It is the begining of the 17th century and the world had united into two massive kingodms. Tyria, the westlands, enjoy peaceful living and stable conditions. The second kingdom, Armadon, faces a drought. It's also a time of innovation last seen in the the Renaissance. Most people have a small amount of Arcane ability. The world currently faces a global war as the eldest prince is assasinated.
My two so far: Name: Dalar Almari Kingdom: Tyria Class: Mage Bio: Family has been the royalty since the formation of the lands. He is very wise but getting older.
Name: Moland Rodash Kindom: Armadon Class: Warrior Bio: He has risen to power by elimanting the previous royals believing them weak. He will anything to save and protect his kingdom he spent years in service for.
Porteor, the strange kingdom: Armadon Class: mechomancer Bio: Working in a busy trade shop in town, Porteor has honed his skills at creating the clever and strange. able to build and use devices that use complex parts and gears. ------------------------------------------------------------
"You do? what do you want? I guess that would depend on what honor of man you are... How about a scroll carrier? It will carry messages over roof tops and through sewers. Theres no worry of a courious messaganger and peeking eyes. Even if it were to be forced open the message is destroyed. Or are you a dangerous man...? You sir a duel!" *Sir Pendelton is surprised by this challenge of a shopkeeper, but honor forces him to accept. as he draws his saber I lunge and shove his saber in his sheath. A spring loaded knife that was hidden in my sleeve is now to his face* "With this you will never be without arms, always at the ready." *I release him and reset the knife apparatus.* "what will it be?"
A large muscular man approaches the stand and reaches for his pouch of money only to find it stolen. He walks away in anger, mumbling curses and he catches Nestor's eye for a moment but contiues home. A young, pretty girl grabs Nestor's wrist "What are you doing? Are you taking these people's things?" She asks softly and her clothes indicated she was of nobility
Name: Nestor Fellhorn Kingdom: Armadon Class: Assasin Bio: Born on the streets, he will do anything for money. Killing is his way of life, shadows are his home, and rats are his friends. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I watch the girl in the eyes, then i say with an grin: "Heh, it's not your job, to ask strangers, how they earn their money" Then i notice the noble clothes. I remove her hand from my wrist and say "After all, we live in hard times" then i walk away laughing, hoping that she will follow me and ask me what I'm talking about.
Sir pendelton has amazement all over his face "I want everything. I want to manufacture your gadgets. Together we will make a company that will change the world." He says smoothly "My offer is of wealh and reputation." He says
The girl quickly catches back up with, walking beside him "What do you mean? This is the first time i've been let out on my own and everything looks fine." She says curiosuly, she found him a little strange
Porteor, the strange kingdom: Armadon Class: mechomancer Bio: Working in a busy trade shop in town, Porteor has honed his skills at creating the clever and strange. able to build and use devices that use complex parts and gears. ------------------------------------------------------------
You never answered my question. Are you the man who would wage a war with a pen...
Name: Nestor Fellhorn Kingdom: Armadon Class: Assasin Bio: Born on the streets, he will do anything for money. Killing is his way of life, shadows are his home, and rats are his friends. --------------------------------------------------------------- "Hehehe, After all your a noble. Yes, i noticed it long time ago. You live in palaces, and riches. Your life is a dream."
The girl watches me weird. She still does not know what I'm talking about.
" Oh come on! You don't understand? Life is not only Fairs and Jewels. While you nobles, play with golden toys, we play with rats, and live on the street. The ordinary people, don't have anything to eat. If we steal, we can be send to jail, or even worst, but many will take the risk, just to have something to feed his family. Even I'm going the same path" I put my head slightly down, like I'm sad
I stop and look at her. then i say :
" I'm sorry for saying such harsh words. The life on the streets can make even the most innocent person, become monster. Ah if only i had place to live..."
Sir Pendelton grins "With a pen of course. A pen can do more then any dagger could. Although not if you ask current politics. Will you accept my offer?" he says
The girl looks down for a moment then looks back at him with a smile "Maybe you could live with me? As long as my father doesn't find out. He would be very angry with me if I let a stranger stay in our castle. And just so you know, being noble isn't all fun and games. I'm schooled hours for a day and have to attend formal events of all kinds. I'm never allowed anywhere by myself outside of the castle and I can never do anything exciting. Even now I had to slip away from my guards to be alone in this fair for once." She says a little angry but it doesn't work with her appearance
Name: Nestor Fellhorn Kingdom: Armadon Class: Assasin Bio: Born on the streets, he will do anything for money. Killing is his way of life, shadows are his home, and rats are his friends. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
"I... I don't know what to say" I try to look as surprised as I can.Then i put one knee on the ground and say " Thank you with my whole heart for doing such noble and nice thing for someone like me. If there is something... If you need anything, i will help, I'll do anything"
I think for a second then i stand up and say " But it's impossible for me to enter with you. The guards will see me. If you know some way maybe? I will be grateful, even if you can't find a way. The only thing I want mostly for the moment is some food. Now that I think about it, if you give me some, I'll return the money I stole" Then I smile.
