This is a crafting game I've been throwing around for a while now, but I think I should try and post it now or it'll keep bugging me, lol. Dark Constructs is based off an old RPG I used to have, Crafters Legacy, in which you find yourself on a shattered planet and must build stuff to survive. This is simply that, plus whole bunch more. ------------------------------------------------------------ You wake up on a small planetoid somewhere. You can remember some things about yourself, but how you got on that planetoid is confusing you, until the memories hit you hard...Large comet...impact...planet shatters...and then blank. You look around at your new home, and notice off in the distance that there are a few other planetoids like yours. The sun seems to have disappeared, so you going to have to build in a darkness. Better start on your dark constucts sooner, rather than later...
Name: Age: Gender: ---------------- Equipment: (backpacks, armor, etc, it's simply what you wear) Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel Inventory: [Anything that you collect/make that doesn't go anywhere else goes here] (0/10) Supplies: [anything you have that is craftable] (0/10) ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 1 StoneCraft: 1 MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1
You will gain more types of crafts when they arise
You stand up and look around your planetoid some more. You see a bunch of trees over to one side, and what's left of a mountain behind you. You hear a couple strange noises from nearby. If your going to build, you better do it quickly...
Name: Vekel Age: 19 Gender: Male ---------------- Equipment: Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel, Wood Shovel Health: 20/20 Hunger: 19/20 Inventory: (3/10) Log(3x) Supplies: (0/10) ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 1 (8/10) StoneCraft: 1 MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1 EarthCraft: 1 (1/10) [the craft of constructing with organic materials] DefenseCraft: 1 (1/10) [the craft of building walls and other protective constructs)
You do so, but are unable to build the dirt up higher than waist-height. The dirt is too susceptible to the elements to stand strong enough. What now? (Due to you using dirt to construct walls for a house, you have unlocked both EarthCraft and DefenseCraft, EarthCraft is the skill of crafting and building things out of organic materials, such as dirt; DefenseCraft is the skill of constructing defensive measures, such as walls, Robotic Sentries, and so on.)
Name: Vekel Age: 19 Gender: Male ---------------- Equipment: Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel, Wood Shovel Health: 20/20 Hunger: 19/20 Inventory: (3/10) Log(3x) Supplies: (0/10) ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 1 (8/10) StoneCraft: 1 MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1 EarthCraft: 1 (1/10) [the craft of constructing with organic materials] DefenseCraft: 1 (1/10) [the craft of building walls and other protective constructs) YAY! Well, first I read the manual below to learn about DefenceCraft (LOL) Then I chop down the nearest tree, for more wood. Never can have enough wood.
You try doing so, but the steam is too hot for you to go near the hole. All of a sudden, a large red and orange object is jetisoned out of the hole, and smashes into a tree. What now?
You do so. (You reach 10/10 XP in WoodCraft skill, level will be updated next post) How do you build up the walls? do you reinforce the first dirt wall with some planks, then continue building up, or du you simply build on top of the dirt? (Also, as a heads up, if you think the environment is supposed to be blocky like Minecraft, IT IS NOT.)
(FINALLY you make that reference! I was waiting for that! And I reinforce the dirt first, then build up by shoveling more dirt from what is to be my floor onto what is to be my walls. Doubly effective!) As soon as my dirt 'n' wood shack is done, I whittle another wood handle with a spare log or plank. My next creation: A wooden sword. What materials do I need?
(xD) You do so, and complete the walls of the house, and you make a wood handle. A sword will require a handle (which you have), some leather for a grip as well as binding, and a material for the blade. You can make the blade out of wood, but don't count on slaying anything anytime soon. I suggest going after the leather first...
(You could pick up what's left of that one, but I wouldn't advise it, lol)
Eh, i'll have to find some iron first. Until then, my shovel should help with a few damaging slaps. I go back into the woods, looking around for anything edible. Fruit on trees, maybe a least a chicken.
Guess I'll have to wait a bit for the apples to ripen. I chop down yet another tree, cut that into logs and branches, and then carry the stuff back to my house, marking the way to the apple tree by sticking branches in the ground. Dont want to lose it.
Name: Vekel Age: 19 Gender: Male ---------------- Equipment: Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel, Wood Shovel Health: 20/20 Hunger: 18/20 Inventory: (8/10) Log(8x) Supplies: (1/10) Wood Handle ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 2 (1/20) StoneCraft: 1 MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1 EarthCraft: 1 (5/10) DefenseCraft: 1 (5/10) ---------------- Constructs: House (Dirt and Wood Planks, nothing inside) Path to Apple Tree (branches, nothing inside)
(You responded fast O.o)
You do so. Now that you have built two different things (your house and your path to the apple tree) you have gained a new section to your character sheet: Constructs. The Constructs section will say what buildings you have built, what's in them, and what they are made out of. Now what?
Equipment: Tools: Axe, Pick Axe, Hammer, Chisel, Wood Shovel Health: 20/20 Hunger: 18/20 Inventory: (8/10) Log(8x) Supplies: (1/10) Wood Handle ---------------- Skills: WoodCraft: 2 (1/20) StoneCraft: 1 MetalCraft: 1 MachineCraft: 1 EarthCraft: 1 (5/10) DefenseCraft: 1 (5/10) ---------------- Constructs: House (Dirt and Wood Planks, nothing inside) Path to Apple Tree (branches, nothing inside) (I actually got free time!)
Yay! New stuff! Wait, my house has no roof...and I need a bed to sleep on. I therefore chop down these logs into planks, and first use some to place down a roof, packing it into place with more dirt. So it wont blow away. After the HECK do I make a bed?