ForumsForum GamesElements of Disaster, Kingdom of Darkness

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Back when I was Runescape124, my most popular RPG was the Elements of Disaster series. Well, I've decided to bring it back . This RPG will have some multiplayer characteristics, such as hearing explosions across the city that were caused by another player, leaving wreckage behind and other players coming across it, etc.
You wake up on a park bench...Who you are, you don't know, but it's better to have a name than none at all:

Name: (be creative)
Age: (13+)
Gender: (M/F)
Money: $0
Inventory: (empty)
Health: 20/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: (Nothing like "invincibility" and stuff, must be approved by me, and you can't right off the bat use it in the game. Since you have no clue who you are, how will you know you have a power?)
Sub-Power: (Must be related to your main power above [Power: Light, Sub-Power: Healing/Dark/Lasers/etc.] You don't know about it, either)

You look around. You seem to be in New York City, but something is off...Nobody is around...The city is blanketed by dark-purple and black clouds. You can see occasional lightning bolts coming from the clouds...Something is DEFINITELY wrong...

  • 255 Replies
3,028 posts

Name: blue wing
Age: 19
Gender: m
Money: $0
Inventory: Flashlight
Health: 11/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: water manipulation
Sub-Power: animal communication

"It creates electromagnetic pulses in the form of electrical bolt," he said. He then flips a switch, and then large tendrils of blue electrical energy shoot out from the Tesla Coil in various directions, sometimes even connecting with the ceiling. What do you do?

Name: Reagan Turner
Age: 17
Gender: M
Money: $0
Health: 12/20 (-1 from broken glass)
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: Fire Manipulation
Sub-Power: Lightning

You manage to get back to the park, but the lake you find is completely devoid of water. You hear a clang and a rumbling sound, and you an see a large ball of metal hurtling at you. What now?

Name: Bleu
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Money: $0
Inventory: Empty
Health: 20/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: Super Muscle Reflexes
Sub-Power: Self-Particularization

"Hello, Psychos," said the white being. "Traitor!" yells Psychos, the sandstone being who had entered, "I trusted you to build my army, Argo, and now you're helping them?" "Who do you mean, Psychos?" asked Argo. "The Nameless! Those who have no memory but powers! I thought I dealt with them years ago, but turns out, you've managed to hide them from me! I know where they are now, no thanks to you! So why don't you tell that one that's behind your throne to come on out?" What do you do?

Name: Jon Eclipsis Vexin
Age: 17
Gender: M
Money: $0
Inventory: (empty)
Health: 20/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: Insect Control
Sub-Power: Insect Evolutionist

(do the names I've given your powers fit?)

You wake up on a park bench in NYC. You have no memory of your past. What do you do first?

5,340 posts

Name: blue wing
Age: 19
Gender: m
Money: $0
Inventory: Flashlight
Health: 11/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: water manipulation
Sub-Power: animal communication

"oh i see..."

i remain quiet... not sure what to do

17,384 posts

Name: Reagan Turner
Age: 17
Gender: M
Money: $0
Health: 12/20 (-1 from broken glass)
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: Fire Manipulation
Sub-Power: Lightning

I try and dodge the ball and see where the ball came from.

958 posts

Name: Bleu
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Money: $0
Inventory: Empty
Health: 20/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: Super Muscle Reflexes
Sub-Power: Self-Particularization

Having been spotted, I stand up and put my arms on the back of the throne, waving to the new being. "Hi there. Am I in trouble?"

3,028 posts

Name: blue wing
Age: 19
Gender: m
Money: $0
Inventory: Flashlight
Health: 11/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: water manipulation
Sub-Power: animal communication

"I guess I'll go and find a First Aid Kit, I should have one somewhere ..." he says as he walks off. After he leaves, you notice a weird shape in one corner of the shop. What do you do?