Porteor, the strange kingdom: Armadon Class: mechomancer Bio: Working in a busy trade shop in town, Porteor has honed his skills at creating the clever and strange. able to build and use devices that use complex parts and gears. ------------------------------------------------------------
"Everything, mass produced?" "That ruins the fun!" I laughs as I throws his arms in the air. " what surprises would it be if everyone had the same toys?" " How about this?" I pull pendelton in closer, " I'll sell you some of my toys, but I get to keep my special ones..." I jump back in exuberance. "That way everyone can play, but I keep my best tricks!"
(I wanted to see the tarot caster. HEY EVERYONE! if you want in the story your going to have to interject yourself. Also make you class interesting. mecheomancer or tarot caster is more interesting and defining that rouge, hunter, knight, archer ect. Not that they can't be used to interesting characters, just saying.)
Name: Detlef Molkerei Age: 22 Kingdom: Armadon Class: Fighter Bio: He and his family lived a peaceful life on a farm on the outskirts of Tyria before his genetic parents were killed by a magic-wielding fugitive. This tragic occurrence forced him to mature at a very rapid rate so he could be the new parent of his younger sibling. He and his brother were adopted by a guard in the kingdom of Armadon, where Detlef was taught how to fight. The guard sympathized with the siblings, but warned them against holding a grudge. To this day, he works as a mercenary, but refuses to slay those he deems innocent, even if paid to do so.
Ok since things are getting nowhere for Tyria, I'm gonna make a secong character.
Name:Renald Fellhorn Kingdom:Tyria Class: Druid Bio: He was adopted by animals while he was little. His does not know who are his parents, although he is sensing a brother far away... Now he lives in his animal forms more than his human. His home is palace of Tyria where the king lives. --------------------------------------------------------------------
For few weeks, i was a cat, running down the halls, and eating mice, but now after the assassination of the eldest prince, I'm much more sly... Someone did this and I'm gonna find him!
I was thinking that while going to the King. He is a powerful mage and he knew i was a human. Maybe he found something, maybe he do not, But he is getting older and he needs a friend besides him.
I pass the guards, since for them I'm just a royal cat. I jump and sit on the pillow next to the king on the throne.
(I wasn't sure if my application had been accepted )
Name: Aria Debontres Ruathane Kingdom: Mixed (Tyrian Mother, Armadonian Father) Class: Tarot Caster Bio: Born in a tiny village on the border, Aria had an eclectic upbringing. Her mother, Sonata Debontres, made a living through divination, though her cards could do more than simply reveal likely futures. Her father, an Armadonian scholar, taught her the more practical fields of archery and history, though the occasional fencing lesson was thrown in. Her life was a happy one, and she often found herself mingling with the children of the nobility while her father tutored their children or her mother read their fortunes. Aria became accustomed to the intrigues of court and the pompousness of high society,learning to keep her disdain in check.
When she was old enough, she began to work beside her mother, reading fortunes, while secretly mastering the art of wielding arcane energies through her cards, summoning creatures and weapons, unleashing the elements, and binding spirits. Her training was nearly complete when the bandits sacked village, burning down her home with her parents inside. When she confronted one of them, intent on stealing her maidenhood, she let her passion for revenge cloud her judgement, unleashing her fury on the brigand, slaughtering him. Too late she realized that he was not some highwayman, but a soldier, sent by gods know who for unknown reasons, but targeting her home. With no talent fr tracking, the others escaped her, leaving her with only questions and sorrow.
Aria drives her rickety cart to the location of the Armadonian fair, setting up a tent to tell fortunes and sell charms and minor magical balms. In reality, she uses her readings to try to gleen what's going on in the kingdom. Has the guard captain been keeping secret orders he doesn't want to share, has one of the cleaning maids overheard something she shouldn't while dallying in the larder, has a general whispered a secret to one of the ladies of the court about his new command while enjoying her charms to impress her?
Name: Detlef Molkerei Age: 22 Kingdom: Armadon Class: Fighter Bio: He and his family lived a peaceful life on a farm on the outskirts of Tyria before his genetic parents were killed by a magic-wielding fugitive. This tragic occurrence forced him to mature at a very rapid rate so he could be the new parent of his younger sibling. He and his brother were adopted by a guard in the kingdom of Armadon, where Detlef was taught how to fight. The guard sympathized with the siblings, but warned them against holding a grudge. To this day, he works as a mercenary, but refuses to slay those he deems innocent, even if paid to do so.
[I'll be changing this for the sake of Tyria. This isn't going to be a second character, I'm just editing my first.]
Name: Apollo Hilfestidae Kingdom: Tyria Class: Heliomancer Bio: Not much is known of Apollo, save for the fact that he is known for his magic revolving around the Sun. Nobody knows how he learned how to manipulate the heavenly bodies, but he had confirmed that just about every speculation was incorrect.
He recently arrived at the fair in Armadon, reasoning that "it may give [him] something to do."
Porteor, the strange kingdom: Armadon Class: mechomancer Bio: Working in a busy trade shop in town, Porteor has honed his skills at creating the clever and strange. able to build and use devices that use complex parts and gears. ------------------------------------------------------------ *Moves away from pendelton and continues selling* "You there!"(Kipdon) "Can I intrest you in somthing?" "I have everything from toys to tool to trinkets to weapons."