Shock, im sorry, I meant to type "Ability to fly
Truly sorry!"
Name: pangtongshu
Age: 19
Class: Specialist
Faction: Rebels
Rank: M. Seargent
Health: 45/45
XP: 0/10
Lv: 1
L. foot Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 10/10 Durability
r. foot Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 10/10 Durability
R. hand Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 10/10 Durability
L. hand Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 10/10 Durability
Torso: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 15/15 Durability
Back (Capes): Personal cloaking device (Can cloak and sneak by enemys) 100/100 Energy
R.L. hand Weapon: Mark XII Pistol (Silenced) (Twohand) (+10 Strenth) 20/60 Ammo
You and a small task Force of millitia are currently raiding a small emperion outpost. You are the commanding officer of the squad. As you and your ment take camp for the night, the radio comes on. "Ahem, this is the leader of the tylorian revolt. As you can see, you were deployed with a small squad of 15 men. Your mission is to inflintrate this camp and kill the officer so the citizens can revolt and turn to our side. only very few of you will survive, as they are set as diversions so that you can sneak past the guards and kill the officer. Sacrifices have to be made sometimes, I hope dearly that you will forgive me and the whole army. We thank you for following out your orders. Leader out."
Will you do as he says and sacrifice the men? (Note your a specialist, you have been trained to show no mercy.)
Name: shock457
Age: 18
Class: Pilot
Faction: The Emperor's Guard
Rank: Captain
Health: 85/85
XP: 0/10
Lv: 1
L. foot Armor: Pilot boots (+1 Defence) 20/20 Durabilty
r. foot Armor: Pilot boots (+1 Defence) 20/20 Durabilty
R. hand Armor: Pilot gloves (+1 Defence) 20/20 Durabilty
L. hand Armor: Pilot gloves (+1 Defence) 20/20 Durabilty
Torso: Pilot Chest piece (+4 Defence) 20/20 Durabilty
Back (Capes): None.
R.hand Weapon: Mark X Pistol 15/45 Ammo
L. Hand weapon: Combat knife 5/5 Durabilty
Your flying over a small emperion camp in your fancy fighter jet with your fancy jet squad, your orders are to nuke a town because it may be home to a few rebels, so as you fly over to nuke, you suddenly get shot at with your brethren! You take evasive manuevers and know if you get hit your jet will be nuked by your own nuke. As you evade "Piloteer"'s Comlink goes offline.
Squad: 13 Birds (Including you)