You are the commander of a new found colony on the planet X-34. You will Receive a shipment of 5 things from Earth. You will get there with 20 things at random and you will have to compete against other survivors and research new technology. You will have to face challenges as the game progresses.
Colony Name: Baron rouge Leader: Oeil-de-Nuit Population: 50 Dead: 0 Soldiers: 10 Marines Land: 10 Buildings:camp- holds 50 population , trains militia also trains builders Money: 0 Animals: Weapons: 4 M-14 Ammo: 7.62 cal 200,50 cal 100 Vechicals: 1 ARV-57 (1,50 cal.) Technology: Tools: Saw Aid: 60 gallons of water 20 Ibls of peanuts Medicine: Bio: Oeil-de-Nuit isn't really talkative. No one know what he has done before being appointed to that mission. He naturally took the head of the operations and promised to spend the citizens life only when nothing else is possible. He doesn't hide that he may ask sacrifice for the general good. --------(spend 1000 points total bonuses) Military:200 Science:250 Tactics:150 Problem dealing:100 Panic:100 Comfort:200
I train 10 citizens as Builders I train 10 citizens as militia, fighting with fists. I send 5 of my citizens to recognize the area very close to the camp. They are in charge to find any food/water/wood ressources. I send a group of 5 armed soldiers a little bit further (in a perimeter of 2 kilometers) to determine Strong/Weak defensive points around the camp. I start researching on ecosystem knowledge (what is dangerous, what can we eat..) using informations provided by the first group of citizens.
Leader: Lonelighters Population:32 (26 soldiers) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers.Wall (GM) Money:0 Weapons:5 Bows Ammo: 250 arrows Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens Soldiers: Guards (2)Guards wounded (4) Militia (20) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer 50 nails Aid: 89 gallons of water, 16 pounds of bananas Medicine: Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
your guards did there best and won but 4 where injured in the battle.
Colony Name: Baron rouge Leader: Oeil-de-Nuit Population: 30 (20 soldiers, 10 builders) Dead: 0 Soldiers: 10 Marines 10 militia Land: 10 Buildings:camp- holds 50 population , trains militia also trains builders Money: 0 Animals: Weapons: 4 M-14 Ammo: 7.62 cal 200,50 cal 100 Vechicals: 1 ARV-57 (1,50 cal.) Technology: Tools: Saw Aid: 60 gallons of water 20 Ibls of peanuts Medicine: Bio: Oeil-de-Nuit isn't really talkative. No one know what he has done before being appointed to that mission. He naturally took the head of the operations and promised to spend the citizens life only when nothing else is possible. He doesn't hide that he may ask sacrifice for the general good. --------(spend 1000 points total bonuses) Military:200 Science:250 Tactics:150 Problem dealing:100 Panic:100 Comfort:200
Your citizens report a river leading up to a very close mountain. Your citizens find a herb that looks edible.
Leader: Lonelighters Population:32 (26 soldiers) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers.Wall (GM) Money:0 Weapons:5 Bows Ammo: 250 arrows Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens Soldiers: Guards (2)Guards wounded (4) Militia (20) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer 50 nails Aid: 89 gallons of water, 16 pounds of bananas Medicine: Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
Okay 10 civilians are set to create an underground area the walls of the tunnels are created so that the sides are at least as strong as the wall, it is meant as defense against the flying attackers. 10 civilians are to start researching medicine, another 10 start researching weapons. the 2 remaining civilians are to start building a house. 10 of the 20 militia is trained to become hunters as well as have enough knowledge to use the bow and arrow as part of the military.
Colony Name: Baron rouge Leader: Oeil-de-Nuit Population: 30 (20 soldiers, 10 builders) Dead: 0 Soldiers: 10 Marines 10 militia Land: 10 Buildings:camp- holds 50 population , trains militia also trains builders Money: 0 Animals: Weapons: 4 M-14 Ammo: 7.62 cal 200,50 cal 100 Vechicals: 1 ARV-57 (1,50 cal.) Technology: Tools: Saw Aid: 60 gallons of water 20 Ibls of peanuts Medicine: Bio: Oeil-de-Nuit isn't really talkative. No one know what he has done before being appointed to that mission. He naturally took the head of the operations and promised to spend the citizens life only when nothing else is possible. He doesn't hide that he may ask sacrifice for the general good. --------(spend 1000 points total bonuses) Military:200 Science:250 Tactics:150 Problem dealing:100 Panic:100 Comfort:200
I affect 5 citizen to fishing techniques research I affect 5 builders to House building I ask my recons to draw me a map of the surrounding area.
