Btw I have a new option after hacking the speakers where can I tell you that?
You can tell me beforehand next time... on this thread or on my page... any ways, for now we continue...
-Character Sheet-
-Name: Hideo Nakatsuka
-Age: 18
-Race: Asian (Japanese)
-Loadout: A metal pole, a bag of Chips, a Laptop with Power Adapter, box cutter, Beretta 92fs, 2 magazines of 13 bullets
-Profession: Computer Programming.
-Weaknesses: Problems with communicating in English.
-Party Members: Hideo Nakatsuka, Lior Grave, Justin Erwin, Sarah Curtis
Everybody agreed with Lior's idea. Cutting off the loudspeakers would delay the Bernard's people from taking up arms whilst commanding Justin and Sarah to find the weapons stash. Lior, Accompanied by Hideo stormed in the staff room where they were confronted by armed men which Hideo pre-emptively shot one down before taking a bullet to his shoulder and Lior returning the shot to the gunman.
"You fine, bro?!" Lior rushed to Hideo whilst attempting to stabilise the wound...
"Yeah... Fine... But... computa, have to hack..." Hideo whimpered as he grasped the wound.
Lior handed Hideo his medkit he found earlier in the pharmacy to Hideo and told him to patch himself up and went to the console. With his engineering skills at hand, he was able to rewire the console to play songs instead of playing Bernard's speech. Lior also picked up 3 magazines of 9mm bullets from the dead men.
The Battlefield was now rather a awkward situation as "Gangnam Style" was playing whilst the soldiers and Bernard's men were killing one another but still, the reinforcements slowed down giving the soldiers easier space to breathe.
Justin and Sarah assaulted the Gamestop and was met with rather light resistance since less reinforcements came. But still was proven a hard fight as the adversary, armed with Assault rifles relentlessly fired upon the duo but with a strong endeavour and persistence, they were able to take them out. Justin and Sarah then armed themselves with a Kalashnikov for each and found 4 magazines of 7.62mmx39 bullets.
But the situation was far from over; despite capturing the arms supply and stalling reinforcements, the leader is still at large and the soldiers were badly pinned down, suffering casualties.
But it couldn't get worse... right?
Out of the sudden, Hideo heard something out of the ordinary, but yet familiar... What it sounded like was a screeching noise from the distance, out of the mall...
Hideo clutched his bandaged wound and hope it was not his worse of fears yet to come...
So what will the team do now?
->Assault the leader
->Provide support for the soldiers
->Peep out of the windows to see what is going on