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2100-2145: U.S. Takes over the world.

2145-2200: U.S. descovers spance travel.

2215-2300: The U.S. sends out armed forces to investigate the universe.

2300-2350: U.S. descovers a planet names "Tyloria" By the inhabitants, which are strangely other humans.

2360-2362: The rebels of the ruler of the world kill the scouts, as they think they are part of the emperors command.

2362-2398: earth is enraged and sends out 1500 men to battle for dominace of the planet.

Charector sheet:

Age: 18 and above
Class: Choose from below
Faction: Earth dominion, Tyloria free fighters, (A.K.A. Rebles)or The emperors guard.
Rank: I choose
Health: 100/100
XP: 0/10
Lv: 1
L. foot Armor: I Decide
r. foot Armor: I Decide
R. hand Armor: I choose
L. hand Armor: I choose
Torso: I choose
Back (Capes): I Choose
R.hand Weapon: I choose
L. Hand weapon: I choose

Duelist: Dual hands pistols, even assualt rifles. Low health, but thet doesnt matter from the ammountof damage they do. Light armor to increase speed.

Tanker: Extremly high health and damge with a Gigas shotgun, your the frontline defence AND offence.

Specialist: equiped with a Mark XII Pistol and mad skiilz, these are a foe to be heard. They were to busy training you the art of silence that they forgot to give you endurance training.

Pilot: Equiped with a MarkX pistol and the ability to fly, this is the second line of importance in the emperion army. (Emperion only)

Millitia: Equiped with The kark(land) shock rifle, These rebels are willing to destroy anything to avenge their fallen country. (Rebels only)

Scouter: Equiped with M16s, Combat knifes, and 50 cal. berreta sniper rifles, these earth troops are the backbone of all american colinists.
(Earth dominion only)

Volunteers: As extemist/volunteers for the earth dominion, they are low ranked and equiped with standard shotguns.
(Eatrh dominion only)

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Name: pangtongshu
Age: 19
Class: Specialist
Faction: Rebels
Rank: M. Seargent
Health: 17/45
XP: 7/10
Lv: 1
L. foot Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 4/10 Durability
r. foot Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 3/10 Durability
R. hand Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 2/10 Durability
L. hand Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 7/10 Durability
Torso: Cloakable steel (+5 Defence) 5/15 Durability
Accessories: Personal cloaking device (Can cloak and sneak by enemys) 32/100 Energy
R.L. hand Weapon: Mark XII Pistol (Silenced) (Twohand) (+10 Strenth) 16/60 Ammo

Dangit, as you and your men flee, you get EMP'ed. Then, you get nuked.

After a while, you noticed it was a small bomb, but it killed everyone but you. then you see a white room, where your straped onto a torture chair. Oh no.... its emperion....

2,613 posts

Tyloria control:

Rebels: 12%
Earth domionion: 18%

This is a RTS, so every week or so i will update the world dominice

9,808 posts

Name: pangtongshu
Age: 19
Class: Specialist
Faction: Rebels
Rank: M. Seargent
Health: 17/45
XP: 7/10
Lv: 1
L. foot Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 4/10 Durability
r. foot Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 3/10 Durability
R. hand Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 2/10 Durability
L. hand Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 7/10 Durability
Torso: Cloakable steel (+5 Defence) 5/15 Durability
Accessories: Personal cloaking device (Can cloak and sneak by enemys) 32/100 Energy
R.L. hand Weapon: Mark XII Pistol (Silenced) (Twohand) (+10 Strenth) 16/60 Ammo

Well now..quite the turn of events O_o

Since I am strapped to the chair my options are quite limited...I sit in silence waiting for what the emporian has to say

2,613 posts

Name: pangtongshu
Age: 19
Class: Specialist
Faction: Rebels
Rank: M. Seargent
Health: 17/45
XP: 7/10
Lv: 1
L. foot Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 4/10 Durability
r. foot Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 3/10 Durability
R. hand Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 2/10 Durability
L. hand Armor: Cloakable steel (+1 Defence) 7/10 Durability
Torso: Cloakable steel (+5 Defence) 5/15 Durability
Accessories: Personal cloaking device (Can cloak and sneak by enemys) 32/100 Energy
R.L. hand Weapon: Mark XII Pistol (Silenced) (Twohand) (+10 Strenth) 16/60 Ammo

(you can use your cloaking device to cloak still.)

He asks you who you are. It takes you a while, but then you know its the earth dominion.

15% E.D.
20% Rebels
65% emperion

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