Leader: Lonelighters Population:32 (26 soldiers) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers.Wall (GM) Money:0 Weapons:5 Bows Ammo: 250 arrows Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens Soldiers: Guards (2)Guards wounded (4) Militia (20) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer 50 nails Aid: 89 gallons of water, 16 pounds of bananas Medicine: Resources: 11 Trees Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
you only have 5 bows for weapons
your civilians have no clue where to get started for weapons and medicine maybe if they had a lab or a library to learn.
An underground section would require wooden planks, or iron. Same thing for houses maybe a hut.
Colony Name: Baron rouge Leader: Oeil-de-Nuit Population: 30 (20 soldiers, 10 builders) Dead: 0 Soldiers: 10 Marines 10 militia Land: 10 Buildings:camp- holds 50 population , trains militia also trains builders Money: 0 Animals: Weapons: 4 M-14 Ammo: 7.62 cal 200,50 cal 100 Vechicals: 1 ARV-57 (1,50 cal.) Technology: Tools: Saw Aid: 60 gallons of water 20 Ibls of peanuts Medicine: Bio: Oeil-de-Nuit isn't really talkative. No one know what he has done before being appointed to that mission. He naturally took the head of the operations and promised to spend the citizens life only when nothing else is possible. He doesn't hide that he may ask sacrifice for the general good. --------(spend 1000 points total bonuses) Military:200 Science:250 Tactics:150 Problem dealing:100 Panic:100 Comfort:200
Your citizens think they know how to fish very well, but no fishing poles to test there theories
Colony Name: Baron rouge Leader: Oeil-de-Nuit Population: 30 (20 soldiers, 10 builders) Dead: 0 Soldiers: 10 Marines 10 militia Land: 10 Buildings:camp- holds 50 population , trains militia also trains builders Money: 0 Animals: Weapons: 4 M-14 Ammo: 7.62 cal 200,50 cal 100 Vechicals: 1 ARV-57 (1,50 cal.) Technology: Tools: Saw Aid: 60 gallons of water 20 Ibls of peanuts Medicine: Bio: Oeil-de-Nuit isn't really talkative. No one know what he has done before being appointed to that mission. He naturally took the head of the operations and promised to spend the citizens life only when nothing else is possible. He doesn't hide that he may ask sacrifice for the general good. --------(spend 1000 points total bonuses) Military:200 Science:250 Tactics:150 Problem dealing:100 Panic:100 Comfort:200
I ask recons if the green area means plains or forest. If there are some trees, I send 5 citizens, equipped with the saw and 5 militia to cut some trees and branches. I use sticks of wood to make poles. I use logs to build a basic house.
I name the river Impetueux and send 10 citizens to harverst some comestible herbs.
Colony Name: Baron rouge Leader: Oeil-de-Nuit Population: 30 (20 soldiers, 10 builders) Dead: 0 Soldiers: 10 Marines 10 militia Land: 10 Buildings:camp- holds 50 population , trains militia also trains builders Money: 0 Animals: Weapons: 4 M-14 Ammo: 7.62 cal 200,50 cal 100 Vechicals: 1 ARV-57 (1,50 cal.) Technology: Tools: Saw Aid: 60 gallons of water 20 Ibls of peanuts Medicine: Bio: Oeil-de-Nuit isn't really talkative. No one know what he has done before being appointed to that mission. He naturally took the head of the operations and promised to spend the citizens life only when nothing else is possible. He doesn't hide that he may ask sacrifice for the general good. --------(spend 1000 points total bonuses) Military:200 Science:250 Tactics:150 Problem dealing:100 Panic:100 Comfort:200
plains are what they mean. No trees nearby maybe check the mountain out for mountain trees or for a vantage point. They don't know what they look like but they bring back several plants
Leader: Lonelighters Population:32 (26 soldiers) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers.Wall (GM) Money:0 Weapons:5 Bows Ammo: 250 arrows Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens Soldiers: Guards (2)Guards wounded (4) Militia (20) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer 50 nails Aid: 89 gallons of water, 16 pounds of bananas Medicine: Resources: 11 Trees Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
okay? doesn't a library required premade books to learn from? A underground section wouldn't necessarily require a wooden plank but your right it requires at the very least a pickaxe or a shovel depending on the type of underground it is.
1. 5 civilians are to try and change the trees into wood planks.
2. 5 civilians are to make huts(mud huts?)
