing to get threw, to avoid confusion I will write one post for each guy in the order you posted. Lets hope I can get them all.

Parker Demmori
Dexterity: 11
Advantages: Survival Training
Disadvantages: Socially Awkward
Quarks: He mumbles a lot and gets frustrated trying to explain things.
Perks: He is good at what he does and won't ask a lot of questions.
Bio: Age 23: Stranded in woods after a plane crash for a year. Long brown hair and grey eyes with constant five o'clock shadow.
Skills: Stealth 3, Long Guns 3, Survival 3
Inventory: Barrett XM500 (10 Standard), Silver Magazine (10), FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

Rick nods like he was expecting that answer and begins to walk away. "Well then, I will leave you to yourself. Just hang out here until...", he states as an alarm goes off. It is the kind of alarm you would expect to come with a red light, however Smith is on a computer on the other side of the room. It looks much like a standard personal computer you would find anywhere, with a webcam on it. On the screen is, in fact, a flashing red light to accompany the sound.

Smith turns on the camera and salutes, as the siren stops. A man in a fancy leather chair shows up, but you can only see his hands from your position in the corner. While his voice is too quite for you to hear, Smith's voice is still booming and rather audible.

"Sir yes sir!" Smith bellowed while still saluting "The Freak will be hunted down and shot ASAP. We will move as soon as you give your blessing!". Smith then spins around, stopping his solute, and begins to shout commands to the squad. "We got a Wendigo eating people up near the Canadian border to America. It has already killed and eaten two people in a rural town, and this is the kind that grows when it eats. We have to get it before it grows much bigger. Get to positions, people!" Among other commands where given.

You follow behind the rest of the squad as they go to a steel door in the back of the room, which leads to another hallway having several doors. There is a particularly large one at the end of the hallway, which the rest of the squad was going in at the moment. You follow them, and notice Vlad stayed behind to shut the large door, after which he follows you. The door leads to a large room, with a helicopter pad in the middle with a small five person helicopter in the middle. Strange, you think, it still has a roof.

You get into the small helicopter, which from the inside looks more like a civilian helicopter then a military one. You notice that it doesn't have any guns or much armor, and will be unlikely to help in the fight. After everyone gets in, with Smith sitting across from you, Rich sitting next to you, and Morice sitting across from Rich, Vlad enters the copter. He slaps the side proudly, and exclaims rather naturally in English "Pretty, isn't she? Specially made for the FDUA, a jet copter. It is made so we can go anywhere in the world within twelve hours, even if it doesn't have any guns. It can act as either a helicopter or a jet, if it needs." He then takes the pilot's seat, happily laughing to himself, as he hits some buttons. The stairs leading the the jet copter went up with the sound of hydraulics, and the roof started to open with a large sound. While it was snowing a lot outside, the doors seemed to heat up to melt any snow that landed on them. The helicopter parts start up, and you exit the building. The machine stays as a helicopter for a few minutes, once the snow stopped there was some strange sounds and turbulence that you could not see the cause of. The chairs also start changing, turning from the standard military helicopter formation to one of a roller coaster at an amusement part. All the other men start putting on uniforms of someone in a jet, and Ricardo hands you a uniform as well. You put it on, which includes a face mask tied to an oxygen tank. The chairs move some more, but you can not see the exact formation in your mask. There is some more turbulence, and the speed of the helicopter goes up significantly.

As time goes by, you start thinking. Mostly about the mission that is coming up. Is there any preparations you want to make before your mission?


Wow. Lot of writing. Can't wait for all this exposition to be over, I will be able to right a lot faster. Next post coming up soon.

125 posts

Parker Demmori
Dexterity: 11
Advantages: Survival Training
Disadvantages: Socially Awkward
Quarks: He mumbles a lot and gets frustrated trying to explain things.
Perks: He is good at what he does and won't ask a lot of questions.
Bio: Age 23: Stranded in woods after a plane crash for a year. Long brown hair and grey eyes with constant five o'clock shadow.
Skills: Stealth 3, Long Guns 3, Survival 3
Inventory: Barrett XM500 (10 Standard), Silver Magazine (10), FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

I try to check all my gear, making sure I have my rifle ready and my mag full, along with the armor being properly fit.

3,817 posts

Name: Jack "Boom" Stone
-Strength: 10
-Dexterity: 6
-Health: 10
-Intelligence: 4
Advantages: Tough, Reckless
Quarks: Over Exited
Perks: High Moral
Bio: When he was a kid, Jack was already interested in explosives. He would make chemical bombs, gas tank grenades, and lots of other stuff, always interested with anything that went boom. He was raised by a good family and was always able to get out of trouble, which gave him his joker personality. He was 25 when the Freak events first started happening, working as a secret agent for his home country of Poland, expert on sabotage, infiltration, and exfil.
Skills: Explosives 3, Grenades 3, Explosive Construction 3
Inventory: RPG-29(Empty), PG-29V(Anti tank) 2, TBG-29V (Personnel)2, M67 (5), Standard FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: Burdened

Ah, looks like you went threw a lot of writing too.

It is going to take me a second to choose your weapons...
I thought about giving you a modern generation rocket launcher, but they are either heavy, squad operated, and overpowered or disposable, neither of witch goes well for main character use. I thought for a second "Maybe RPG-7", but that is of course outdated. So I had to decide weather to give you multiple possible weapons (That could way up to 20 pounds each) or I can just give you a heavy weapon. In the end, I decided to build off the RPG-7 idia and just gave you a RPG-29. So there you go. I also gave you some modern grenades, but to make sure you had enough ammo on you to be able to be useful, it burdened you from all the equipment. So good luck.

You move your heavy equipment around, the flight had been uncomfortable with the weapons you kept on your uniform. A group of people, some FDUA soldiers like yourself, where just in a mission in the area and let you come back. You had entered the strange helicopter, which was smaller then you would think and was kind of shaped like a jet, and it somehow transformed into one a few minutes into the trip. You where not really paying attention, as you where fantasizing the parts of the battle you saw. It was interesting to see how well goblins blew up. You exit the ship after several hours of flying, and feel slightly dizzy. You exit to a strange room, it kind of reminds you of a garage. Strange how it has a roof, though. The people point you toward the receptionist and off you go, drunkenly walking for the first few minutes. Eventually you reach the receptionist, who points the way to your squad. After a good amount of drunken walking past rooms you can vaguely remember, you get to the room the receptionist had described. Probably. Now that you think about it, you probably shouldn't have drunk so much on the plane. But you knock and throw open the door anyway. How do you great yourself?


Sorry for such little description. The research took longer then I thought, I had some RL things, and I am now out of time. So I made you drunk. Drunk people don't notice things, so I can save the exposition for tomorrow. I will have to get the rest tomorrow to, sorry for falling behind.

Showing 1-15 of 26