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The last god is dieing. He needs someone to replace him, so he chose 6 contestants to fight. The final fight will be in the Sky Dome,and only one will survive.

Classes you can choose:

Humans:They are just everywhere...
Main city : Deragon
Bonuses: None
Weaknesses - None

Dwarfs: Strong and hmm.... small.
Main city: Darmar
Bonuses: Small
Weaknesses: None

Light Elves: Opposite of Dark Elves.
Main city: Light Soth
Bonuses: Can shoot 2 arrows at once if you go with School of Arrow.
Weaknesses: None

Dark Elves: Opposite of Light Elves.
Main city: Dark Soth
Bonuses: Can see in the dark.
Weaknesses: Easily blinded.

Naga: The water tribe.
Main city : Naga Village
Bonuses: Breaths underwater and is faster in the water.
Weaknesses: Slow on the ground.

Avians: Humanoid Birds.
Main city: Eagledor mountain.
Bonuses: Flying and Eagle sight.
Weaknesses: Very unprotected.

Dragonians: The ancient rulers of the world.
Main city: Dragon Mauntain.
Bonuses: Immune to fire, breaths fire, scales are like armor.
Weaknesses: Poor eyesight, Can't see very far, wears no armor.

Lizard Tribe: The children of Sand.
Main city: Anima
Bonuses: Can walk on walls.
Weaknesses: None

Swamp Tribe: Green.....
Main city: Pos
Bonuses: Masters of disguise.
Weaknesses: Needs water to survive.

Centaurs: Human horses.
Main city: Linox
Bonuses: Extremely fast on land.
Weaknesses: Cant swim.

Schools you can chose:

School of Defender: Sword and Shield.

School of War: Two Handed Sword, Spear.

School of Arrow: Bow and Arrows. Throwing weapons.

School of Assassin: Daggers or Two Short Swords. Throwing weapons.

School of Magic: Staff and one dagger or short sword. Spells are boosted.

School of Iron: Hammer or Other Giant Weapon.

Magic paths you can chose
No Magic - Boosts Power.

Ice Magic:
Ice Bolt - Launches Bolt of Ice
Blizzard - Summons short Blizzard.
Frozen Touch - Freezes Something you touch.

Fire Magic:
Fire Bolt - Launches Bold of Fire.
Inferno - Summons a flaming rock rock from the sky with small explosion radius.
Fire Breath - You breath Fire, short range.

Earth Magic:
Stone Wall - Summons a Stone wall.
Earth Lance - Summons an lance from the ground.
Iron God - Can repair everything with a touch.

Sky Magic:
Heal - Replenishes small amount of health to you. Large amount of health if you use it on someone else.
Sky Rage - Sends razor sharp wind at the target.
Sandstorm - Summons short Sandstorm.

Jester Magic - Randomly casts one magic.

You can use only 1 kind of magic per turn.

Everyone starts with the school they chose. There are some extra items if you kill certain supreme beasts.


Location: Badwith

Drops Staff of Water. With it you can use ice magic and the magic you have.

The Titan

Location: Kelos Islands.

Drops Infernal Sword - Two Handed. You can use Fire Slash that cuts trough everything. You can use it once in 5 turns.

Nymph of Life

Location: The Heaven Tree.

Drops Life Shield. With it you can use protection spell that block any kind of attack. Only 3 uses.

You can go after the bosses any time. First you have to find them. They are Very Hard to Kill. Each one has a weakness.

Gold is used to Travel Faster.

Character Sheet:

Magic Path(If you have one):

Everyone starts with 100 gold. You can begin in the Following Cities :

Deragon,Pathway Tower, One of the Thorn Cities - 1,2,3 or 4, Hedos, Jados, Mecho, Lisan, Zeio, Dark Soth, Light Soth,Soir and Darnar.


Name: Zero Furrbone
City: Lisan
School: School of War
Magic Path: Jester magic
Class: Lizard Tribe.
Life: 100/100
Gold: 100
Items: Health Potion, Fire Gem, Explosive Substance
Weapons: Normal Spear.


[b]Game starts when 6 players Sign Up. If you survive till the finale battle, you will have to fight the other players. Or you can kill them if you find them :/ Or team up ? your choice

If someone chose certain city to start, no one else can start in the same city.[/b]

  • 53 Replies
715 posts

Im gonna update now.... BUUUT I still dont know if i have to do it 2 times in a week or once? Please, i need any sollutions for this.

