ForumsForum GamesZombie Apocalypse (RPG)

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437 posts

1. Ok, here are the rules of this RPG. In this RPG, you will decide the story and fates of your characters. So here are the components of a Character list of the game. Note that this RPG is more storyline than combat or anything... There will be no levels for Characters.

-Name: The name of your Character
-Age: His/her Age
-Race: His race/Nationality
-Loadout: Current equipment such as weapons and such
-Profession: His Current Profession(skill) when the outbreak started.
-Weaknesses: His weaknesses.
-Party Members: The collection of all the people in the party. Remember to introduce your character and add him to this list. (Just copy paste)

2. So here are more rules; when you make a character, remember to write a short story on how he get to meet the character above to join the party for survival.

3. Only the character's owner can kill their own characters.

4. Try not to make too much characters. Keep to 1 or 2.

5. After writing your segment of the story, make choices for the next person to decide flow of the story.

6. Please do not spam nor make any silly segments to ruin this post...

7. Write any updates at the bottom of your post.

8. Please do not kill this story...

So, here would be the example of how the Game should look like.

-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips and a Laptop with Power Adapter.
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members: None

It was a stormy night. What seemed to be a 2 month exchange program to the US became a nightmare for Hideo. It was too sudden; he could remember the time when it happened... There were madmen everywhere that started killing each other and eating the flesh of one another during classes... The whole campus was in panic as the crazed horde clashed with the students themselves, causing a blooded melee filled with hysteria and panic. Hideo was fear-struck, as he quickly yanked out a metal pole from his chair and hid inside a store-room and barred the door with the pole, fearing the worst...

It has been days since Hideo hid in the storeroom, Surviving on nothing but his packed lunch and snacks he could find in the store room. He peeked out to see a bloody corridor with corpses around. Hideo grasped his nose in disgust as he grabbed the Metal Pole in defense, and a box cutter which he eyed on the floor.

He then saw a woman twitching on the floor. Could she be alive? What should he do?

-> Go over to her to check if she is OK.
-> Call for her.
-> Ignore.

-Found a box cutter

So now, I would make a sample of what the reply should be like.


-Character Sheet-
-Name: Marcus Devin
-Age: 63
-Race: Caucasian/US
-Loadout: Glock 19, 2 magazines of 13 rounds of 9mm parabellum, some Bandaid.
-Profession: Janitor, war vet
-Weaknesses: Missing 2 fingers on his left hand from an old vVetnam war wound.
-Party Members: Hideo Nakatsuka

->Go over to her to check if she is OK.

Hideo then went to check on the woman, which she suddenly lashed onto Hideo. Her face was crawling with maggots and was terribly atrophied as her rotted teeth tried to sink into Hideo's flesh, whilst he tried to fend it otff with the metal bar.

Out of the sudden, gunshots were heard from afar and the reanimated corpse went motionless.

Hideo shoved off the corpse and looked at his horizon. It was a shaved, old, wrinkly man dressed in a janitor's outfit, with a gun with its barrel still smoking.

Hideo approached the man. "Who... are... you?" He stuttered with a heavy Japanese accent.

Marcus stared at the young man for awhile, before answering him. "No time fer' lollygagging son, lets get the 'ell outta 'ere!"

Marcus forcefully grabbed Hideo's arm and ran towards the exit of the school, only to be faced by a horde of walking corpses.

"Gerd Dammit..." Cursed Marcus.

What will they do?
-> Fight the horde
-> Run away
->Act like them and walk through

Spent 4 9mm Parabellum rounds

  • 153 Replies
437 posts

-Character Sheet-
-Name: Marcus Devin
-Age: 63
-Race: Caucasian/US
-Loadout: Glock 19, 1 magazine of 3 rounds and 1 full magazine of 13 rounds of 9mm parabellum, some Bandaid.
-Profession: Janitor, war vet
-Weaknesses: Missing 2 fingers on his left hand from an old vVetnam war wound.
-Party Members: Hideo Nakatsuka, Marcus Devin, Lior Grave, Justin Erwin

-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips, a Laptop with Power Adapter, box cutter
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members: Marcus Devin, Hideo Nakatsuka, Lior Grave, Justin Erwin

Lior Grave quickly charged to the zombie and managed to take it down but whilst aggravating his leg wound and crashed down too. Hideo and Justin finished it off by smashing its head with the metal pole and cutting it up. The path was now clear but with Lior Unable to get up.

