This is a crafting game I've been throwing around for a while now, but I think I should try and post it now or it'll keep bugging me, lol. Dark Constructs is based off an old RPG I used to have, Crafters Legacy, in which you find yourself on a shattered planet and must build stuff to survive. This is simply that, plus whole bunch more. ------------------------------------------------------------ You wake up on a small planetoid somewhere. You can remember some things about yourself, but how you got on that planetoid is confusing you, until the memories hit you hard...Large comet...impact...planet shatters...and then blank. You look around at your new home, and notice off in the distance that there are a few other planetoids like yours. The sun seems to have disappeared, so you going to have to build in a darkness. Better start on your dark constucts sooner, rather than later...
Name: Age: Gender: ---------------- Equipment: (backpacks, armor, etc, it's simply what you wear) Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel Inventory: [Anything that you collect/make that doesn't go anywhere else goes here] (0/10) Supplies: [anything you have that is craftable] (0/10) ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 1 StoneCraft: 1 MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1
You will gain more types of crafts when they arise
You stand up and look around your planetoid some more. You see a bunch of trees over to one side, and what's left of a mountain behind you. You hear a couple strange noises from nearby. If your going to build, you better do it quickly...
I heat the metallic stone up and then i try to shape it in the form of a knife and i attach it a branch if that doesn't work i just use a normal stone in the process.
(the cavemen heated the stone up before they worked it so it would more efficient)
Ah, seems I have all the things I need to construct a shovel. Well! I make a shovel. Should work for digging and a makeshift weapon. Then i'll use my newly created shovel to start digging a dirt house. better than nothing!
You do so. You create a Wooden Shovel! When you create a new tool from a certain resources, say, wood, you'll recieve 5 XP to the skill that represents wood the most, which would be WoodCraft. You begin to dig, and dig up a large amount of dirt, which is sitting next to the wood chips you made while shaping the items for the shovel. What now?
(Diggy diggy hole! ) I then try to shape the dirt into walls, leaving a space for a soon-to-be door. My new house...after that, I go back to the woods and chop down another tree with my Axe.