3. 5 civilians are to make a lab, a makeshift one if a real one is not possible with current resources.
4. 2 civilians are to head back to the crash site and scavenge the ship for all possible resources
5. 2 civilians are to try and research the plants in the planet for possible uses (medicine, poisons, food, unknown possible uses)
6. A single civilian is to try and board up the house with mud to try and make it invulnerable to the birds attacks.
7. 5 militia are trained to be hunters as well as know how to use the bows in a military formation.
8. For the wounded guards, we take a bit of cloth, or tear it off, to make a bandage to stem any open wounds.
9. the remaining 2 guards are asked to go out and scout with 15 of the militia.
10. The commander is more at ease on the field so I'm assuming since he's a military person he has a weapon as well as well as basic field medical knowledge, another is knowledge on most weaponry, since he's jack of all trades he knows all the weapons just cant put them to full use as a specialist would be able to. Please correct me if I'm wrong in thinking he can be used as a soldier in combat as well.
Colony Name: Baron rouge Leader: Oeil-de-Nuit Population: 30 (20 soldiers, 10 builders) Dead: 0 Soldiers: 10 Marines 10 militia Land: 10 Buildings:camp- holds 50 population , trains militia also trains builders Money: 0 Animals: Weapons: 4 M-14 Ammo: 7.62 cal 200,50 cal 100 Vechicals: 1 ARV-57 (1,50 cal.) Technology: Tools: Saw Aid: 60 gallons of water 20 Ibls of peanuts Medicine: Bio: Oeil-de-Nuit isn't really talkative. No one know what he has done before being appointed to that mission. He naturally took the head of the operations and promised to spend the citizens life only when nothing else is possible. He doesn't hide that he may ask sacrifice for the general good. --------(spend 1000 points total bonuses) Military:200 Science:250 Tactics:150 Problem dealing:100 Panic:100 Comfort:200
My first reasearch was about ecosystem. They discovered an edible herb. I use that knowledge to sort different harvested herbs. I ask 5 citizens to search for properties of other found herbs.
I send 5 soldiers and 5 militia to the mountain. They are in charge of finding a plateau, or any accessible strong defensive point. They also have to inform me if there are some wood and the ground type.
Leader: Lonelighters Population:32 (26 soldiers) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers.Wall (GM), Mud Huts 6 holds two population Money:0 Weapons: Ammo: 100 arrows Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens
Colony Name: Baron rouge Leader: Oeil-de-Nuit Population: 30 (20 soldiers, 10 builders) Dead: 0 Soldiers: 10 Marines 10 militia Land: 10 Buildings:camp- holds 50 population , trains militia also trains builders Money: 0 Animals: Weapons: 4 M-14 Ammo: 7.62 cal 200,50 cal 100 Vechicals: 1 ARV-57 (1,50 cal.) Technology: Tools: Saw Aid: 60 gallons of water 20 Ibls of peanuts Medicine: Bio: Oeil-de-Nuit isn't really talkative. No one know what he has done before being appointed to that mission. He naturally took the head of the operations and promised to spend the citizens life only when nothing else is possible. He doesn't hide that he may ask sacrifice for the general good. --------(spend 1000 points total bonuses) Military:200 Science:250 Tactics:150 Problem dealing:100 Panic:100 Comfort:200
your citizens think they
they come back reporting they found 5 small trees and on the other side a forest and a pond and another base possibly rebel.
Soldiers: Guards (2)Guards wounded (4)Hunters (5) Militia (15) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer,50 nails,Saw, fishing pool. Aid: 109 gallons of water, 16 pounds of bananas, 1 pound of plant (name it) Medicine: Resources: 11 Trees Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
1.they will need more time check back later 2.the huts aren't big atall but 2 additional people can live in them and 6 where made 3.the lab is very makeshift but can start on very basics for research 4.crash site? there was no crash site 5.they found a plant they think is edible please name it 6.houses? you have no houses if you mean the camp then they can. 7. you now have 5 hunters with 50 arrows each and a bow 8.all bleeding has stopped 9.they ask for an overnight journey 10.yes 11. New supplies from Earth
Colony Name: Baron rouge Leader: Oeil-de-Nuit Population: 30 (20 soldiers, 10 builders) Dead: 0 Soldiers: 10 Marines 10 militia Land: 10 Buildings:camp- holds 50 population , trains militia also trains builders Money: 0 Animals: Weapons: 4 M-14 Ammo: 7.62 cal 200,50 cal 100 Vechicals: 1 ARV-57 (1,50 cal.) Technology: Tools: Saw Aid: 60 gallons of water 20 Ibls of peanuts Medicine: Bio: Oeil-de-Nuit isn't really talkative. No one know what he has done before being appointed to that mission. He naturally took the head of the operations and promised to spend the citizens life only when nothing else is possible. He doesn't hide that he may ask sacrifice for the general good. --------(spend 1000 points total bonuses) Military:200 Science:250 Tactics:150 Problem dealing:100 Panic:100 Comfort:200
I send one of the militia without weapons as a recon. I want to know how much they are, if they have weapons and if they seem aggressive. I send an other soldier with weapon who will stay at halfway to escort the militia and report if there is any problem.
