ForumsForum GamesZombie Apocalypse (RPG)

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437 posts

1. Ok, here are the rules of this RPG. In this RPG, you will decide the story and fates of your characters. So here are the components of a Character list of the game. Note that this RPG is more storyline than combat or anything... There will be no levels for Characters.

-Name: The name of your Character
-Age: His/her Age
-Race: His race/Nationality
-Loadout: Current equipment such as weapons and such
-Profession: His Current Profession(skill) when the outbreak started.
-Weaknesses: His weaknesses.
-Party Members: The collection of all the people in the party. Remember to introduce your character and add him to this list. (Just copy paste)

2. So here are more rules; when you make a character, remember to write a short story on how he get to meet the character above to join the party for survival.

3. Only the character's owner can kill their own characters.

4. Try not to make too much characters. Keep to 1 or 2.

5. After writing your segment of the story, make choices for the next person to decide flow of the story.

6. Please do not spam nor make any silly segments to ruin this post...

7. Write any updates at the bottom of your post.

8. Please do not kill this story...

So, here would be the example of how the Game should look like.

-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips and a Laptop with Power Adapter.
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members: None

It was a stormy night. What seemed to be a 2 month exchange program to the US became a nightmare for Hideo. It was too sudden; he could remember the time when it happened... There were madmen everywhere that started killing each other and eating the flesh of one another during classes... The whole campus was in panic as the crazed horde clashed with the students themselves, causing a blooded melee filled with hysteria and panic. Hideo was fear-struck, as he quickly yanked out a metal pole from his chair and hid inside a store-room and barred the door with the pole, fearing the worst...

It has been days since Hideo hid in the storeroom, Surviving on nothing but his packed lunch and snacks he could find in the store room. He peeked out to see a bloody corridor with corpses around. Hideo grasped his nose in disgust as he grabbed the Metal Pole in defense, and a box cutter which he eyed on the floor.

He then saw a woman twitching on the floor. Could she be alive? What should he do?

-> Go over to her to check if she is OK.
-> Call for her.
-> Ignore.

-Found a box cutter

So now, I would make a sample of what the reply should be like.


-Character Sheet-
-Name: Marcus Devin
-Age: 63
-Race: Caucasian/US
-Loadout: Glock 19, 2 magazines of 13 rounds of 9mm parabellum, some Bandaid.
-Profession: Janitor, war vet
-Weaknesses: Missing 2 fingers on his left hand from an old vVetnam war wound.
-Party Members: Hideo Nakatsuka

->Go over to her to check if she is OK.

Hideo then went to check on the woman, which she suddenly lashed onto Hideo. Her face was crawling with maggots and was terribly atrophied as her rotted teeth tried to sink into Hideo's flesh, whilst he tried to fend it otff with the metal bar.

Out of the sudden, gunshots were heard from afar and the reanimated corpse went motionless.

Hideo shoved off the corpse and looked at his horizon. It was a shaved, old, wrinkly man dressed in a janitor's outfit, with a gun with its barrel still smoking.

Hideo approached the man. "Who... are... you?" He stuttered with a heavy Japanese accent.

Marcus stared at the young man for awhile, before answering him. "No time fer' lollygagging son, lets get the 'ell outta 'ere!"

Marcus forcefully grabbed Hideo's arm and ran towards the exit of the school, only to be faced by a horde of walking corpses.

"Gerd Dammit..." Cursed Marcus.

What will they do?
-> Fight the horde
-> Run away
->Act like them and walk through

Spent 4 9mm Parabellum rounds

  • 153 Replies
192 posts

-Name: Lior Grave
-Age: 20
-Race: Human, Russian
-Loadout: Army knife, Glock 19, 1 magazine of 3 rounds and 1 magazine of 12 rounds of 9mm parabellum.
-Profession: Engineer
-Weaknesses: Deep cut in his leg that still hurts even after many years. (Making him walk/run not so good)
-Party Members: Lior Grave, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis

->1 team to hack the loudspeakers
->1 team to assault the weapons supply

192 posts

Btw I have a new option after hacking the speakers where can I tell you that?

437 posts

Btw I have a new option after hacking the speakers where can I tell you that?

You can tell me beforehand next time... on this thread or on my page... any ways, for now we continue...

-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips, a Laptop with Power Adapter, box cutter, Beretta 92fs, 2 magazines of 13 bullets
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members: Hideo Nakatsuka, Lior Grave, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis

Everybody agreed with Lior's idea. Cutting off the loudspeakers would delay the Bernard's people from taking up arms whilst commanding Justin and Sarah to find the weapons stash. Lior, Accompanied by Hideo stormed in the staff room where they were confronted by armed men which Hideo pre-emptively shot one down before taking a bullet to his shoulder and Lior returning the shot to the gunman.

"You fine, bro?!" Lior rushed to Hideo whilst attempting to stabilise the wound...

"Yeah... Fine... But... computa, have to hack..." Hideo whimpered as he grasped the wound.

