This is a crafting game I've been throwing around for a while now, but I think I should try and post it now or it'll keep bugging me, lol. Dark Constructs is based off an old RPG I used to have, Crafters Legacy, in which you find yourself on a shattered planet and must build stuff to survive. This is simply that, plus whole bunch more. ------------------------------------------------------------ You wake up on a small planetoid somewhere. You can remember some things about yourself, but how you got on that planetoid is confusing you, until the memories hit you hard...Large comet...impact...planet shatters...and then blank. You look around at your new home, and notice off in the distance that there are a few other planetoids like yours. The sun seems to have disappeared, so you going to have to build in a darkness. Better start on your dark constucts sooner, rather than later...
Name: Age: Gender: ---------------- Equipment: (backpacks, armor, etc, it's simply what you wear) Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel Inventory: [Anything that you collect/make that doesn't go anywhere else goes here] (0/10) Supplies: [anything you have that is craftable] (0/10) ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 1 StoneCraft: 1 MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1
You will gain more types of crafts when they arise
You stand up and look around your planetoid some more. You see a bunch of trees over to one side, and what's left of a mountain behind you. You hear a couple strange noises from nearby. If your going to build, you better do it quickly...
Name: Vekel Age: 19 Gender: Male ---------------- Equipment: Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel, Wood Shovel, Wood Spike(temporary) Health: 20/20 Hunger: 14/20 Inventory: (0/10) Supplies: (1/10) Wood Handle(1x) ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 2 (19/20) StoneCraft: 1 (1/10) MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1 EarthCraft: 1 (5/10) DefenseCraft: 1 (8/10) ---------------- Constructs: House (Stone-Reinforced Dirt and Wood Planks, Connected Woodshed; [9/20] Log[9x]) Path to Apple Tree (branches, nothing inside) Path to Berry Bush (trench, nothing inside) Small Cow Pasture (wood fence, nothing inside) Arborary (Saplings[5x]{0% grown})
Usually, radioactive rocks are on the rare side. They shouldn't be this common, right? I carefully touch one of them with my bare hand for an instant; if it burns or tingles, it's radioactive and I probably just killed myself...oh, why am I doing this?
Well.. I watch around to see if there isn't any birch tree. If there isn't I change my mind and carves one extremity to make a kind of javelin. I'll mark the path by making some gashes to trees. (How many points of hunger will refill an apple please ? ) And I plant the strange seeds to the closest dirt area from my House. When this is done, I make circles from my house always larger in order to explore the area, find other caves or some water.
Name: Vekel Age: 19 Gender: Male ---------------- Equipment: Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel, Wood Shovel, Wood Spike(temporary) Health: 20/20 Hunger: 14/20 Inventory: (0/10) Supplies: (1/10) Wood Handle(1x) ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 2 (19/20) StoneCraft: 1 (1/10) MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1 EarthCraft: 1 (5/10) DefenseCraft: 1 (8/10) ---------------- Constructs: House (Stone-Reinforced Dirt and Wood Planks, Connected Woodshed; [9/20] Log[9x]) Path to Apple Tree (branches, nothing inside) Path to Berry Bush (trench, nothing inside) Small Cow Pasture (wood fence, nothing inside) Arborary (Saplings[5x]{0% grown})
Large comet...impact...planet shatters...and then blank.
(Take a guess)
You do so. Nothing happens. Your finger does not gain sentience, you do not grow a second head, you do not turn into Godzilla. Nothing. Even if you DID get Radiation Poisoning from it, you would not mutate or die...instantly...What now?
You try doing so, but it still doesn't budge (you lose one hunger while trying). What now?
Name: Ylliasviel Age: 25 Gender: F ---------------- Equipment: Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel, Wood Javelin Health: 20/20 Hunger: 14/20 Inventory: (2/10) Apples(2x) Supplies: (1/10) Sharp Rock(1x) ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 1 (3/10) StoneCraft: 1 MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1 DefenseCraft: 1 (1/10) ---------------- Constructs: Cave-House (cave in mountain, Sticks[5x] {5/15}) Path to Apple Tree (gashes in trees, nothing inside)
You do so. An apple will refill around 2 hunger. Depends on ripeness and how many consumed. You make your Wood Javelin (+1 WoodCraft Skill). You plant the seeds nearby you cave in a patch of dirt. They will need water to grow. Will you make this your Garden? What now?