Leader: Lonelighters Population:32 (26 soldiers) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers.Wall (GM) Money:0 Weapons:5 Bows Ammo: 250 arrows Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens Soldiers: Guards (2)Guards wounded (4)Hunters (5) Militia (15) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer,50 nails,Saw, fishing pool. Aid: 109 gallons of water, 16 pounds of bananas, 1 pound of plant (name it) Medicine: Resources: 11 Trees Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
1. I send out 4 hunters into the forest to hunt for animals
2. I'll call the plant lantar, to test if it is truely edible I send out a hunter to catch a creature without killing it if possible, once we get the creature we feed it a bit of the plant to see if it is poisonous or not.
3. I grant the guards their request of an overnight journey
4. Yes i meant the camp when I talked of houses, I also ask them to do the same to the mud houses.
5. "All bleeding has stopped" that doesn't mean their healed though right? if not I move them into the camp as it is more secure. I grab one of the weapons as well.
6. I ask the civilians to research on possible weapons, pikes, modern weaponry, whatever they can think of.
7. I start training 5 civilians into scientists.
8. How do they supply? supply drops from air or do they land and give the supplies?
Colony Name: Baron rouge Leader: Oeil-de-Nuit Population: 31 (20 soldiers, 10 builders) Dead: 0 Soldiers: 10 Marines 10 militia Land: 10 Buildings:camp- holds 50 population , trains militia also trains builders Money: 0 Animals: Weapons: 4 M-14 Ammo: 7.62 cal 200,50 cal 100 Vechicals: 1 ARV-57 (1,50 cal.) Technology: Tools: Saw Aid: 60 gallons of water 20 Ibls of peanuts Medicine: Bio: Oeil-de-Nuit isn't really talkative. No one know what he has done before being appointed to that mission. He naturally took the head of the operations and promised to spend the citizens life only when nothing else is possible. He doesn't hide that he may ask sacrifice for the general good. --------(spend 1000 points total bonuses) Military:200 Science:250 Tactics:150 Problem dealing:100 Panic:100 Comfort:200
They move out expect results in a day or two.
Leader: Lonelighters Population:37 (26 soldiers 2 scientist) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers.Wall (GM) Money:0 Weapons: Ammo: Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 20 chickens Soldiers: Guards (2)Guards wounded (4)Hunters (5) Militia (15) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer,50 nails,Saw, fishing pool. Aid: 109 gallons of water, 16 pounds of bananas, 1 pound of plant lantar Medicine: Resources: 11 Trees Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:101
1.they come back with 1 deer like animal but don't know how to skin give them some time and they should learn 2. No Response yet..... 3. They say thank you and head up the mountain 4. only a few inches where added on but citizens feel safer +1 to comfort 5. yea they need to heal but they will not die 6. They think they might be able to make makeshift spears get them some vines,stone, and sticks to build them. 7. only 2 of them understood what they where being taught 8.They land and drop off supplies.
Leader: Lonelighters Population:37 (26 soldiers 2 scientist) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers.Wall (GM) Money:0 Weapons: Ammo: Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 20 chickens Soldiers: Guards (2)Guards wounded (4)Hunters (5) Militia (15) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer,50 nails,Saw, fishing pool. Aid: 109 gallons of water, 16 pounds of bananas, 1 pound of plant lantar Medicine: Resources: 11 Trees Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:101
1. I give them the time they require to learn how to skin. 2. I send out 5 militia to gather those resources (for the spear) 3. The two that understood are asked to find any advantage they can find in the environment that we can use to our advantage. 4. If they drop off supplies I'm assuming we can speak with them? we ask them if they could supply us with modern weaponry. 5. The rest of the civilians are to shore up the wall and increase the coating on the camp and huts to increase defense. 6. The remaining milita are to patrol the area.