Lior handed Hideo his medkit he found earlier in the pharmacy to Hideo and told him to patch himself up and went to the console. With his engineering skills at hand, he was able to rewire the console to play songs instead of playing Bernard's speech. Lior also picked up 3 magazines of 9mm bullets from the dead men.

The Battlefield was now rather a awkward situation as "Gangnam Style" was playing whilst the soldiers and Bernard's men were killing one another but still, the reinforcements slowed down giving the soldiers easier space to breathe.

Justin and Sarah assaulted the Gamestop and was met with rather light resistance since less reinforcements came. But still was proven a hard fight as the adversary, armed with Assault rifles relentlessly fired upon the duo but with a strong endeavour and persistence, they were able to take them out. Justin and Sarah then armed themselves with a Kalashnikov for each and found 4 magazines of 7.62mmx39 bullets.

But the situation was far from over; despite capturing the arms supply and stalling reinforcements, the leader is still at large and the soldiers were badly pinned down, suffering casualties.

But it couldn't get worse... right?

Out of the sudden, Hideo heard something out of the ordinary, but yet familiar... What it sounded like was a screeching noise from the distance, out of the mall...

Hideo clutched his bandaged wound and hope it was not his worse of fears yet to come...

So what will the team do now?
->Assault the leader
->Provide support for the soldiers
->Peep out of the windows to see what is going on
192 posts

-Name: Lior Grave
-Age: 20
-Race: Human, Russian
-Loadout: Army knife, Glock 19, 1 magazine of 3 rounds and 1 magazine of 12 rounds of 9mm parabellum.
-Profession: Engineer
-Weaknesses: Deep cut in his leg that still hurts even after many years. (Making him walk/run not so good)
-Party Members: Lior Grave, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis

->Assault the leader

192 posts

-1 round forgot

437 posts

-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips, a Laptop with Power Adapter, box cutter, Beretta 92fs, 2 magazines of 13 bullets
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members: Hideo Nakatsuka, Lior Grave, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis

It has been decided; they were going to assault the leader on the higher floor but as they climbed up the escalator, the screeching got even louder and human cries can be heard outside... The group still pursued the leader and had to shoot open the locked door of the staff room. When they confronted him, he was grabbing the scientist from earlier and held him by gunpoint.

"Step off! Advocates of the Devil, or I will relinquish of his life!" shouted Rev. Bernard.

But time was running out; the insectoids had been waiting for a moment like this, a moment when the humans were to fight one another to create an opening for them.

A group of those creatures then sent a large group of sprinters to the mall and with few soldiers guarding the outside, the mall is very vulnerable.

Time's running out... What will the team do?

->Leave the reverend alone and aid the soldiers on dealing with the new problem
->Shoot the Reverend (2 bullets)
->Reason with him
->Attempt to knock him out

192 posts

-Name: Lior Grave
-Age: 20
-Race: Human, Russian
-Loadout: Army knife, Glock 19, 1 magazine of 2 rounds and 1 magazine of 12 rounds of 9mm parabellum.
-Profession: Engineer
-Weaknesses: Deep cut in his leg that still hurts even after many years. (Making him walk/run not so good)
-Party Members: Lior Grave, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis

->Leave the reverend alone and aid the soldiers on dealing with the new problem

960 posts

Name: Justin Erwin
Age: 14
Race: Caucasian/USA
Load-out: Katana,
Profession: Student
Weaknesses: Without his glasses he can't see more then a few feet. (Bad eyesight/reliance on something)
Party Members: Lior Grave, Marcus Devin, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis

Name: Sarah Curtis
Age: 14
Race: Caucasian/USA
Load-out: Longsword
Profession: Student
Weaknesses: She has a troubled past.
Party Members: Lior Grave, Marcus Devin, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis

No can just shoot him and then deal with the new problem!

437 posts

@ assarb1 You are supposed to join the party... But now, I shall make a story on how you met the party. I shall use the second story

-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips, a Laptop with Power Adapter, box cutter, Beretta 92fs, 2 magazines of 13 bullets
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members: Hideo Nakatsuka, Lior Grave, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis, Marcus carlbom

Lior fired a few rounds unto the leader but unfortunately, the Reverend shot the scientist dead before lior shot him. Now, the situation got worse; sprinters are comming from all directions and the refugees were running amok.

Sgt Canner tells the party to go outside to assist them and when they got outside, it was a total nightmare; insectoids and zombies crowded the area...

One of the soldiers commanded Lior to man one of the autoguns, which he complied whereas he told the rest to man their positions and assault the zombies whilst handing Hideo an M4A1 and 2 magazines of 5.56x45mm bullets.

But then, a red car appeared and was being surrounded by zombies and flashes of gunfire can be heard from the direction. But further away, a hideous sight was glimpsed; a tall abomibable creature with lessions all over its body. It seemed avian in appearance and was pointing its fingers at different directions.

