Disclaimer: Based off Suzanne Collins awesome book trilogy Hunger Games as you all would probably of guessed. 4 player min. 44 max (Any spots not filled will just be called D10 male or D11 female) (4 tributes for each District)
Name: Age: (12-18) Weapon skills: (Districts 1,2 and 4 have a max of 3 weapon skills and the other Districts can only have 1) Survival Skills: (Disticts 1,2 and 4 can have 1 survival skill and other Districts can have 3) Strength: Speed: Intelligence;
10 points to spend on the 3 skills. (Strength, Speed and Intelligence) 1- Very Low 10-Very High
(BTW the arena has a egg shaped cornucopia with water surrounding it. Theres 20 islands scattered around. 1 quarter is forested. 1 quarter is snowy. 1 quarter is desert and the last quarter is rocky.)
You scoop up the items you requested. You try the water surrounding the arena. SALTY! Which quarter of the islands will you swim too?
You reach the Rocky area after an hour of swimming. You are exhausted. You find a small cave in a range of 20 minutes it has a small spring of water inside it. What do you want to do now? (BTW could you post the character sheet in this comment in comments to come? Thank you)
You drink and take a few minutes break. As you scout you spot 2 guys walking up the coast. D5 male and D6 male. The D5 male has a spear and the D6 male is carrying 2 large backpacks. They haven't spotted you yet. What do you do?