I also added a new element in the game. Read bellow VVV

Name: Blue Wing
City: Light Soth
School: school of magic
Magic Path: path of ice
Class: light elf
Mana: 100/100
Items:Food x 14, Water x 14
Weapons:Staff, Dagger
Armor: Leather Armor,Leather shoes, Leather pants.
Protection: 5
Power: 1
Agility: 5
Smarts: 5

You actually haven't got your mage degree... Today is the day... so you go and get it. The teacher knocks on your head with his Staff Of Wisdom, and says: "congratulations, you are a Mage !!!!, Now go and ruin your life like everyone else those days"
After this exiting moment you are bored... So you head into the woods. Of course you would go there ! Why an elf should walk on the path? He is not some kind of a human.
So anyway, You go in the woods. They are deep and dark. The more you walk the more you feel hungry, so you stop to eat,and drink. Something moves in the bush near you.It looks really suspicious. You can check it, or run away, or just continue walking trough the woods.There a tree next to the bush.


Name:Saclene Tri
School: Arrows
Magic Path: Earth magic
Class:Lizard Tribe
Items:Food x 20, Water x 14, Throwing Knifes x 5
Weapons:Bow and arrows
Armor: Cotton Shirt, Cotton pants, Leather shoes.
Protection: 3
Power: 2
Agility: 4
Smarts: 3

You head to the lake to do fishing. Probbably about the contest? You are lucky because there are some free fishing rods. But the bait costs 5 gold...
The lake is big and frozen, so you make a hole and start fishing. Half of the day passes, but you cought only 5 fishes. Ater all its cold and you can't focus enough. Suddenly something puls your rod really hard. You can try to reel it in, but its pulling so hard, the line might snap. You hear some cracking sound, but probbably is nothing...


Name: Kenzo
City: Pathway Tower
School: School of Magic
Magic Path: Sky Magic
Class: Avian
Life: 100/100
Mana: 100/100
Gold: 100
Items: Food x 15, Water x 15
Weapons: Staff (1), Dagger (1)
Armor: Cotton shirt, cotton pants
Protection: 2
Power: 1
Agility : 6
Smarts : 5

Your house is small, and cheap. You posses almost nothing, except for the staff and dagger you always carry, because you never know who would try to rob you. You find a pan and bunch of plates. You start making the letters. Since you are home, you eat some food. Half of the letters are done, but there are much more, because there are allot of cities... And even if you send them, it would take atleast a week for them to reach their goals. A loud croud is passing on the street.


Name:Naomi Izumi
City: Soir
Magic Path: Ice Magic
Mana: 100/100
Items:Food x 15, Water x 15, Throwing knifes x 5
Weapons:2 short swords
Armor: Cotton Shirt, pants, Leather boots
Protection: 3
Power: 2
Agility: 5
Smarts: 3

The large ship soon will leave. You can still go to the quest board, or go out of the city( Look previous my post) Or just stay on the place you are and die?


Name: Savell
School: War
Magic Path: None
Class: Dragonian
Life: 100/100
Gold: 100
Items:Food x 14, water x 14
Weapons: Spear
Armor: none
Protection: 10
Power: 5
Agility: 2
Smarts: 1

Ahhh the quest board. There are quests on it. The city is so big, that many adventurers come here just to do the amazing quests, that some, even the king posted himself. It takes some time to pass to the crowd untill you reach the quest board. Like the city, the board is also giant. Most of the quests are taken already but there are some left.

There are 3 ranks for quests Whenever you pass ceratain level of completed quest, you can go to the Adventure Council(Always next to the quest boards) and they will rank you up, if you show proof. Even if you complete a high rank quest, you wont get any reward...

Since you are rank peasant, you do the lower rank quests only:

Rats in my House!

A man has rats in his house. Remove them and get 10 gold.(10g,1 quest xp)

More rats in my house!!
The same man wants someone to get rid of the rats. - (10g,1 quest xp)

Help needed
One blacksmith wants some help in his shop(some kind of item,1 quest xp)

Burry me
The crazy gravekeeper wants to burry some dead bodies, and needs help to dig the raves.(20 gold,1 quest xp)

elhp em mi ni ubrtloe
asdasdfasdf(1 gold, 0 quest xp)

18,319 posts

Name:Saclene Tri
School: Arrows
Magic Path: Earth magic
Class:Lizard Tribe
Items:Food x 20, Water x 14, Throwing Knifes x 5
Weapons:Bow and arrows
Armor: Cotton Shirt, Cotton pants, Leather shoes.
Protection: 3
Power: 2
Agility: 4
Smarts: 3

So I just keep trying to get whatever it is out.

217 posts

Name: Kenzo
City: Pathway Tower
School: School of Magic
Magic Path: Sky Magic
Class: Avian
Life: 100/100
Mana: 100/100
Gold: 100
Items: Food x 15, Water x 15, Sack of letters
Weapons: Staff (1), Dagger (1)
Armor: Cotton shirt, cotton pants
Protection: 2
Power: 1
Agility : 6
Smarts : 5

I decide to take what letters I have completed and take them to be sent out. I look out over the crowd to see what the commotion is.