What will the group do?
->Come for the man in the red car's rescue
->Clear the zombies at the red car
->Fire upon the avian monster
->Fire at the Insectoid creatures

192 posts

-Name: Lior Grave
-Age: 20
-Race: Human, Russian
-Loadout: Army knife, Glock 19, 1 magazine of 2 rounds and 1 magazine of 12 rounds of 9mm parabellum.
-Profession: Engineer
-Weaknesses: Deep cut in his leg that still hurts even after many years. (Making him walk/run not so good)
-Party Members: Lior Grave, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis, Marcus Carlbom

->Come for the man in the red car's rescue

437 posts

-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips, a Laptop with Power Adapter, box cutter, Beretta 92fs, 1 magazines of 13 bullets, M4A1 with 2 mags of 30 5.46mmx45
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members: Hideo Nakatsuka, Lior Grave, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis, Marcus Carlbom
->Come for the man in the red car's rescue

The soldiers suggested it was a suicide mission but Hideo and Lior protested but nevertheless, the soldiers would support the team in anyway they can. So, Lior replaced his post with another soldier and was handed an M4A1 for this.

The team carefully advanced to the infested car but to their supprise, the man in it was a hotshot; he managed to kill most of the zombies surrounding his car and broke out of it. Unfortunately, we spent all of his bullets whilst doing so. The man seemed elderly but yet having a rather strong build and was wearing an eyepatch.

"Formal introductions later, lets go now!" he said with a Scandivanian accent.

Hideo handed him a 9mm magazine for self defence and they carefully advanced back to the mall. But the task got worse...

The Avian creature has noticed the team on the ground. It pointed his talon at the team and let out a debilitating cry and suddenly, Zombies everywhere started to chase the team down.

What would the team do?
->Stop and fire upon the Avian monster(costs 10 5.56x45mm bullets for Lior and Hideo, 13 7.62x39mm bullets for Justin and Sarah and 7 9mm bullets for Marcus)
->Shoot the zombies whilst running (Same cost as above)
->Run like hell!

-Update: Marcus Carlbom spent all his bullets, Hideo gave Marcus 1 of his 9mm magazines

192 posts

-Name: Lior Grave
-Age: 20
-Race: Human, Russian
-Loadout: Army knife, Glock 19, 1 magazine of 2 rounds and 1 magazine of 12 rounds of 9mm parabellum, M4A1.
-Profession: Engineer
-Weaknesses: Deep cut in his leg that still hurts even after many years. (Making him walk/run not so good)
-Party Members: Lior Grave, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis, Marcus Carlbom

->Run like hell!

437 posts

-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips, a Laptop with Power Adapter, box cutter, Beretta 92fs, 1 magazines of 13 bullets, M4A1 with 2 mags of 30 5.46mmx45
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members: Hideo Nakatsuka, Lior Grave, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis, Marcus Carlbom
->Run like hell!

The team decided to run from the zombies. The soldiers above try their best to fend them off from the zombies but more and more keep commng. It is difficult for them to focus on the zombies as well as provide support for them.

But nevertheless, your team makes it back alive but the lack of support has aggravated the problem; the zombies are now on the walls of the mall and are tearing it down one by one. It was a dire situation as the knocking and pounding will send the walls crumbling any time soon.

Seeing that the advantage was in their hands, the Avian monster and the insectoid creatures advanced towards the mall.

What will the team do?
->Kill off the zombies attacking the walls
->Fire at the insectoid creatures
->Fire at the Avian monster

192 posts

-Name: Lior Grave
-Age: 20
-Race: Human, Russian
-Loadout: Army knife, Glock 19, 1 magazine of 2 rounds and 1 magazine of 12 rounds of 9mm parabellum, M4A1.
-Profession: Engineer
-Weaknesses: Deep cut in his leg that still hurts even after many years. (Making him walk/run not so good)
-Party Members: Lior Grave, Hideo Nakatsuka, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis, Marcus Carlbom

->Fire at the Avian monster

437 posts

158 posts

Gold - Serf


-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips, a Laptop with Power Adapter, box cutter, Beretta 92fs, 1 magazines of 13 bullets, M4A1 with 2 mags of 30 5.46mmx45
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members: Hideo Nakatsuka, Lior Grave, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis, Marcus Carlbom
->Fire at the Avian Monster

Despite his size and ferocious appearance, the creatue is actually rather cowardly as when the first bursts of fire landed on it made it run for cover, making it lose command to his allies for a while

As a result, the zombies return back to their sluggish state, which made it easy for the soldiers to finish them off. However, the insectoid creatures begun their personal assault on the mall but without the guidance of their leader, which made easy for the team to kill them off.

Witnessing this, the Avian monster decided to bail out and rushed off. However, Marcus suggested, "We have to deal with him or he will call for more zombies!"

However, the whole fight has made the team rather exhausted with Hideo's wound worsening.

What will the team do?

->Hunt down the Monster
->Try to shoot down the monster from here

-Update: Each party member with assault rifles spent 15 bullets whilst Marcus spent 8 bullets

Showing 31-45 of 153