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I will be using the Advice Dog meme for certain descriptions, such as the following welcome:
This is what the character sheet looks like:
Name: (what you want to be called)
Armatar: (describe your armatar here; you may get stat modifiers)
Class: (select a class from the below list
Prestige Class:
STATS: Leave these blank. I will roll a set of stats, which you can arrange as desired.
Strength: (affects your attack and damage in melee)
Dexterity: (affects your defense; also affects your attack in ranged)
Constitution: (affects your HP)
Intelligence: (affects most special powers)
Level: 1
Experience: 0/1000
Melee Attack: (Base Melee Modifier + Strength modifier + Modifiers from special powers)
Melee Damage: (1d8 + Strength modifier + Modifiers from special powers)
Ranged Attack: (Base Ranged Modifier + Dexterity modifier + Modifiers from special powers)
Ranged Damage: (1d6 + Modifiers from special powers)
Defense: (10 + Armor modifier + Dexterity modifier + Modifiers from special powers)
SPECIAL POWERS: You will place your special powers below this line. Leave blank if you don't get a special power at 1st level.
For now, leave everything except Name, Armatar, Class, Level, and Experience blank.
Hit Die: d12
Base Melee Modifier: 1 per level
Base Ranged Modifier: 1 per level except multiples of 4.
Armor Modifier: Begin at 4, add 1 per 3 levels
Recommended Strong Stat: Constitution. This class is based on having lots of HP and has a few Constitution related special powers.
Recommended Dump Stat: Intelligence. This class has very few Intelligence related special powers. As a melee fighter, you will need Strength for offense and Dexterity for defense.
Temporary Defense: Starting at 1st level, you can activate this ability in place of an attack to add your Constitution modifier to Defense for the next 3 turns. You cannot use this ability for the next 3 turns after using it.
Temporary Toughness: Starting at 4th level, you can activate this ability at the beginning of the battle to add 1d6 + your Constitution modifier temporary HP for the battle. Temporary HP are a special pool of HP that are removed before normal HP. At every 4 levels after 4th, add 1d6 to the ability.
Alpha Strike: Starting at 7th level, you can use this attack once per battle. Add your Constitution modifier to your attack and damage. Also add you Constitution and Intelligence modifier to your Defense for the next 3 turns.
Omega Power: Starting at 15th level, you can activate this ability in place of an attack once per battle. Add twice your Constitution modifier to you attack, damage, and Defense for the next 3 turns.
Hit Die: d10
Base Melee Modifier: 1 per level
Base Ranged Modifier: 1 per odd level
Armor Modifier: Begin at 5, add 1 per 3 levels
Recommended Strong Stat: Strength. This class is based on fighting in melee.
Recommended Dump Stat: Intelligence. Special powers are not important to this class except as improvements to melee fighting.
Power Attack: Starting at 1st level, you can take a -3 penalty to an attack in order to add 5 damage. At 4th level, the penalty decreases to -2, and the penalty decreases to -1 at 9th level.
Criticality: Starting at 6th level, you can take a -2 penalty to an attack in order to have a 1/6 chance to double your damage.
Alpha Strike: Starting at 8th level, you can use this attack once per battle. Add your Strength modifier to your attack and damage. You also have a 1/6 chance to double your damage. In addition, your Constitution modifier is added to your Defense for the next 3 turns.
Hit Die: d8
Base Melee Modifier: 1 per even level
Base Ranged Modifier: 1 per odd level
Armor Modifier: Begin at 2, add 1 per 4 levels
Recommended Strong Stat: Intelligence. This class is based on special powers for satirical effect.
Recommended Dump Stat: Strength. This class should be using ranged combat, so Strength is not needed.
Cartoon: Starting at 1st level, you can make a special ranged attack dealing 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier damage once per battle. At 8th level, this becomes your standard ranged attack.
Advice Cartoon: Starting at 4th level, you can use this ability in place of an attack. Heal 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier damage. Add another 1d8 per 4 levels after 4th.
Courage Cartoon: Starting at 7th level, you can make a special ranged attack dealing 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier + your Dexterity modifier damage once per battle. At 13th level, this becomes your standard ranged attack.
Meme: Starting at 10th level, you can create a minion with HP equal to 10d6 + 10 times your Intelligence modifier. Your minion attacks in melee at your melee attack bonus -3. Your minion's damage is 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier. Your minion attacks on your turn. Your minion's Defense is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier. You also gain 2 Defense.
Healing Meme: Starting at 15th level, your minion can use the Advice Cartoon ability as if it were a 4th level Cartoonist. It uses your Intelligence modifier to heal you or itself. You also gain the ability to heal your minion using Advice Cartoon.
Cartoon Meme: Starting at 18th level, your minion adds your Dexterity modifier to its attack and damage. You gain 2 more Defense.
Hit Die: d6
Base Melee Modifier: 1 per 3 levels
Base Ranged Modifier: 1 per odd level
Armor Modifier: Begin at 1, add 1 per 5 levels
Recommended Strong Stat: Dexterity. This class is based on ranged attacks.
Recommended Dump Stat: Strength. A class based on ranged attacks does not need Strength.
Create Obstacle: Starting at 1st level, you can make a special ranged attack dealing 1d8 + your Dexterity modifer + your Intelligence modifier once per battle. At 5th level, this becomes your standard ranged attack.
Create Game: Starting at 4th level, you can create a minion with HP equal to 6d4 + 6 times your Intelligence modifier. Your minion attacks in ranged at your ranged attack bonus -2. Your minion's damage is 1d8. Your minion attacks on your turn and has a Defense equal to 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Intelligence modifier. At 10th level, your minion gains an additional 6d4 + 6 times you Intelligence modifier HP. You gain 2 Defense when you create your minion.
Fix Bugs: Starting at 5th level, you can use this ability in place of an attack. Heal yourself or your minion 1d8 + your Intelligence Modifier. At every 5 levels after 5th, add 1d8 to this ability.
Fix Glitches: Starting at 8th level, you can make a special ranged attack dealing 4d4 + your Dexterity modifier once per battle. When you do so, heal 4d4 + your Intelligence modifier.
When you are in combat, post 5 actions in a specific order vertically. You can use Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, or a special power. At the beginning of a battle, if you have a power that is used before the beginning of a battle, post it before your 5 actions if you wish to use it.
Later in the game, I will add and allow prestige classes. When I add prestige classes, I will request a title change to refer the players to the page with prestige classes. For now, up to 6 players may join. When you create a character sheet, I will roll stats, then you need to resubmit your character sheet with where you place the stats and everything else entered properly except for Prestige Class, which you need to leave blank. Make sure to include the modifiers for your armatar.
(In all honesty, Socially awesome akward penguin is probably the best penguin meme I've ever seen. But I hate the disturbing phrases they type that aren't even akward)
Name: Akira Tsubaki
Armatar: Reaper; no stat modifiers
Class: Cartoonist
Prestige Class:
Strength: 13
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 13
Level: 1
Experience: 200/1000
HP: 8/8
Melee Attack: +1
Melee Damage: 1d8+1
Ranged Attack: +3
Ranged Damage: 1d6
Defense: 14
Cartoon: Once per day, make a ranged attack and deal 1d10+2 damage instead of your normal damage.
I report this to advice dog and ask him for advice on what I should do(Because he's an advice dog after all)
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