ForumsWEPRThe Most Disgusting Parody Ever

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Recently, I discovered this and it made me vomit in my mouth. Apparently, PETA decided that Pokemon was "too violent" and "encouraged animal cruelty". So I ask you good Armor Gamers: Are you the insane jerks pictures in the game? Do you hurt things because of Pokemon? The game is through the link by the way.

  • 38 Replies
9,504 posts

Keep in mind PETA is a large organization with separate activists. Kinda like Anonymous, except they all work with one goal in mind. So while this particular section is devoted to flash games of animal activism, other areas of PETA are still at work, such as art, public activism, advertising, etc. Those in charge are the only people who really decide if these are approved.

5,043 posts

Pokemon... the principle is cruel, but it's not dogs or cats fighting, it's monsters. Kids can tell the difference. Besides, there are more pressing matters, real animal abuses like rooster fights. They're still being performed in some or another place, they're extremely brutal and bloody. But of course, PETA only lifts a finger where big medial impact can be made and lots of money made. Animal rights activists? Hah, good one.

As Freakenstein said, this is just one small portion of PETA. They protest everything from portraying animals as slaves to meat products and animal testing. Heck, they're even against ownership of animals, including pets.

They'll often protest animal shelters that put dogs to sleep. The reason animal shelters put dogs to sleep is because they can't get rid of the dogs they capture fast enough. The irony is that out of all the animals PETA rescues, they end up putting most of them to sleep as well. Of course, they'll say that they're just "mercy killing".

Then you have your real extremists, the Animal Liberation Front. They're the ones who will go as far as blowing up research centers that use animal testing.

Pokemon does give kids something nasty by that. not that i say that it should be cancled, but they have to change something, show that making two animals fight is not so great.

No, they don't. Kid's aren't that stupid.

There's this idea that if an idea exists, people will automatically cling onto it. You're looking at:

A: Pokemon is about using animals to fight
B: Kids play Pokemon
C: Kids will be more accepting towards animal fighting

You're looking at A, and you're looking at B, then creating C out of nowhere. You forget that there is a C that already exists and is observable! Instead of Adding A and B together and assuming C, talk to people who grew up playing Pokemon and see what their opinions are about animal fights. Look at how they treat their pets.

There's just no evidence that suggests Pokemon creates a tolerance towards animal abuse of any kind. It's too presumptuous.

That's not to say that media can't effect children. There can be an effect. But children are far more capable of separating what is and is not acceptable than what you may think!

but they have to change something, show that making two animals fight is not so great.

It's weird how they incorporated love, respect, and friendship into a series about using animals to fight against one another.

You're creating an imaginary problem and suggesting something be done, without any evidence of there being an actual problem.
5,552 posts

It's weird how they incorporated love, respect, and friendship into a series about using animals to fight against one another.

Looking at it objectively...if anything, it's a sport. Not a street brawl. I've seen the show enough (having watched it when I was younger) and my sister watches it now so I catch bits and pieces...they're always extolling values to a sickening degree. They go on and on about teamwork, friendship, fairness, etc.

The only valid part of this argument is the capturing part. The fighting is, for the most part, enjoyed by both parties and is non-fatal or even permanent injury. In the instances where they pokemon doesn't want to fight is usually an episode of helping that one...

You're creating an imaginary problem and suggesting something be done, without any evidence of there being an actual problem.

This. PETA makes issues out of non-issues. They look silly and lose all credibility because they go off on extreme tangents, when their overall goals are actually admirable. I'm all for fair and respectful treatment of animals and not abusing them...but PETA turns their point of view into a laughing stock.
13,055 posts

There's this idea that if an idea exists, people will automatically cling onto it

The problem is that we are bombarded with too much information so we become cynical about everything.
Of course some deranged people will act on what they see on TV or in games but it's only a small percentage of the population.
9,808 posts

Is it me...or did the game PETA made seem a bit too twisted...even for them? The way they made the game, I honestly thought it was worthy enough of being a creepypasta about some one playing one of the games and that coming up instead

1,773 posts

You know, the ironic thing about all of this is that PETA's objective is to give animals "Human Rights" yet they find it perfectly ok for animals to kill said humans.
You are right SubZero, A animal need to think about what can happen if it will choose to murdure a man. Are you serius? you talk like animals do that on posrpuse.
I talked with a Brazilian, and he told me that there is a problme in Brazil with the natives tribes in the forets. the police dont arrest them for making road blockades and charging money, harming cars and peoples who dont. The Brazilian Gov' claim that the Natives are not yet ready to the modern law system, and they cant jsut fill the prisons with natives.
Here you are talking about a bear. A bear killed a man. You need to kill him now? so the other bears will know what happen when you harm a person? Maybe put a Crocodile in jail, that will teach him a lesson!

