ForumsForum GamesFreak Disposal Unit Alpha

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It all started that fateful day, December 12 2012. Strange, horrible creatures had somehow come to existence, as if all of man's fears through time had come to life. Vampires terrorized the night, zombies ravaged the crowded cities, every manner of creature imaginable was rising in the places where the fears originated. The world was put into a state of terror, and the goverments of the world got together to decide what to do about it.

They decided to shoot it.

Thus "Freak Disposal Units" (FDU, for short) was formed, a group of highly trained and well armed men from all walks of life and countries. The first creatures to come to earth, called "Freaks" in the slang of the unit, where weak and easily defeated by a combination of specialized forces, the regular armed forces, and several cases of civilian forces banning together to defeat the weaker creatures. Soon, however, stronger Freaks began to somehow come to earth, often requiring special knowledge or weaponry to defeat. Funding pored into the FDU, giving them everything from silver bullets to combat tanks in order to defeat the Freaks, using the knowledge of the people who grew up with the "myths" to defeat them, often with success, if at high costs in many cases.

This is the story of Freak Disposal Unit Alpha, the vanguard of the FDU, the first to arrive at dangerous situations all around the globe in order to protect it from the Freaks, and if possible, research and investigate their weaknesses and cause. There are several squads, often working on different sides of the globe, with little interaction do the the sheer amount of cases they get. Can you do it?


Character Sheet:

Attributes: (30 points to spend as you wish)

Advantages: (Since I am trying to be open ended with this game, choose something that you think would cost about 20 points. This can be anything that you think would be an advantage that you could have in the real world. This can be anything from having marksmen training to being good with cats.)

Disadvantages: (Once again, being open ended. Disadvantages are not necessary, but if you take them you are allowed greater advantages depending on how big the disadvantage is. Disadvantages can also be anything, from having your left hand blown off in the war to being a pacifist to being afraid of the dark)

QuarksMinor disadvantages that make your character interesting. Things like a verbal tick or such can be mentioned here, and work as disadvantages, bringing minor points you can use in the advantage section. You can have up to five)

Perks: (Minor advantages that make the character interesting, basically the positive version of Quarks)

Bio: (A short segment explaining your life. Much of it is flavor, but it will help out with some things)

Skills: (Based off everything else, it shows the skills that you have. Depends on your job in your squad, a leader will be better at leading but worse at shooting, a heavy gunner will be better with heavy guns while the driver will be better at driving Etc)

Still trying out the new character sheet, hopefully this works.

  • 26 Replies
3,817 posts

Alright. Now lets see if I can catch up.


Name:Charlie Hewitt
Advantages: Experianced rifleman
Disadvantages: Easily angered
Quarks: Over-trusting
Perks: Good-natured
Bio: Charlie Hewitt was a US army soldier. He was stationed in Germantown, USA when it aaaaaall started. During a zombie attack, he showed exceptional skill with any assault rifle he can get his hands on. In his youth, he had been involved with teenaged vigilante groups. Although illegal, they were never caught, as they used gang tactics to make it seem like a hit.
Skills: Rifle 3, Courage 3, Combat Focus 3
Inventory: Standard M16 (Standard rounds 30), Silver bullet clip (30), Standard FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

A large man with a huge vehicle mounted machine gun behind him greats you warmly. "Ello Ello! Welcome to the flash bangs, my friend. I am the heavy gunner and leader, the names Jon Johnson. But the rest of the squad calls me the Devil, originally behind my back. But I liked the name, so I kept it. I mostly stay in the copter on our missions, this baby is to heavy to walk around with and I can see things much better from there."

Once he finished, a second man started his greeting. He was shorter then the rest, with a bowl cut and glasses that he appears to be fixing as he spoke. "You can call me..." he began, when he was interrupted by a third man.

The third man was rather average in appearance, with dark brown hair and an gun much like your own. "I am Ben, the other rifleman of this group. How is it going?" he stated pleasantly while he offered his hand to shake. The man with glasses began his introduction again. "As I was saying...You can call me..." he stated somewhat irritatedly, before being cut off once again.