Name: Ylliasviel Age: 25 Gender: F ---------------- Equipment: Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel, Wood Javelin Health: 20/20 Hunger: 14/20 Inventory: (2/10) Apples(2x) Supplies: (1/10) Sharp Rock(1x) ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 1 (3/10) StoneCraft: 1 MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1 DefenseCraft: 1 (1/10) ---------------- Constructs: Cave-House (cave in mountain, Sticks[5x] {5/15}) Path to Apple Tree (gashes in trees, nothing inside)
Yes, it will be my garden ! I first eat both apples. When this is done, I make circles from my house always larger in order to explore the area, find other caves or some water.
Name: Vekel Age: 19 Gender: Male ---------------- Equipment: Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel, Wood Shovel, Wood Spike(temporary) Health: 20/20 Hunger: 14/20 Inventory: (0/10) Supplies: (1/10) Wood Handle(1x) ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 2 (19/20) StoneCraft: 1 (1/10) MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1 EarthCraft: 1 (5/10) DefenseCraft: 1 (8/10) ---------------- Constructs: House (Stone-Reinforced Dirt and Wood Planks, Connected Woodshed; [9/20] Log[9x]) Path to Apple Tree (branches, nothing inside) Path to Berry Bush (trench, nothing inside) Small Cow Pasture (wood fence, nothing inside) Arborary (Saplings[5x]{0% grown})
You try mining the glowing rocks, but they crumble into tiny pebbles. What now?
Name: Ylliasviel Age: 25 Gender: F ---------------- Equipment: Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel, Wood Javelin Health: 20/20 Hunger: 18/20 Inventory: (2/10) Apples(2x) Supplies: (1/10) Sharp Rock(1x) ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 1 (3/10) StoneCraft: 1 MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1 DefenseCraft: 1 (1/10) ---------------- Constructs: Cave-House (cave in mountain, Sticks[5x] {5/15}) Path to Apple Tree (gashes in trees, nothing inside) Garden (patch of dirt, Strange Seeds[2x] {2/10})
You do so, and gain 4 hunger. You look around for nearby caves and water sources. Nearby your own cave, you find water trickling down through so rocks. Might be a spring of some kind. What now?
Name: Vekel Age: 19 Gender: Male ---------------- Equipment: Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel, Wood Shovel, Wood Spike(temporary) Health: 20/20 Hunger: 14/20 Inventory: (0/10) Supplies: (1/10) Wood Handle(1x) ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 2 (19/20) StoneCraft: 1 (1/10) MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1 EarthCraft: 1 (5/10) DefenseCraft: 1 (8/10) ---------------- Constructs: House (Stone-Reinforced Dirt and Wood Planks, Connected Woodshed; [9/20] Log[9x]) Path to Apple Tree (branches, nothing inside) Path to Berry Bush (trench, nothing inside) Small Cow Pasture (wood fence, nothing inside) Arborary (Saplings[5x]{0% grown})
These pebbles are quite brittle...I pick up the pieces and try to squeeze them together again. If that fails, i'll go back to where I first encountered this strange green glowstone and dig back to it, carefully mining around the stone to avoid crushing it. (Perhaps I need Silk Touch? XD)
Name: Vekel Age: 19 Gender: Male ---------------- Equipment: Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel, Wood Shovel, Wood Spike(temporary) Health: 20/20 Hunger: 14/20 Inventory: (/10) Supplies: (1/10) Wood Handle(1x) ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 2 (19/20) StoneCraft: 1 (1/10) MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1 EarthCraft: 1 (5/10) DefenseCraft: 1 (8/10) ---------------- Constructs: House (Stone-Reinforced Dirt and Wood Planks, Connected Woodshed; [9/20] Log[9x]) Path to Apple Tree (branches, nothing inside) Path to Berry Bush (trench, nothing inside) Small Cow Pasture (wood fence, nothing inside) Arborary (Saplings[5x]{0% grown})
You try squeezing them back together, but that fails. They are very brittle. You try to find your old mine, but the grass seems to have grown back over the soil quite quickly. You cannot find your old mine. What now?
Name: Vekel Age: 19 Gender: Male ---------------- Equipment: Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel, Wood Shovel, Wood Spike(temporary) Health: 20/20 Hunger: 14/20 Inventory: (/10) Supplies: (1/10) Wood Handle(1x) ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 2 (19/20) StoneCraft: 1 (1/10) MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1 EarthCraft: 1 (5/10) DefenseCraft: 1 (8/10) ---------------- Constructs: House (Stone-Reinforced Dirt and Wood Planks, Connected Woodshed; [9/20] Log[9x]) Path to Apple Tree (branches, nothing inside) Path to Berry Bush (trench, nothing inside) Small Cow Pasture (wood fence, nothing inside) Arborary (Saplings[5x]{0% grown})
Darn it. Well, assuming I still have the glowing fragments, I stick them all into the dirt of my house to make it glow all over (Or not if I dont still have them). May as well check on my arborary...