A animal dont attack because of evilness, or because it "just want to". They kill because they feel threaten, because they are hungry, because they defend there territory. Its not them entering a city and raid it. Its the cities growing and entering there territories. Im not Vegetarian and I dont agree with everything PETA say, but about this one i do. Its "OK" when animal kill a person. its natural. A animal dont choose to. a man does. I am against hunting as a hobbie. Its just wrong in my opinion. And dont sell me the bull**** of "feed you family". In places wher there is no other option, ok. But in USA i belive you can get a meal in less then the ammo cost, and the time hunting take, you can work in a job who can grant you enough money to eat.

And by all the respect, Pokemon is not a sport. What PETA try to say in the game is, that pokemon can do much better than just Unleashes On each other your pet and see who will win.
Sure, its fun to watch and quite exiting {as a child afcours, yea, as a child *pokerface* {well, *badpokerface*}}. But i can say that i enjoyed more on the other uses of pokemons, more about the help each other and the working togheter on problmes, pokemon world life, than on pokemon as wepones or assault dog.

And Palease! Sport? I can asure you that a pokemon battle wont end like this, but more like this . A sport is when a individual choose to comepete on something, when its against anotehr group/individual, or against himself/time. Throwing a pokemon into a arena is not a act of choise i belive. Its like saying that prostitute enjoy there job, fighting dogs enjoy winning. The first example dont, its just us as a socity lieing to itself that if its fun to do, so the prostitute enjoy it too. well, mostly they dont. Same on dogs. Sure, its look like there is much pride in winning. but the dogs get bitten, not the trainer or the watcher.

My theory is that pokemon "like" to fight, because that way they get some atention from there trainers. Sure, they are japanese battle mosnters, so it might be true they like it, but in logical eyes its like that.

Sure, in the serios a direct flame make you To Faint and not to toast you alive, and a hit from a leaf blade smash you, not cut you.
But what PETA say is what beyond of that. Sure, they are a little bit late, but yet i can understand them, even if not fully support there goals and ideas. I just think that you guys overly defend pokemon. They dont do that without any base.

You guys over react it. it suppose to take your atention, so now even the one among us who didnt knew PETA befor know what is PETA now.

I dont agree with them 100%, i just try to make it clear for you guys. I dont fully agree, but i understand, thing that i feel some of you didnt. you are so 'affraid' of them, So negative about PETA, laughing at there goals, befor even thinking on them deeply, even on some of them. Maybe it does cruel the way some Dairy farms behave to the cattle, and hte wya chicken are kept in Chicken coops.

Dont Disqualified in sight. Hear what htey have to sya, think on it.
Im not against eating meat, but im against keeping chickens in tiny cages. Im not against drinking milk, but there are some cruel ways that are used to product it in some places.
Its not white and black. played the game? think about it. Its not that disturbing. Its not like you didnt played more creepy games before .

And once again - tell me that "rare candy" is not Steroid... come on, "Eat that CANDY and get strong"? Im not buying that.
1,269 posts

My theory is that pokemon "like" to fight, because that way they get some atention from there trainers. Sure, they are japanese battle mosnters, so it might be true they like it, but in logical eyes its like that. "

HAHAHAHAHA XD Have you ever seen pokemon? Ash the First episode (or second) when he barely knew his pokemon, rushed pikachu to the poke center. If he did'nt care about him, why would he do that.

"Sure, in the serios a direct flame make you To Faint and not to toast you alive, and a hit from a leaf blade smash you, not cut you.
But what PETA say is what beyond of that. Sure, they are a little bit late, but yet i can understand them, even if not fully support there goals and ideas. I just think that you guys overly defend pokemon. They dont do that without any base. "

You make so many assumptions, plan and simple.

"And once again - tell me that "rare candy" is not Steroid... come on, "Eat that CANDY and get strong"? Im not buying that."