"Lets get this over with" said an annoyed female voice, coming from the corner. A girl with long black hair and a rifle on her back began to speak. "I am the sniper. Call me the sniper. I shoot things."

Finally, the short man with glasses began to speak, once again messing with his glasses. This time, he was even more irritated then before. "Christopher" he said quickly this time, as if it was a curse. "You can call me Christopher. The brain of this group. Even before the day this started, I had researched extensively into creatures like the ones that now inhabit the earth. I also drive the vehicles, and can expertly move anything from a jetcopter to a four wheeler, and I can repair them just as well. I also can act as demolition, if the case arises." He finishes, calming down as he continues talking.

The leader of the group then started to speak once again. "Now that introductions have been given, we can get you orientated some. If you have any questions, ask me or Christopher. The rest of these guys are morons." He said with a small smile on his face.

Ben raised his fist in objection and started yelling "Yeah? I am not the idiot who tried to send our last guy down into the ocean to fight that hag."

"I had a boat and everything!" Replied Devil, raising his voice and fist to meat Ben's. "He was deathly afraid of the ocean! And heights! And Women! And our parachute was still full of holes from the moth man!" replied Ben.

"I shot it just fine" replied sniper in a dead pan. Christopher then started, fixing his glasses as always "Yes, because I used my intelligence to plan it out. You where the only one not effected by..." he started, when a loud alarm like that of a police man or something went off. Devil then quickly leaped to the computer sitting in the side of a room with a camera on it. He then has a quit conversation with the computer that you can not see or hear, and comes back stating "Mission time. You will like this one newby, zombies near China. The military already blocked it off, all we have to do is go in and blow them up. 'bout a hundred of them, risen from a small grave there. Why is it that zombies always seem to come in cities?" He states as he goes to pick up his large gun. Ben quickly moves to assist him, however you can tell the load is still rather stressing. The whole group goes into the hallway, with sniper following in last. Christopher replies "Well I have a theory on that. You see, one of the fears behind zombies is overpopulation. Perhaps over populated areas have a natural fear of zombies?" he states, while fixing his glasses once more. Devil sets down his gun in order to open the heavy door at the end of the hallway, and then picks it up again once it opens.

You come into a large garage like room with a single helicopter in the middle of it. It is smaller then you would think, far smaller then any military helicopter you have seen, and just as strange, the building has a roof. "What kind of helicopter is that? It doesn't look like any military chopper I have seen" you ask out loud. Christopher, who is still standing in front of you, fixes his glasses as he says "It is a jetcopter. It has both the abilities of a helicopter and a jet, allowing us to use it for ground missions and allowing us to go to any point on earth in less then 14 ours. It basically transforms when I hit a button, making it easy for us to use it.". "Is that even possible?" You ask. "A transforming plane like that?". Christopher replies "Strange you asked. I thought the same myself a while ago. Looking at the blue prints, no. It should not be possible. I have a theory, I think that maybe the FDU has found and tamed a gremlin, which would allow for the transformations..." he finishes as he goes into the copter.

As that sentence finishes, you are all enter the vehicle. Christopher takes the pilot's seat and Devil and Ben set down the large gun in a special rack in a closet like thing in a side of the copter. They then sit around you, with Ben sitting next to you, Devil sitting across from you, and Sniper sitting diagonally to you with her arms crossed and eyes closed. The plane lifts off, and you talk with them a while, hearing Christopher say something to the effect of "..And fire up some noises in the center of the quarantined area, that will keep them in a bit more..." over the radio. Then the helicopter begins to change, as everyone in it changes to jet equipment. The seats move apart as you finish putting your suit on, but you can not see their exact formation past the mask. You briefly wonder how Christopher can see threw this, since he has so much problems with his glasses already. But the jetcopter speeds up, accompanied by some turbulence, and you find your thoughts shifting. You begin to wonder what you will do when you touch down. Is there any thing you want to prepare for when you land?


May have written to much. Just wanted to get all the exhibition out. Sorry about that.

