Back when I was Runescape124, my most popular RPG was the Elements of Disaster series. Well, I've decided to bring it back . This RPG will have some multiplayer characteristics, such as hearing explosions across the city that were caused by another player, leaving wreckage behind and other players coming across it, etc. ------------------------------------------------ You wake up on a park bench...Who you are, you don't know, but it's better to have a name than none at all:
Name: (be creative) Age: (13+) Gender: (M/F) -------------- Money: $0 Inventory: (empty) Health: 20/20 Status: Healthy -------------- Level: 1 XP: 0/20 Power: (Nothing like "invincibility" and stuff, must be approved by me, and you can't right off the bat use it in the game. Since you have no clue who you are, how will you know you have a power?) Sub-Power: (Must be related to your main power above [Power: Light, Sub-Power: Healing/Dark/Lasers/etc.] You don't know about it, either)
You look around. You seem to be in New York City, but something is off...Nobody is around...The city is blanketed by dark-purple and black clouds. You can see occasional lightning bolts coming from the clouds...Something is DEFINITELY wrong...
You do so. You don't see much of interest: a bunch of trailer homes, a giant tree with a face in it, a bunch of ents charging at you, an abandoned food stall...Oh yeah, a giant tree with a face in it, and a bunch of ents charging you. What do you do?
You do so. The inside of the hole is rubbed smooth, as if it was used a lot. Not much can be said about the couch. It's plaid and is chopped in two thanks to a giant bronze gear in it. What now?
...The hole is way to small for you. At best, you can fit your arm up to your elbow in it, but that's about it. You all of a sudden hear a grinding noise. What do you do?
i turn around to look where that noise came from and/or to find out who or what caused it. if there is something that i can use as a weapon to defend myself, then i grab it.
Name: Sora Age: 16 Gender: M -------------- Money: $0 Inventory: (empty) Health: 20/20 Status: Healthy -------------- Level: 1 XP: 0/20 Power: Aura Manipulation Sub-Power: Aura Blasts (normal, white, yellow, green, red, black) I try to dodge the ents, having no memory of who I am and having no weapons.
You do so. Although it comes up to about the middle of your chest, it is extremely light, and you are able to carry it easily. The bronze giant turns out to be a gigantic mechanical spider with 6 legs. What now?
Imagine something like this except it's bronze and has gears all over.
Name: Phoenix Rose Age: 13 Gender: Female -------------- Money: $0 Inventory: (empty) Health: 20/20 Status: Healthy -------------- Level: 1 XP: 0/20 Power: Fire Manipulation Sub-Power: Fire Resistance I wonder about the building looking through the rooms for something useful