Name: Reagan Turner
Age: 17
Gender: M
Money: $0
Health: 12/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: Fire Manipulation
Sub-Power: Lightning

You do so. The metal object turns out to be the electric being. The ball unfurled into the being, but still hurtles past and crashes into a bridge. What do you do now?

Name: Bleu
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Money: $0
Inventory: Empty
Health: 20/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: Super Muscle Reflexes
Sub-Power: Self-Particularization

(wasn't exactly expecting you to give up, lol, thought you'd be like "He saw me?! How?!" lol, but anyways...)

Argo does his best at a face palm, but with having four faces, it looks a bit awkward. "Yes, you are," says Psychos. He thrusts his left hand to one side, and a staff with four crooked points on top with a spinning cube inside materializes in his hand. He then points it at you, and the cube lights up into a bright black color ("a bright black" may seem impossible, but remember, this guy does impossible stuff without even blinking his one eye), and a black laser just misses you, causing a spot above your head to explode into rocks and pebbles. What now?

5,340 posts

Name: blue wing
Age: 19
Gender: m
Money: $0
Inventory: Flashlight
Health: 11/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: water manipulation
Sub-Power: animal communication

ill check out what it is

3,028 posts

Name: blue wing
Age: 19
Gender: m
Money: $0
Inventory: Flashlight
Health: 11/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: water manipulation
Sub-Power: animal communication

You do so. It seems to be a large mechanical construct, but it is under a gray tarp. What do you do?

5,340 posts

Name: blue wing
Age: 19
Gender: m
Money: $0
Inventory: Flashlight
Health: 11/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: water manipulation
Sub-Power: animal communication

i better not touch and break anything. ill just wait for him to come back

3,028 posts

Name: blue wing
Age: 19
Gender: m
Money: $0
Inventory: Flashlight
Health: 11/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: water manipulation
Sub-Power: animal communication

You do so. But as you wait, you here a loud screech from outside the shop. It sounds like the worm from earlier, but it sounds different. What do you do?

5,340 posts

Name: blue wing
Age: 19
Gender: m
Money: $0
Inventory: Flashlight
Health: 11/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: water manipulation
Sub-Power: animal communication

ill peek to see whats happening. and then look for the man

3,028 posts

Name: blue wing
Age: 19
Gender: m
Money: $0
Inventory: Flashlight
Health: 11/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: water manipulation
Sub-Power: animal communication

You do so. The body of the large worm is gone, and in it's place is a large hole, larger than what the first worm could make. You then hear the screeching again, and it sounds like three of the giant worms in chorus. What do you do?

958 posts

Name: Bleu
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Money: $0
Inventory: Empty
Health: 20/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: Super Muscle Reflexes
Sub-Power: Self-Particularization

((I'm only human. If I was in this situation, I'd just be like "Welp, he saw me. no point in hiding anymore." :P))

I duck as fast as I can behind the throne, expecting some kind of laser beam or lightning bolt to shoot out of the cube.

5,340 posts

Name: blue wing
Age: 19
Gender: m
Money: $0
Inventory: Flashlight
Health: 11/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: water manipulation
Sub-Power: animal communication

with fear i run and try to find the guy to tell him about this

3,028 posts

Name: Bleu
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Money: $0
Inventory: Empty
Health: 20/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: Super Muscle Reflexes
Sub-Power: Self-Particularization

You do so. Another laser just misses your feet as you dive back behind the chair. What do you do now?

Name: blue wing
Age: 19
Gender: m
Money: $0
Inventory: Flashlight
Health: 11/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: water manipulation
Sub-Power: animal communication

You try doing so, but then all of a sudden, the worm crashes out of the floor in the middle of the shop, except this worm seems to have three heads. What now?

5,340 posts

Name: blue wing
Age: 19
Gender: m
Money: $0
Inventory: Flashlight
Health: 11/20
Status: Healthy
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
Power: water manipulation
Sub-Power: animal communication

"oh god..."

ill freak out and run away again

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