Quickly, Marcus carried Lior and made a break for it with the crew.

The Party managed to flee the ravenous horde and decided to rest for a while in a shelter nearby and out of the sudden, Lior heard a shocked cry from Marcus...

Everybody was distraught... It was a bite mark on Marcus' arm, probably inflicted when Marcus saved Lior. Marcus began to tremble in distraught as he loaded his gun with a new magazine... He then whimpered whilst passing his gun to Lior. "Shoot... me... Before... I turn into one of them..."

He then closed his eyes and hoped for the best.

Will you
->Do as Marcus says
->"No! It ain't over yet!"
->Knock Marcus out and leave him there
->Exile him

192 posts

-Name: Lior Grave
-Age: 20
-Race: Human, Russian
-Loadout: Army knife
-Profession: Engineer
-Weaknesses: Deep cut in his leg that still hurts even after many years. (Making him walk/run not so good)
-Party Members: Lior Grave, Marcus Devin, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin

->Do as Marcus says
"Im sorry Marcus im really am"

437 posts

-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips, a Laptop with Power Adapter, box cutter
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members:\\Hideo Nakatsuka, Lior Grave, Justin Erwin

Lior aimed the pistol whilst trembling as tears spilt from his tear ducts. Ending a life of an old friend wasn't easy... Marcus shut his teary eyes and waited for it. "Do it... you P*ssy...".

"BANG!" went the pistol... And thump went Marcus' lifeless body as it hit the cold concrete ground and cling went the ejected case... It was a sad day for the party. Everybody was in tears to see the old man go... Hideo was the saddest of all, as he was his first survival mate he ever met and gave his prayers to him in his own tongue...

But the crew knew that it wasn't over yet... Not by a long shot. They decided to bury Marcus by making a makeshift burial ground with a bunch of rubble around... Lior decided to keep the gun, after all he was the one to bear Marcus's burden.

And then, the crew carried on. It became dark now but the shopping mall is close in sight. They decided to quicken their pace to the shopping mall before it get darker; the Zombies were more active at night.

But when they got near the Mall, a bright blinding spotlight flashed upon them followed by a black accented hollar from a megaphone.


What will you do?
->Comply with him
->Ignore and carry on walking to the mall
->Reply back "WE ARE HUMAN! WE ARE HUMAN!"
->Run away

437 posts

Ooops... and I forgot

-Update: Spent 1 9mm parabellum bullet

437 posts

AAAHHH.... Forgot again...

-update: Spent 1 9mm parabellum bullet, Marcus died

192 posts

-Name: Lior Grave
-Age: 20
-Race: Human, Russian
-Loadout: Army knife, Glock 19, 1 magazine of 3 rounds and 1 magazine of 12 rounds of 9mm parabellum.
-Profession: Engineer
-Weaknesses: Deep cut in his leg that still hurts even after many years. (Making him walk/run not so good)
-Party Members: Lior Grave, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin

->Comply with him

(I love this RPG ;3 )

437 posts

@Noladi Thanks mate! Hope more would join though...

-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips, a Laptop with Power Adapter, box cutter
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members: Hideo Nakatsuka, Lior Grave, Justin Erwin

The crew decided to step into the light and doing everything the man said. All went silent and suddenly, a man in a hazmat suit stepped out of the mall accompanied by 2 heavily armed, gas masked soldiers in full military outfit.

The Hazmat man began scanning the trio with a strange device and signalled a thumbs up when he was done. The soldiers then led the group into the mall where they are told to go through a sterilisation process to carry on to the refugee camp in the mall and they complied.