3,817 posts

Parker Demmori
Dexterity: 11
Advantages: Survival Training
Disadvantages: Socially Awkward
Quarks: He mumbles a lot and gets frustrated trying to explain things.
Perks: He is good at what he does and won't ask a lot of questions.
Bio: Age 23: Stranded in woods after a plane crash for a year. Long brown hair and grey eyes with constant five o'clock shadow.
Skills: Stealth 3, Long Guns 3, Survival 3
Inventory: Barrett XM500 (10 Standard), Silver Magazine (10), FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

The jetcopter once again trembles and transforms, this time back into a helicopter. After a bunch of moving, you are about back where you started. You assume. A voice comes over the intercom, and it is Vlad's. "We are now to be landing. Please take off your equipment and get ready for combat.". You remove your suit and begin checking your equipment, finding nothing wrong with it.

The rest of the team readies the equipment, and begins planning with the rest of the team. "Vlad and Morice, you stay at the landing sight. If the beast shows up there, you will be needed, and you have the heavy weaponry making you the best choices for the job. We can't see past the trees, so we can't just hunt it from the chopper. This Wendigo is currently at a level where small arms can take it down, if shot properly. Any input on the groupings, anyone?"

Well, do you have any input on the groupings?


There. Finally caught up.

2,316 posts

Name:Charlie Hewitt
Advantages: Experianced rifleman
Disadvantages: Easily angered
Quarks: Over-trusting
Perks: Good-natured
Bio: Charlie Hewitt was a US army soldier. He was stationed in Germantown, USA when it aaaaaall started. During a zombie attack, he showed exceptional skill with any assault rifle he can get his hands on. In his youth, he had been involved with teenaged vigilante groups. Although illegal, they were never caught, as they used gang tactics to make it seem like a hit.
Skills: Rifle 3, Courage 3, Combat Focus 3
Inventory: Standard M16 (Standard rounds 30), Silver bullet clip (30), Standard FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

Well, dude, even if you aren't able to pull five paragraphs out of your a@@, you can easily describe things and give great personality to the team members. I can already tell La Sniper is a stone-cold b****.

Well, I assume the M-16 is brand-spanking new, so I attempt to speak with Ben. "Hey Ben, where you from?"

125 posts

Parker Demmori
Dexterity: 11
Advantages: Survival Training
Disadvantages: Socially Awkward
Quarks: He mumbles a lot and gets frustrated trying to explain things.
Perks: He is good at what he does and won't ask a lot of questions.
Bio: Age 23: Stranded in woods after a plane crash for a year. Long brown hair and grey eyes with constant five o'clock shadow.
Skills: Stealth 3, Long Guns 3, Survival 3
Inventory: Barrett XM500 (10 Standard), Silver Magazine (10), FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

"I'll get in the trees...He won't see it coming." I look around for a suitable trees to climb. I have a few flashbacks and I shudder, snow flying off me to drift to the ground. "Come with if you want."

3,817 posts

Name:Charlie Hewitt
Advantages: Experianced rifleman
Disadvantages: Easily angered
Quarks: Over-trusting
Perks: Good-natured
Bio: Charlie Hewitt was a US army soldier. He was stationed in Germantown, USA when it aaaaaall started. During a zombie attack, he showed exceptional skill with any assault rifle he can get his hands on. In his youth, he had been involved with teenaged vigilante groups. Although illegal, they were never caught, as they used gang tactics to make it seem like a hit.
Skills: Rifle 3, Courage 3, Combat Focus 3
Inventory: Standard M16 (Standard rounds 30), Silver bullet clip (30), Standard FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

The plane shudders once again, and your seat gradually return to their original positions. You remove the mask and take off the suit, getting back to the original position. No one seems to be talking to start with, so you ask Ben the question.

"Where am I from? A small town in Idaho, Moscow it was called. Nice place, the people where great and there where plenty of things to do. What about you? Where are you from?" Ben responds, but before you can reply the sniper begins to talk. "We have no time for small talk, we are about to go into a nest of a hundred zombies. We need to plan this out." Ben looks slightly annoyed be be interrupted, but puts his hand to his head and shrugs. "Preparing to land, get ready for combat." Christopher says over the speaker, you assume while he messed with his glasses. Devil then speaks, as you begin to land. "We are going to be working with the local authorities, who have been keeping them surrounded. We are stopping temporarily to get their cooperation. We will probably finish this mission from the copter, by our selves though. I have informed Christopher of our plan, and he will talk to you while I speak with the locals." As he finishes his sentences, right on que the copter lands. The door opens with a familiar sound of hydraulics and Devil exits after saying goodbye.

