Name: Aria Debontres Ruathane
Kingdom: Mixed (Tyrian Mother, Armadonian Father)
Class: Tarot Caster
Bio: Born in a tiny village on the border, Aria had an eclectic upbringing. Her mother, Sonata Debontres, made a living through divination, though her cards could do more than simply reveal likely futures. Her father, an Armadonian scholar, taught her the more practical fields of archery and history, though the occasional fencing lesson was thrown in. Her life was a happy one, and she often found herself mingling with the children of the nobility while her father tutored their children or her mother read their fortunes. Aria became accustomed to the intrigues of court and the pompousness of high society,learning to keep her disdain in check. When she was old enough, she began to work beside her mother, reading fortunes, while secretly mastering the art of wielding arcane energies through her cards, summoning creatures and weapons, unleashing the elements, and binding spirits. Her training was nearly complete when the bandits sacked village, burning down her home with her parents inside. When she confronted one of them, intent on stealing her maidenhood, she let her passion for revenge cloud her judgement, unleashing her fury on the brigand, slaughtering him. Too late she realized that he was not some highwayman, but a soldier, sent by gods know who for unknown reasons, but targeting her home. With no talent fr tracking, the others escaped her, leaving her with only questions and sorrow.
Aria takes the bag with a smile, stepping aside to welcome her guest into her wagon, showing him to a tiny table with two comfortable chairs at opposing sides. She offers him one chair while sitting in the other, making her deck appear with a flick of the wrist, asking him to hold an end of it while she holds the other, taking a small sample of his energy into it. She feels it swirling around through her own, before it settles, setting it to the side with a smile, pulling the first card and setting it in the center.
"The first card represents the core of your current concerns, The knight of staves. it tells me that you are in a period of restlessness, discontent with your current situation, you hunger for a little adventure."
"The second card is that which opposes you, the Moon. be wary the night, for something stalks you in the shadows, something which you though vanquished, something bestial, primal."
"The third cause is the root case of your dilemma, the lovers inverted. Somewhere along the way you have broken someones heart, jilted a lover, or deprived someone of there's. Be wary those who act in the name of lost love, for they have little to lose, and may stop at nothing to obtain satisfaction.
"The fourth card represents your past, the tower inverted. You have come out of a period of seclusion, perhaps study, imprisonment, or conscription, and seek to leave it behind you, taking from it wisdom, and leaving behind hardship."
"The fifth card represents what could be ahead of you, the Queen of Cups. There will be a woman in your future, who at first you may be tempted to overlook because her ways are strange to you. Heed her counsel, for though she may be a mystery, she will show you the path to your own salvation."
"The sixth card represents your immediate future, the Hanged Man. You are soon going to find yourself accused of a grievance, and you will have no choice but to either flee or face unacceptable consequences, be mindful who you may slight, and be prepared to make drastic changes to your plans."
"The seventh card represents you, The Fool. Now don't let that worry you, the fool represents how we all begin, naive and innocent of the way of the world, it represents that some aspect of your thoughts has not been corrupted by the unwholesome practicalities that we have to deal with every day, but you should be wary who you trust, for there are those who would take advantage of you."
The eighth card represents your environment, the hermit inverted. you will not be alone when these challenges begin, draw to yourself those with unusual talents, and heed their wisdom in matters beyond your understanding, for only if you work together can you ensure success."
"The ninth card represents your hopes and fears, the Devil. Right now your discontent and hunger for change is leading you on a path you do not want to go down, the time to make a change had arrived, do not hesitate to seize the opportunity"
Aria draws one more card, looks at it, and sets it back down on top of her deck, smiling at her guest.
"Is here anything else I can aid you with, milord? Do not worry unduly what the cards may reveal, they represent only possibility, though what they reveal to us about our thoughts can often help us come to terms with realities that we know to be true, but do not wish to accept."