ForumsWEPRThe Most Disgusting Parody Ever

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Recently, I discovered this and it made me vomit in my mouth. Apparently, PETA decided that Pokemon was "too violent" and "encouraged animal cruelty". So I ask you good Armor Gamers: Are you the insane jerks pictures in the game? Do you hurt things because of Pokemon? The game is through the link by the way.

  • 38 Replies
3,087 posts

Yu-Gi-Oh if anything 0.o
No, how dare you teach kids to abuse turtles that look like they are a Pyramid.

And if they go after Yu-Gi-Oh, why would they not go after MTG, DnD, and every other trading card game.

~~~Darth Caedus
3,087 posts

sorry for dp, but I thought of something else.

PETA should also attack Judaism and Christianity, because they believe in a God that forces animals to spend over a year cramped up in a boat, never mind the fact that they would have died otherwise.

~~~Darth Caedus

185 posts

I can see similarities between Pokemon and dog fighting. The thing is Pokemon are imaginary and any cruelty seen in the cartoon is all in the mind. The good guys are supposed to win. The dogs in dogfighting are real and so is the cruelty to dumb animals. Training creatures to fight each other for real is illegal for a reason.
I find the idea of the pokemon rising up against their cruel oppressers hilarious. This is not the most disgusting parody ever. I imagine that Goebbels came up with even more disgusting parodies of the Jews in HItler's Germany.
I do feel sorry about all the zombies and roly polys I have killed, and all the people I have wasted in Grand Theft Auto. I have killed a number of kings, and queens, and bishops, and pawns in chess. I think that Pokemon is quite a tame game, a good game for children. I think that PETA's target is not the game of Pokemon but animal cruelty. I imagine that in the Pokemon cartoon there are stories about cruelty being punished.

5,340 posts

And if they go after Yu-Gi-Oh, why would they not go after MTG, DnD, and every other trading card game.

lets just say pretty much every tv show from the 90s that had anything to do with animals.

also, i just remembered that the pokemon actually have a choice. i remember in the old esisodes when pikachu didnt want to fight misty. or how no pokemon would come out of their pokeball to do something about a bunch of diglets.
1,773 posts

But that a single episode. I can garentee to you that most kids didnt saw it at all.

And im preaty sure that PETA is against the jewish-christian-muslim belifs about animals as a reasurce to humans, a tool that god created just for humans.

All i say, you might agree with what PETA said about pokemon and you might dont, but atleast think befor hating.
There are alot of peoples who are just intimidated by PETA that they against anything they say, just because they show us some hard truth, facts, false or correct.

And it also true that most of hte 90' shows, and manga in general, are very violance and cruel. Im not sure that a 9 years old kid need to see how inuyasha slice a 'bandit' in half or vegeta getting a punch troughe his belly.

Even the good ol' popeye punch his way yo victory.

PETA fight against animal cruelity. There are other groups who fight against violance in TV. And on both of them you laughe about, calling them stuipeds and etc.

8,256 posts

The point where I disagree with PETA is the way they criminalize pet-keeping and meat consumption. Meat consumption is not a problem as long as you do so reasonably (e.g. eat meat once a week and get it from local farmers, not big ranches). Keeping pets is not a problem as long as you do so reasonably (don't overfeed them, give them enough space and movement, etc. ). Actually if done right some animals live a way better life if someone cares for them than they would in the wild; this applies for cattles, pigs etc. too.

I generally dislike how many vegetarians come at you and tell you what you're doing is wrong. As if they held the key to the only right behaviour. Totally closed-minded.

Oh, and you cannot compare Popeye to a manga. In mangas, im my opinion, violence is portrayed in a visually much more violent way. If you look at the Looney Tunes, all they do is doing stuff to themselves and others who would normally kill people. But it's portrayed in a cartoony way and is just here to amuse people. Kids don't even realize the violence in Looney Tunes, but they won't necessarily imitate it in real life, because most are able to do abstraction from the cartoons.

377 posts

The Most Disgusting Parody Ever

Disgusting, don't you mean sexy? Like really it's a parody of Japanese anime monsters that are bloodied up and scratched and dirty. How is that not erotic... (jking)

But seriously I think that P.E.T.A. may be slightly overreacting about POKEMON, and some people here are overreacting about how P.E.T.A. is so terrible (although dressing up as the Ku Klux Klan certainly won't win them any thumbs up).
1,773 posts

But like every organization, dont look at the small picture.
When they say pets owner cruel to animals, they stop the real animal cruelity cases, not you and your chiwawa who dosent get enough pets every day.
When tehy fight against Butchering, they dont stop the local butcher, or even big one who work properly. they stop the meat factories who work in a horrible way.
And when they fight against eating meat, they choose there best looking membersess to stripp off. noth' said.

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