When the procedure was done, they entered the camp; it was a tightly packed area with many refugees in sight. The first thing Justin caught in sight was his friend, Sarah. The two rushed towards each other and exchange hugs and words of relief. But Hideo was worried about what he is seeing; A well kept elderly man aggressively preaching to a rather large group of people. Hideo could not make out most of the words as he was speaking in a very fast and southern accent.

A tall, black man, who sounded like the one on the megaphone just now, clad in a military suit then approached the team. "My name is SGT Canner, and I am the officer in charge of this refugee camp. Your group has been allocated to the Computer Section of Courts, we hope you find safety in our camp. And please take note of Rev. Bernard, he's rather unstable and it would be safe if you kept your distance from him..."

The team is then briefed in a set rules that they must comply in the camp, one of them is no looting.

The team settled on their locations with Justin being more than happy to be reunited with Sarah but Hideo is still weary of the Rev Bernard, whom was still preaching to the ever zealous crowd...

A few days past and everybody was rejuvenated from the adequate feeding and resting but Rev Bernard's group got even more rowdy. At first, they were preaching that it was the government's fault for their unholiness and was punished by a plague and later, they were picking fights on the "Gentiles" and "Evildoers" whilst the crowd got bigger and more popular...

But one day... The situation got out of hand... The aged Reverend was dragging a man in scientist garbs and started preaching with a religious looking dagger pointed to his throat.

"Here we have an advocate of Satan, who was in ties with with the ones who wrought this terrible, terrible curse on us! Tell us, what have you wrought upon us! CONFESS!" Bernard demanded.

With the crowd speaking in tongues and chanting "Speak! Speak! Speak!", the frightened man began stuttering in panic.

"We... We wanted to unlock the full potential of the Human DNA! We... Wanted to create the perfect human! But... We had it under controll!"

"The Man Confessed! He and his kind are nothing but EVIL across this land! We must fight the devils and reclaim this land!" Hollered the reverend as he slowly moved the dagger to his neck and before he could plunge it, he was interrupted by gunshots in the air and commands to stop.

"You see! The unholy think they can stop us with their might but with out faith, the weapons of the devil are useless!" he preached whilst commanding his crowd to advance towards the soldiers and soon, they got into a fight.

Hideo and gang, witnessed everything and was deeply worried about the entire situation. What would they do?

->Join the fight, Supporting the Soldiers
->Join the fight, Supporting Rev Bernard
->Hide and watch
->Fire upon Bernard's group(Empties current magazine)
->Fire upon the soldiers (6 bullets)
->Fire upon the air (1 bullet)
->Rally people to support the Soldiers
->Rally people to support Rev Bernard's cause

-update: None
I hope this does not offend any religious people...

437 posts

Erh... Sorry... I would like to change Courts to Ikea... Just realised that there is no Courts in the US... I'm not from the US... sorry bout that...

192 posts

-Name: Lior Grave
-Age: 20
-Race: Human, Russian
-Loadout: Army knife, Glock 19, 1 magazine of 3 rounds and 1 magazine of 12 rounds of 9mm parabellum.
-Profession: Engineer
-Weaknesses: Deep cut in his leg that still hurts even after many years. (Making him walk/run not so good)
-Party Members: Lior Grave, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin
(Im not from the US too ^^)
>Join the fight, Supporting the Soldiers
"Guys lets join the Soldiers they are stronger but dont get too close to them I have other plans"

437 posts

-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips, a Laptop with Power Adapter, box cutter
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members: Hideo Nakatsuka, Lior Grave, Justin Erwin

The Party went behind the Soldiers. Other refugees see that you have joined them and decided to back up the soldiers but still, the opposition was larger and clashing with each other. The soldiers were ordered to subdue them not kill them...

And all out of the sudden, gunshots fired on the air, killing one of the soldiers and on the other side, was some of Bernard's men, armed with Kalashnikovs. The 2 sides begin taking cover and firing upon one another with the refugees hiding and screaming for help.