2,779 posts

(Sorry I was gone, just forgot about this rp)
Name:Naomi Izumi
City: Soir
Magic Path: Ice Magic
Mana: 100/100
Items:Food x 15, Water x 15, Throwing knifes x 5
Weapons:2 short swords
Armor: Cotton Shirt, pants, Leather boots
Protection: 3
Power: 2
Agility: 5
Smarts: 3

I aborad the large ship before it leaves.

807 posts

Name: Savell
School: War
Magic Path: None
Class: Dragonian
Life: 100/100
Gold: 100
Items:Food x 14, water x 14
Weapons: Spear
Armor: none
Protection: 10
Power: 5
Agility: 2
Smarts: 1

I'll take the Blacksmith help quest, and walk over to the smithy. "Hi there, here for the quest! What do I do?"

5,340 posts

Name: Blue Wing
City: Light Soth
School: school of magic
Magic Path: path of ice
Class: light elf
Mana: 100/100
Items:Food x 14, Water x 14
Weapons:Staff, Dagger
Armor: Leather Armor,Leather shoes, Leather pants.
Protection: 5
Power: 1
Agility: 5
Smarts: 5

i will keep my eyes and the bush while slowly walking towards the tree so it will stand between me and the bush. then i will just wait until i can see what it is

715 posts

Name:Saclene Tri
School: Arrows
Magic Path: Earth magic
Class:Lizard Tribe
Items:Food x 20, Water x 14, Throwing Knifes x 5
Weapons:Bow and arrows
Armor: Cotton Shirt, Cotton pants, Leather shoes.
Protection: 3
Power: 2
Agility: 4
Smarts: 3

You reel in slow, sometimes hard, but whatever is on the other side, does not want to be captured alive! The fight is Brutal. Half of the contestants are around you, exited to see what you might catch. The other half are near a player who have the same problems as you.... The cracking sound gets louder.. One by one, they start running. Even the other guy who was pulling stopped. You make one last try and ...... You are surprised to see that there is no fish... Just another fishing line that tied up to yours(Probably the other guy that was pulling?) You realize everything too late. The ice beneath you breaks into peaces and you fall in the deadly cold water.

-50 HP

Few of the town's citizens save you at the last moment, but now you have to recover somewhere warm. ( You miss 1 turn.)


Name: Kenzo
City: Pathway Tower
School: School of Magic
Magic Path: Sky Magic
Class: Avian
Life: 100/100
Mana: 100/100
Gold: 100
Items: Food x 15, Water x 15, Sack of letters
Weapons: Staff (1), Dagger (1)
Armor: Cotton shirt, cotton pants
Protection: 2
Power: 1
Agility : 6
Smarts : 5

You decide to send the letters you completed. The Mail Central is right on the way the crowd is going. You go outside and what to see... A Blood Trial. In the Tower there is one rule. If you say you are innocent in breaking a law, but you cant prove it, You have to fight in the Arena, and if you win, you are free. Well of course if you do something else within a week, you go to jail. But usually no one chooses the blood trials because... They are bloody. You follow the crowd until you reach the Mail Central. You try to send the letters but the lady inside says that it will cost 150 gold, and you don't have much. What can you do now? There are still 3 more floors you haven't been, or maybe you want to leave the city? One thing is sure... You wont be sending those letters until you get enough gold.


Name:Naomi Izumi
City: Soir
Magic Path: Ice Magic
Mana: 100/100
Items:Food x 15, Water x 15, Throwing knifes x 5
Weapons:2 short swords
Armor: Cotton Shirt, pants, Leather boots
Protection: 3
Power: 2
Agility: 5
Smarts: 3

The large ships is called Queen Baba. It goes from Soir to Deragon and then to the 4 Thorn Cities. The ship will leave any moment now, and they wont let you go on it. The captain shows up and thinks for a second, than it says : " You can come on the ship but only under one condition! You gonna work under my command and clean, cook and polish, Understand?"
Now you can accept, or decline and do something else.
(If you accept, you miss 1 turn so you can reach Deragon.)