From the cockpit, Christopher comes to the back room as you all turn to face him. He goes into the closet, the same one where the machine gun is being held, and pulls out a white tripod like they have at schools. He then pulls out a projector and points it at the white sheet, bringing up a picture of the surrounding area. He pulls out a laser pointer as he speaks, to show what he is talking about.

Christopher fixes his glasses, and you noticed that in his location he is in you can see the map in his glasses. He points toward a barrier, and explains "The military has made a square barricade here. The people on the inside have been evacuated fully, and all zombies are within this area." He fixes his glasses again as he points toward a building near the center. "This building is connected to a network, it has the ability to pump radio noises, as well as being connected to a fire alarm system and other such things. As a result, they where able to make the building loud and light it up, attracting the zombies toward the center. This allows us to mow them down from the helicopter, which will be my and the Devil's job. Of course not all of the freaks will be in there area. Sniper will go out on her own, to the grave yard to pick off any zeds that where left. You two riflemen go into buildings and cut down anything we missed. Don't get bitten, or we will have to put you down." He finished, pointing his laser at the appropriate places and fixing his glasses every few sentences.

In the next few minutes, your group gets ready for combat. You and Ben put the heavy gun into place, though you are not sure how you managed to lift it. Other jobs where done, such as Ben grabbing a few grenades, but after a few minutes everyone was prepared for combat. Devil came back a few minutes later, with three parachutes and a grin on his face. "We are authorized to do anything necessary to defeat the freaks, so don't hold back. The locals will handle clean up, so make sure they are dead this time. I assume Christopher told you all the plan! Great! Lets get to the fun part." he states excitedly as the plane begins to lift off. He hands each of you a parachute, as the door swing close and the plane lifts off. A few minutes of minor planning later and the door swings open and sniper drops out, giving you a view of the area. The buildings where tall like most cities, but you are not sure how they managed to fit that many bodies in such a small gave. You could hardly see it from this height. A few minutes later, while the rest of the group instructs you on zombie hunting technique, you hover above a particularly large building and prepare to jump. The Devil stand behind you and offers a final warning before you jump: "Avoid the loud building until we give you the all clear. Your suit has a radio in it already, don't worry. And don't get bit. You would not believe the paper work it takes to shoot one of your own soldier's in the head!" he states as you jump. As you land, you notice that the helicopter changed form a bit again, it looks like a combat platform sort of door opened to give the Devil a good place to fire from. You then turn toward Ben, who is preparing his rifle.

Anything you want to do before the dangerous part starts?

3,817 posts

Parker Demmori
Dexterity: 11
Advantages: Survival Training
Disadvantages: Socially Awkward
Quarks: He mumbles a lot and gets frustrated trying to explain things.
Perks: He is good at what he does and won't ask a lot of questions.
Bio: Age 23: Stranded in woods after a plane crash for a year. Long brown hair and grey eyes with constant five o'clock shadow.
Skills: Stealth 3, Long Guns 3, Survival 3
Inventory: Barrett XM500 (10 Standard), Silver Magazine (10), FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

"We would need some kind of bait first, we still have to find it!" stated Smith. "Something human, but I don't know any one with a corpse we can use..." Smith continued. "I would think that you would know where a few girls are. Only way you can get any..." Rick begins, when Smith begins hitting him with the hat. "Just for that, your the bait!" Smith continued angrily. He then looked at you seriously.