What will the Group do?
->Take cover
->Join the firefight
->Find the leader and deal with him

960 posts

Name: Justin Erwin
Age: 14
Race: Caucasian/USA
Load-out: Katana,
Profession: Student
Weaknesses: Without his glasses he can't see more then a few feet. (Bad eyesight/reliance on something)
Party Members: Lior Grave, Marcus Devin, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis

Name: Sarah Curtis
Age: 14
Race: Caucasian/USA
Load-out: Longsword
Profession: Student
Weaknesses: She has a troubled past.
Party Members: Lior Grave, Marcus Devin, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis

Sarah: "We gotta take out their leader!" -> Find the leader and deal with him.

437 posts

-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips, a Laptop with Power Adapter, box cutter
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members: Hideo Nakatsuka, Lior Grave, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis

-> Find the leader and deal with him
"Chi-Kuso..." Hideo cursed under his breath as he peeped out from cover, only to see a hail of bullets from both sides, and the leader is at the other end of the battlefield and hearing Sarah's plan, he became a little irritated.

But yet, one of the soldiers acknowledged their plan and supplied them with pistols for it and wishes you good luck.

*Each party member gets a fully loaded Beretta 92fs and two magazines of 13 bullets but Lior is given 2 magazines of 13 bullets only as he already has a pistol*

The group stealthily coursed through the battlefield, but what tactics shall they employ?

->Try to flank the gunmen from both sides. (Sarah and Justin to the west, Lior and Hideo to the east)
-> Bypass the gunmen and head for the leader
-> Assault the gunmen head on.

437 posts

-Update: Received 3 Beretta 92fs (For Sarah, Justin and Hideo), 6 magazines of 9mm rounds

960 posts

Name: Justin Erwin
Age: 14
Race: Caucasian/USA
Load-out: Katana, Beretta 92f
Profession: Student
Weaknesses: Without his glasses he can't see more then a few feet. (Bad eyesight/reliance on something)
Party Members: Lior Grave, Marcus Devin, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis

Name: Sarah Curtis
Age: 14
Race: Caucasian/USA
Load-out: Longsword, Beretta 92f
Profession: Student
Weaknesses: She has a troubled past.
Party Members: Lior Grave, Marcus Devin, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis

Flank the gunman from both sides.

437 posts

-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips, a Laptop with Power Adapter, box cutter, Beretta 92fs, 3 magazines of 13 bullets
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members: Hideo Nakatsuka, Lior Grave, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis

The party decided to surround the gunmen and started open fire. Taken on by surprise, the gunmen went for cover before one of their men was taken down by Justin. It was a great advantage now for the soldiers as the flanking allowed them to advance and pin down the Gunmen but however, the loudspeakers began to sound, requesting for more backup, it was the Reverend.

He commanded his fellow people to take up arms and go up against the soldiers and apparently, he hid his secret stash of firearms in the Gamestop above. But not only that, he also revealed his position to the party by speaking in the control room.

Lior suggested that he could use the staff room nearby to hack the loud speakers to play music and slow down the reinforcements from coming.

However, Hideo thinks that they should assault their weapons supply to prevent them from being armed but before they executed their plan, another group of Bernard's men appeared on the top floor and started firing upon them, killing one of them and forcing them to cover.

"WE'RE PINNED DOWN! REQUESTING SUPPORT!" screamed one of the soldiers.

The team decided to split into 2 to carry on their plans

Now what would the party do? (Choose 2)
->1 team to hack the loudspeakers (Must be Hideo and Lior)
->1 team to deal with the top floor gunmen and support the soldiers (Any 2 party members)
->1 team to assault the weapons supply
->1 team to assault the leader

However, the party may choose to do the above choices with 1 full team but can only choose 1 choice.

-Updates: Lior spent 10 rounds, Hideo spent a full magazine, Justin spent 9 rounds, Sarah spent a full magazine.

Showing 16-30 of 153