Name: Savell
School: War
Magic Path: None
Class: Dragonian
Life: 100/100
Gold: 100
Items:Food x 14, water x 14
Weapons: Spear
Armor: none
Protection: 10
Power: 5
Agility: 2
Smarts: 1

You reach the Blacksmith from the quest. You ask him what to do. He is big and with muscles. He says : "Ahhh i need someone to bring me water, keep on the fire, do some actual work, instead of going on a lazy adventure! Blacksmithing is a Manly profession! Now start working".... And you start to work.... you keep the fire burning, you help with the metals, you even use the hammer once(But only to squash one rat that comes out of the building next to you, and its suspiciously filled with rats?) The Blacksmith says : " Ok, now for the final text, hahahaha, Please move that anvil to the right!." Now you can decline, or accept, because this anvil weight is probably around 5 tons.


Name: Blue Wing
City: Light Soth
School: school of magic
Magic Path: path of ice
Class: light elf
Mana: 100/100
Items:Food x 14, Water x 14
Weapons:Staff, Dagger
Armor: Leather Armor,Leather shoes, Leather pants.
Protection: 5
Power: 1
Agility: 5
Smarts: 5

You walk slowly. Really slow.... and then suddenly.... OH THE HORROR!!! A wild rabbit jumps out of the bush and starts running. If you were not cowardly hiding behind the tree you may had some chance to catch it and get some food... Now you can go South, North, East,West, or actually any direction you want because you are in the middle of the woods.

18,319 posts

Name:Saclene Tri
School: Arrows
Magic Path: Earth magic
Class:Lizard Tribe
Items:Food x 20, Water x 14, Throwing Knifes x 5
Weapons:Bow and arrows
Armor: Cotton Shirt, Cotton pants, Leather shoes.
Protection: 3
Power: 2
Agility: 4
Smarts: 3

I head home to make a fire and cover myself with many coats.

5,340 posts

Name: Blue Wing
City: Light Soth
School: school of magic
Magic Path: path of ice
Class: light elf
Mana: 100/100
Items:Food x 14, Water x 14
Weapons:Staff, Dagger
Armor: Leather Armor,Leather shoes, Leather pants.
Protection: 5
Power: 1
Agility: 5
Smarts: 5

ill just decide by looking at the woods and choosing the direction that looks nicest to me.

217 posts

Name: Kenzo
City: Pathway Tower
School: School of Magic
Magic Path: Sky Magic
Spells: Heal, Sky Rage, Sandstorm
Class: Avian
Life: 100/100
Mana: 100/100
Gold: 100
Items: Food x 15, Water x 15, Sack of letters
Weapons: Staff (1), Dagger (1)
Armor: Cotton shirt, cotton pants
Protection: 2
Power: 1
Agility : 6
Smarts : 5

I decide it would be best to take a trip to the quest boards to acquire the amount of gold I will need. I put the letters in their sack and head out towards the Adventure Council.

807 posts

Name: Savell
School: War
Magic Path: None
Class: Dragonian
Life: 100/100
Gold: 100
Items:Food x 14, water x 14
Weapons: Spear
Armor: none
Protection: 10
Power: 5
Agility: 2
Smarts: 1
I laugh in the Blacksmith's face. "Worry not, I know how to do this! somtimes the Manliest Men use their heads AND their muscles." 5 tons...oh boy. Must be a big anvil. Picking it up directly would give me a quadruple hernia. I therefore grab the sturdiest pole in the Smithy and wedge it so that when I push on it, it pushes the anvil to the right. Like a Lever! Ah, simple machines. To further help, I look for a slippery liquid, not water, more like oil, to splash on the base of the anvil and to the right of it to lubricate it. That should do it!

564 posts

Can you make an excuse to let me join? If so, here.
Name: Ronin Xian
City: Zeio
School: School of War
Magic Path: Sky Magic
Class: Human
Life: 125/125
Gold: 100
Items: Warm Sandwich x15, Water Canteen (Full)
Weapons: Large 2H Katana
Armor: Full set of Samurai Armor.
Protection: 6
Power: 4
Agility: 3
Smarts: 5

715 posts

*Out of game* Yeah sure. I was bussy yesterday so i will update today.

715 posts

Here is your actual char info :

Name: Ronin Xian
City: Zeio
School: School of War
Magic Path: Sky Magic
Class: Human
Life: 100/100
Mana: 100/100
Gold: 100
Items: Warm Sandwich x15, Water Canteen (Full)(x15)
Weapons: Large 2H Katana
Armor: Full set of Samurai Armor.
Protection: 6
Power: 5
Agility: 3
Smarts: 5

564 posts

Name: Ronin Xian
City: Zeio
School: School of War
Magic Path: Sky Magic
Class: Human
Life: 100/100
Mana: 100/100
Gold: 100
Items: Warm Sandwich x15, Water Canteen (Full)(x15)
Weapons: Large 2H Katana
Armor: Full set of Samurai Armor.
Protection: 6
Power: 5
Agility: 3
Smarts: 5
I look around the city of Zeio.

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