When did they say that? I think I missed the memo, send me the episode where they said rare candy were steroids. I think you need to go back to school, because I still AM in middle school and I understand this better then you. You're making assumptions based on nothing, again have you seen, played or heard pokemon.

Personally I think PETA has taken it to far, there are many more fans of pokemon then they realize. Did you know they dressed up as the KKK? Here is the link

I think idiots who compare their own "intelligence" to the normal masses. Even through both are REALLY lacking, PETA's is worse.

"I am against hunting as a hobbie."

I use guns, and I shoot animals and eat them. Problem?

5,340 posts

show that making two animals fight is not so great.

remember the first movie? the show and games usually see the fights as nothing more then sport. no one dies. and team rocket are evil because they make it more then that.

in the first movie though they made it pretty obvious when they all started fighting until death. its reall overeacting. we as humans have martial art contests too.

and honestly, if pokemon is cruel then you can pretty much say looney toons, tom and jerry and pretty much any early cartoon is the creation of the devil.
3,087 posts

The video in the game was rediculous, people do not whack pigs with canes as hard as they can, it is discouraged as it ruins the meat, slaughterhouses are a natural part of life, so I don't know why those are even featured. PETA needs to get some brains, as they appear to lack them.

~~~Darth Caedus

9 posts



Oh, and there's room mashed potatoes by god's other creations.

I don't think PETA has taken the fact that pokemon is a game, it's not as if trainers are saying, "Pikachu, use slam or I WILL KILL YOU!". PETA, no.
1,773 posts

Keep lie to yourself dude. I worked with cattle once. Left after less than a week because of that.

Its easier to say "hah, these crazy PETA". So yea, sometimes they take the showing of a problme too far, KKK things and stuff. But dont delete them just because of that. And today slughter houses are nothing but natural. The small places in villages? they are ok i guese. I know that our is ok. But hte meat factories in USA are noo natural at all. Its a massive factory for killing. I know beef is importent and stuff, i eat meat, But this way is jsut, i dont know, not so human. The people who work there are not gentle clean peoples who try to do the best. they are low education peoples, most of them throw there aggresion on the animals, because "they about to die anyway".

Its very nice to see how all of you join togheter to attack these Idiots hippies who hug trees, but its quite unfair. for them, for there ideas, for you.

and wflag, yes i am a idiot who dont understand anything.

The rare candy wasent there, its just a thing i always thought about, and it was the place to put it in my opinion. But sorry if it offended you.

So PETA is worse then the KKK? Sure. I mean, 'hating other peoples' and 'Fighting against crulety to animal' is almost the same. But you dont like what PETA tell you, so they becaome evil. Like urban kids dont like cats, because when they see them on the road after a car ran over them, they know they cant do anything to stop it. So they start to hate cats. Because its easier. Because then they dont need to deal with thinking on death. Same with you kid.

And yea, i have aroblme with you hunting. But its a USA culture, showing hte british! No one will tell us if its ok to hunt or not.
SO you kill animals for fun, and eat them. I eat Things i buy, sometime when i feel fancy from the *****er {so its not a question of 'fresh'}.

I do have a problme. I just hope you dont hunt animals who are Inedible, fox for say or racoons and etc. Because when eating them you can say "well, so he didnt bought a meat from the supermarket instead". But for pure "sport" i found it just horrible.

9,439 posts

I just hope you dont hunt animals who are Inedible, fox for say or racoons and etc.

What makes you think those are inedible?

Its a massive factory for killing. I know beef is importent and stuff, i eat meat, But this way is jsut, i dont know, not so human

Then, as a consumer, stop yourself from buying from them. If the money keeps coming in, they won't stop.

Sure. I mean, 'hating other peoples' and 'Fighting against crulety to animal' is almost the same.

They're not as saintly as you think. They kill about 85% of their 'sheltered' animals. link.
343 posts

Watch this!

There is a time and place for everything, but not now.

1,707 posts

But for pure "sport" i found it just horrible.

Kind of a joke to call it a sport. In sports both parties need to know they're playing the "game".

If P.E.T.A. is against POKEMON I wonder what they'll have to say about Yu-Gi-Oh if anything 0.o
5,129 posts

If P.E.T.A. is against POKEMON I wonder what they'll have to say about Yu-Gi-Oh if anything 0.o

calm down, they did 15 year over thinking this over.
next on the list is dragonball. =P
Showing 16-30 of 38