Back when I was Runescape124, my most popular RPG was the Elements of Disaster series. Well, I've decided to bring it back . This RPG will have some multiplayer characteristics, such as hearing explosions across the city that were caused by another player, leaving wreckage behind and other players coming across it, etc. ------------------------------------------------ You wake up on a park bench...Who you are, you don't know, but it's better to have a name than none at all:
Name: (be creative) Age: (13+) Gender: (M/F) -------------- Money: $0 Inventory: (empty) Health: 20/20 Status: Healthy -------------- Level: 1 XP: 0/20 Power: (Nothing like "invincibility" and stuff, must be approved by me, and you can't right off the bat use it in the game. Since you have no clue who you are, how will you know you have a power?) Sub-Power: (Must be related to your main power above [Power: Light, Sub-Power: Healing/Dark/Lasers/etc.] You don't know about it, either)
You look around. You seem to be in New York City, but something is off...Nobody is around...The city is blanketed by dark-purple and black clouds. You can see occasional lightning bolts coming from the clouds...Something is DEFINITELY wrong...
"The Janusionist's name is derived from the term 'Janusion,' which is the act of creating what is of fiction and has left our world a reality once more." What now?
You do so. All of a sudden, the mechanical bug-thing crouches, and then jumps EXTREMELY high, well over most of the near-bye buildings. It lands in front of the Empire State Building. What now?
Sorry for my absence. It's the holidays, so what else can I say?
Name: Sora Age: 16 Gender: M -------------- Money: $0 Inventory: (empty) Health: 20/20 Status: Healthy -------------- Level: 1 XP: 0/20 Power: Aura Manipulation Sub-Power: Aura Blasts (normal, white, yellow, green, red, black) (That's cool, dude.) But what is important about me? Do I have something unique that I don't know?
Name: Viet Anh Age: 16 Gender: M -------------- Money: $0 Inventory: (empty) Health: 20/20 Status: Healthy -------------- Level: 1 XP: 0/20 Power: Fire Manipulation Sub-Power: Turn air into gas
"You and many others have been chosen to defeat the Janusionist. You and these others have-" All of a sudden, he stops talking, and focuses on something behind you. What now?
You are still on the machine bug, and you do so. The head as exited the main body once more, and seems to be looking around for something again. What now?
Name: Viet Anh Age: 16 Gender: M -------------- Money: $0 Inventory: (empty) Health: 20/20 Status: Healthy -------------- Level: 1 XP: 0/20 Power: Fire Manipulation Sub-Power: Turn air into gas