"Are you sure you are up for this, boy? I would not doubt your skills if we where going up against a vampire, a werewolf, or the devil himself, but this particular monster might be different. It is a beast, sure, something we can shoot and kill just like any other freak. Windigos used to be a human, but they ate human flesh, and with the effects of the freaks running around, they became a Windigo. Windigoes represent many things, the winter, the North, famine, starvation. The sheer desperation that could lead a man to cannibalism is what they where originally based on. I read your file. I know you where stuck out on your own for a while. You where probably starving and cold. You already met the Windigo in that way. Are you sure you want to face it again?"

How do you answer?

958 posts

Name: Jack "Boom" Stone
-Strength: 10
-Dexterity: 6
-Health: 10
-Intelligence: 4
Advantages: Tough, Reckless
Quarks: Over Exited
Perks: High Moral
Bio: When he was a kid, Jack was already interested in explosives. He would make chemical bombs, gas tank grenades, and lots of other stuff, always interested with anything that went boom. He was raised by a good family and was always able to get out of trouble, which gave him his joker personality. He was 25 when the Freak events first started happening, working as a secret agent for his home country of Poland, expert on sabotage, infiltration, and exfil.
Skills: Explosives 3, Grenades 3, Explosive Construction 3
Inventory: RPG-29(Empty), PG-29V(Anti tank) 2, TBG-29V (Personnel)2, M67 (5), Standard FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: Burdened

(Alright then, I would like to have a pistol or some weak firearm so I can fight close combat without blowing myself up, but that's fine if you think against it. And good job with the the drunkenness idea. XP)

"'Ellooooo! I'm Boom and I blow stuff up! And is dis where I belong?" Assuming it's the right room, I at the same time take a second to look over my teammates, trying to memorize them and figure out what they do by what their wearing and what they have equipped.

125 posts

Parker Demmori
Dexterity: 11
Advantages: Survival Training
Disadvantages: Socially Awkward
Quarks: He mumbles a lot and gets frustrated trying to explain things.
Perks: He is good at what he does and won't ask a lot of questions.
Bio: Age 23: Stranded in woods after a plane crash for a year. Long brown hair and grey eyes with constant five o'clock shadow.
Skills: Stealth 3, Long Guns 3, Survival 3
Inventory: Barrett XM500 (10 Standard), Silver Magazine (10), FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

I nod at him slowly. "Five minutes..." I start jogging through the snow towards a copse of trees.

2,316 posts

Name:Charlie Hewitt
Advantages: Experianced rifleman
Disadvantages: Easily angered
Quarks: Over-trusting
Perks: Good-natured
Bio: Charlie Hewitt was a US army soldier. He was stationed in Germantown, USA when it aaaaaall started. During a zombie attack, he showed exceptional skill with any assault rifle he can get his hands on. In his youth, he had been involved with teenaged vigilante groups. Although illegal, they were never caught, as they used gang tactics to make it seem like a hit.
Skills: Rifle 3, Courage 3, Combat Focus 3
Inventory: Standard M16 (Standard rounds 30), Silver bullet clip (30), Standard FDU Uniform (Armor)
Additional Status: None

"You watch zombie films, Ben? It's a little bit like the same. Just aim for the head and it's a definite kill. Let's just hope that these guys don't turn out to be Xiang Xi, eh? And watch your corners, like they teach you in basic. Last thing we need is to catch a zombie jack-in-the-box up the a@@. And do me a favor if I get bitten. Single shot, please." I put my own rifle on single shot, and look around.

180 posts


Gifted at wresling ( bonus to grappling, at close range, and on ground)
Adaptive(because of your unorthodox style, you often find alterative ways to acomplish goals.)
Clumsy, years of falling over has increased your recovery speed.
Clumsy, because you run wierd you suffer a sprinting penalty
Uncertain, though able to operate wih efficency, you pause when placed in a siuation with no clear enemy or objective.

Born in a fortified town, life seemed uneventful. Though showing natural talent in training and the towns wrestling pasttime, wresling, I was unable to escape to anywhere else. Thats why i joined the freaksquad. Well, thats what we called it. I showed natural talent and was offered a spot in an elite squad. After much training, here I am.

close to med range combat.
positions: pointman, support

Silver steak, M16, 2 spare clips.

*Slams open door, enters, then slams shut* Is this the rede' point?

180 posts

ill fix that next time

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